Fast Method for computing 3x3 symmetric matrix spectral decomposition


Solution 1

Using the characteristic polynomial works, but it tends to be somewhat numerically unstable (or at the very least inaccurate).

A standard algorithm to compute eigensystems for symmetric matrices is the QR method. For 3x3 matrices, a very slick implementation is possible by building the orthogonal transform out of rotations and representing them as a Quaternion. A (quite short!) implementation of this idea in C++, assuming you have a 3x3 matrix and a Quaternion class, can be found here. The algorithm should be fairly suitable for GPU implementation because it's iterative (and thus self-correcting), can make reasonably good use of fast low-dimensional vector math primitives when they're available and uses a fairly small number of vector registers (so it allows for more active threads).

Solution 2

Most methods are efficient for bigger matrices. For small ones the analytical method ist the quickest and simplest, but is in some cases inaccurate.

Joachim Kopp developed a optimized "hybrid" method for a 3x3 symmetric matrix, which relays on the analytical mathod, but falls back to QL algorithm.

An other solution for 3x3 symmetric matrices can be found here (symmetric tridiagonal QL algorithm).

Solution 3

// Slightly modified version of  Stan Melax's code for 3x3 matrix diagonalization (Thanks Stan!)
// source:
void Diagonalize(const Real (&A)[3][3], Real (&Q)[3][3], Real (&D)[3][3])
    // A must be a symmetric matrix.
    // returns Q and D such that 
    // Diagonal matrix D = QT * A * Q;  and  A = Q*D*QT
    const int maxsteps=24;  // certainly wont need that many.
    int k0, k1, k2;
    Real o[3], m[3];
    Real q [4] = {0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0};
    Real jr[4];
    Real sqw, sqx, sqy, sqz;
    Real tmp1, tmp2, mq;
    Real AQ[3][3];
    Real thet, sgn, t, c;
    for(int i=0;i < maxsteps;++i)
        // quat to matrix
        sqx      = q[0]*q[0];
        sqy      = q[1]*q[1];
        sqz      = q[2]*q[2];
        sqw      = q[3]*q[3];
        Q[0][0]  = ( sqx - sqy - sqz + sqw);
        Q[1][1]  = (-sqx + sqy - sqz + sqw);
        Q[2][2]  = (-sqx - sqy + sqz + sqw);
        tmp1     = q[0]*q[1];
        tmp2     = q[2]*q[3];
        Q[1][0]  = 2.0 * (tmp1 + tmp2);
        Q[0][1]  = 2.0 * (tmp1 - tmp2);
        tmp1     = q[0]*q[2];
        tmp2     = q[1]*q[3];
        Q[2][0]  = 2.0 * (tmp1 - tmp2);
        Q[0][2]  = 2.0 * (tmp1 + tmp2);
        tmp1     = q[1]*q[2];
        tmp2     = q[0]*q[3];
        Q[2][1]  = 2.0 * (tmp1 + tmp2);
        Q[1][2]  = 2.0 * (tmp1 - tmp2);

        // AQ = A * Q
        AQ[0][0] = Q[0][0]*A[0][0]+Q[1][0]*A[0][1]+Q[2][0]*A[0][2];
        AQ[0][1] = Q[0][1]*A[0][0]+Q[1][1]*A[0][1]+Q[2][1]*A[0][2];
        AQ[0][2] = Q[0][2]*A[0][0]+Q[1][2]*A[0][1]+Q[2][2]*A[0][2];
        AQ[1][0] = Q[0][0]*A[0][1]+Q[1][0]*A[1][1]+Q[2][0]*A[1][2];
        AQ[1][1] = Q[0][1]*A[0][1]+Q[1][1]*A[1][1]+Q[2][1]*A[1][2];
        AQ[1][2] = Q[0][2]*A[0][1]+Q[1][2]*A[1][1]+Q[2][2]*A[1][2];
        AQ[2][0] = Q[0][0]*A[0][2]+Q[1][0]*A[1][2]+Q[2][0]*A[2][2];
        AQ[2][1] = Q[0][1]*A[0][2]+Q[1][1]*A[1][2]+Q[2][1]*A[2][2];
        AQ[2][2] = Q[0][2]*A[0][2]+Q[1][2]*A[1][2]+Q[2][2]*A[2][2];
        // D = Qt * AQ
        D[0][0] = AQ[0][0]*Q[0][0]+AQ[1][0]*Q[1][0]+AQ[2][0]*Q[2][0]; 
        D[0][1] = AQ[0][0]*Q[0][1]+AQ[1][0]*Q[1][1]+AQ[2][0]*Q[2][1]; 
        D[0][2] = AQ[0][0]*Q[0][2]+AQ[1][0]*Q[1][2]+AQ[2][0]*Q[2][2]; 
        D[1][0] = AQ[0][1]*Q[0][0]+AQ[1][1]*Q[1][0]+AQ[2][1]*Q[2][0]; 
        D[1][1] = AQ[0][1]*Q[0][1]+AQ[1][1]*Q[1][1]+AQ[2][1]*Q[2][1]; 
        D[1][2] = AQ[0][1]*Q[0][2]+AQ[1][1]*Q[1][2]+AQ[2][1]*Q[2][2]; 
        D[2][0] = AQ[0][2]*Q[0][0]+AQ[1][2]*Q[1][0]+AQ[2][2]*Q[2][0]; 
        D[2][1] = AQ[0][2]*Q[0][1]+AQ[1][2]*Q[1][1]+AQ[2][2]*Q[2][1]; 
        D[2][2] = AQ[0][2]*Q[0][2]+AQ[1][2]*Q[1][2]+AQ[2][2]*Q[2][2];
        o[0]    = D[1][2];
        o[1]    = D[0][2];
        o[2]    = D[0][1];
        m[0]    = fabs(o[0]);
        m[1]    = fabs(o[1]);
        m[2]    = fabs(o[2]);

        k0      = (m[0] > m[1] && m[0] > m[2])?0: (m[1] > m[2])? 1 : 2; // index of largest element of offdiag
        k1      = (k0+1)%3;
        k2      = (k0+2)%3;
        if (o[k0]==0.0)
            break;  // diagonal already
        thet    = (D[k2][k2]-D[k1][k1])/(2.0*o[k0]);
        sgn     = (thet > 0.0)?1.0:-1.0;
        thet   *= sgn; // make it positive
        t       = sgn /(thet +((thet < 1.E6)?sqrt(thet*thet+1.0):thet)) ; // sign(T)/(|T|+sqrt(T^2+1))
        c       = 1.0/sqrt(t*t+1.0); //  c= 1/(t^2+1) , t=s/c 
            break;  // no room for improvement - reached machine precision.
        jr[0 ]  = jr[1] = jr[2] = jr[3] = 0.0;
        jr[k0]  = sgn*sqrt((1.0-c)/2.0);  // using 1/2 angle identity sin(a/2) = sqrt((1-cos(a))/2)  
        jr[k0] *= -1.0; // since our quat-to-matrix convention was for v*M instead of M*v
        jr[3 ]  = sqrt(1.0f - jr[k0] * jr[k0]);
            break; // reached limits of floating point precision
        q[0]    = (q[3]*jr[0] + q[0]*jr[3] + q[1]*jr[2] - q[2]*jr[1]);
        q[1]    = (q[3]*jr[1] - q[0]*jr[2] + q[1]*jr[3] + q[2]*jr[0]);
        q[2]    = (q[3]*jr[2] + q[0]*jr[1] - q[1]*jr[0] + q[2]*jr[3]);
        q[3]    = (q[3]*jr[3] - q[0]*jr[0] - q[1]*jr[1] - q[2]*jr[2]);
        mq      = sqrt(q[0] * q[0] + q[1] * q[1] + q[2] * q[2] + q[3] * q[3]);
        q[0]   /= mq;
        q[1]   /= mq;
        q[2]   /= mq;
        q[3]   /= mq;
Author by


Updated on June 07, 2022


  • Xzhsh
    Xzhsh almost 2 years

    I am working on a project where I'm basically preforming PCA millions of times on sets of 20-100 points. Currently, we are using some legacy code that is using GNU's GSL linear algebra pack to do SVD on covariance matrix. This works, but is very slow.

    I was wondering if there are any simple methods to do eigen decompositions on a 3x3 symmetric matrix, so that I can just put it on the GPU and let it run in parallel.

    Since the matrices themselves are so small, I wasn't sure what kind of algorithm to use, because it seems like they were designed for large matrices or data sets. There's also the choice of doing a straight SVD on the data set, but I'm not sure what would be the best option.

    I have to admit, I'm not stellar at Linear Algebra, especially when considering algorithm advantages. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    (I'm working in C++ right now)

  • Xzhsh
    Xzhsh over 13 years
    Yup I've looked at the CULA pack, but it's designed for solving large matrices by parallelizing the calculation. However, I'm looking to do many small calculations, which isn't quite what I was looking for :\ Thanks though
  • javaLover
    javaLover over 7 years
    not work for {1, 0.0001, 0}, {0.0001, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 1} (return 45 deg)