Fastest way to find out minimum of 3 numbers?


Solution 1

Make sure you are using an appropriate -march setting, first off. GCC defaults to not using any instructions that were not supported on the original i386 - allowing it to use newer instruction sets can make a BIG difference at times! On -march=core2 -O2 I get:

    pushl   %ebp
    movl    %esp, %ebp
    movl    8(%ebp), %edx
    movl    12(%ebp), %ecx
    movl    16(%ebp), %eax
    cmpl    %edx, %ecx
    cmovbe  %ecx, %edx
    cmpl    %eax, %edx
    cmovbe  %edx, %eax

The use of cmov here may help you avoid branch delays - and you get it without any inline asm just by passing in -march. When inlined into a larger function this is likely to be even more efficient, possibly just four assembly operations. If you need something faster than this, see if you can get the SSE vector operations to work in the context of your overall algorithm.

Solution 2

Assuming your compiler isn't out to lunch, this should compile down to two compares and two conditional moves. It isn't possible to do much better than that.

If you post the assembly that your compiler is actually generating, we can see if there's anything unnecessary that's slowing it down.

The number one thing to check is that the routine is actually getting inlined. The compiler isn't obligated to do so, and if it's generating a function call, that will be hugely expensive for such a simple operation.

If the call really is getting inlined, then loop unrolling may be beneficial, as DigitalRoss said, or vectorization may be possible.

Edit: If you want to vectorize the code, and are using a recent x86 processor, you will want to use the SSE4.1 pminud instruction (intrinsic: _mm_min_epu32), which takes two vectors of four unsigned ints each, and produces a vector of four unsigned ints. Each element of the result is the minimum of the corresponding elements in the two inputs.

I also note that your compiler used branches instead of conditional moves; you should probably try a version that uses conditional moves first and see if that gets you any speedup before you go off to the races on a vector implementation.

Solution 3

This drop-in replacement clocks in about 1.5% faster on my AMD Phenom:

static inline unsigned int
min(unsigned int a, unsigned int b, unsigned int c)
    asm("cmp   %1,%0\n"
        "cmova %1,%0\n"
        "cmp   %2,%0\n"
        "cmova %2,%0\n"
        : "+r" (a) : "r" (b), "r" (c));
    return a;

Results may vary; some x86 processors don't handle CMOV very well.

Solution 4

My take on an x86 assembler implementation, GCC syntax. Should be trivial to translate to another inline assembler syntax:

int inline least (int a, int b, int c)
  int result;
  __asm__ ("mov     %1, %0\n\t"
           "cmp     %0, %2\n\t" 
           "cmovle  %2, %0\n\t"
           "cmp     %0, %3\n\t"
           "cmovle  %3, %0\n\t" 
          : "=r"(result) : 
            "r"(a), "r"(b), "r"(c)
  return result;

New and improved version:

int inline least (int a, int b, int c)
  __asm__ (
           "cmp     %0, %1\n\t" 
           "cmovle  %1, %0\n\t"
           "cmp     %0, %2\n\t"
           "cmovle  %2, %0\n\t" 
          : "+r"(a) : 
            "%r"(b), "r"(c)
  return a;

NOTE: It may or may not be faster than C code.

This depends on a lot of factors. Usually cmov wins if the branches are not predictable (on some x86 architectures) OTOH inline assembler is always a problem for the optimizer, so the optimization penalty for the surrounding code may outweight all gains..

Btw Sudhanshu, it would be interesting to hear how this code performs with your testdata.

Solution 5

The SSE2 instruction extensions contain an integer min instruction that can choose 8 minimums at a time. See _mm_mulhi_epu16 in

Author by


Filesystems specialist. UNIX generalist.

Updated on October 11, 2020


  • Sudhanshu
    Sudhanshu over 3 years

    In a program I wrote, 20% of the time is being spent on finding out the minimum of 3 numbers in an inner loop, in this routine:

    static inline unsigned int
    min(unsigned int a, unsigned int b, unsigned int c)
        unsigned int m = a;
        if (m > b) m = b;
        if (m > c) m = c;
        return m;

    Is there any way to speed this up? I am ok with assembly code too for x86/x86_64.

    Edit: In reply to some of the comments:
    * Compiler being used is gcc 4.3.3
    * As far as assembly is concerned, I am only a beginner there. I asked for assembly here, to learn how to do this. :)
    * I have a quad-core Intel 64 running, so MMX/SSE etc. are supported.
    * It's hard to post the loop here, but I can tell you it's a heavily optimized implementation of the levenshtein algorithm.

    This is what the compiler is giving me for the non-inlined version of min:

    .globl min
        .type   min, @function
        pushl   %ebp
        movl    %esp, %ebp
        movl    8(%ebp), %edx
        movl    12(%ebp), %eax
        movl    16(%ebp), %ecx
        cmpl    %edx, %eax
        jbe .L2
        movl    %edx, %eax
        cmpl    %ecx, %eax
        jbe .L3
        movl    %ecx, %eax
        popl    %ebp
        .size   min, .-min
        .ident  "GCC: (Ubuntu 4.3.3-5ubuntu4) 4.3.3"
        .section    .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits

    The inlined version is within -O2 optimized code (even my markers mrk = 0xfefefefe, before and after the call to min()) are getting optimized away by gcc, so I couldn't get hold of it.

    Update: I tested the changes suggested by Nils, ephemient, however there's no perceptible performance boost I get by using the assembly versions of min(). However, I get a 12.5% boost by compiling the program with -march=i686, which I guess is because the whole program is getting the benefits of the new faster instructions that gcc is generating with this option. Thanks for your help guys.

    P.S. - I used the ruby profiler to measure performance (my C program is a shared library loaded by a ruby program), so I could get time spent only for the top-level C function called by the ruby program, which ends up calling min() down the stack. Please see this question.

  • Anthony Fammartino
    Anthony Fammartino over 14 years
    +1 My guess is that any gains will come from the outer context, versus this function.
  • bdonlan
    bdonlan over 14 years
    I doubt this'll be much better - the initial assignment is going to be turned into a rename in the compiler anyway, and now there's three branches taking up space in the branch predictor, not two.
  • bdonlan
    bdonlan over 14 years
    Transformations of this nature can be done by just about any compiler (and it's non-trivial to say which form would be more efficient!)
  • Anon.
    Anon. over 14 years
    This is two comparisons either way. The difference now is that you're branching instead of using conditional moves - I would guess this is likely to be slower. Even ignoring that you're tubing the pipeline.
  • Anthony Fammartino
    Anthony Fammartino over 14 years
    I think this computes the max of 3 inputs, not the min. At least for a = 5, b = 2, c = 3
  • jason
    jason over 14 years
    Be careful here. Now there are extra branches and the resulting code is larger, both of which have their own downsides. (Also, this is max but it's clear what you meant.)
  • bdonlan
    bdonlan over 14 years
    @Anon: The compiler's not guaranteed to use conditional moves in the former case - but I agree, it's certainly going to have difficulty doing it here.
  • Stephen Canon
    Stephen Canon over 14 years
    @Anon: the compiler is free to branch or use conditional moves in either case. (I suspect most compilers will emit conditional moves for both)
  • Paul Sasik
    Paul Sasik over 14 years
    The original code always ends up with at least two comparisons and two assignmetns (possibly three assignments.) My version should result in a max of two comparisons. Now... i realize it's actually more code. This snippet as an alternative that MIGHT be executed faster or not. It's only a few lines of code that might be worth testing...
  • bdonlan
    bdonlan over 14 years
    You always need two comparisons, since you have to examine at least two pairs of variables. If you look closely, both versions actually always do exactly two comparisons as well. And modern compilers will rename variables to eliminate the cost of local assignments in cases like this - I highly doubt it'll be any better...
  • Sudhanshu
    Sudhanshu over 14 years
    The outer context is heavily optimized. It does computations over a database of 2.88 million strings. Before optimizations it used to give results in 4 seconds. After a week of heavy optimizations, this is down to 150 ms. Latest profile run turns up "min" on top with 20% time spent there.
  • Anon.
    Anon. over 14 years
    Assignments are cheap. Seriously. Unless you have to hit memory, they're far cheaper than a missed branch.
  • Bill Lynch
    Bill Lynch over 14 years
    My only comment would be looking into what's calling min all the time, and see if you can save calls to min itself.
  • Sudhanshu
    Sudhanshu over 14 years
    Loop unrolling is one of the optimizations already there, along with several others. The routine is getting inlined, I can't find the "min" symbol in disassembled code. I am intrigued about the vectorization bit - maybe should go and read up on that. Thanks.
  • Sudhanshu
    Sudhanshu over 14 years
    Thanks for your pointers Ken - I'll definitely check out the vector instructions, that I think Mark and Stephen are referring to as well.
  • Sudhanshu
    Sudhanshu over 14 years
    Does this work for unsigned integer comparisons as well? Sorry, if this sounds naive.
  • ephemient
    ephemient over 14 years
    Whoops, I didn't see this before writing my own. Yes, you can do this unsigned; just change cmovle to cmovbe.
  • Nils Pipenbrinck
    Nils Pipenbrinck over 14 years
    Nice.. better than my example. You can add a %-modifier for the b for some extra flexibility in the register allocation.
  • Stephen Canon
    Stephen Canon over 14 years
    _mm_mulhi_epu16 is an intrinsic for a vector 16 bit multiply high instruction -- not useful for computing a minimum of 32 bit integers. The intrinsic you actually want is _mm_min_epu32.
  • bdonlan
    bdonlan over 14 years
    GCC will do this automatically with a proper -march setting, which will also help in other parts of the code.
  • bdonlan
    bdonlan over 14 years
    As mentioned in my reply below, GCC does this optimization automatically once you pass in an appropriate -march flag - it's just that it's not in the instruction set of the original 80386, and GCC errs on the side of (extreme) caution :)
  • Sudhanshu
    Sudhanshu over 14 years
    Nils, ephemient, bdonlan - all of these suggestions look good. Lemme get back to you with the results by tomorrow. Thanks for the help.
  • Nils Pipenbrinck
    Nils Pipenbrinck over 14 years
    GCC does not do this optimization anymore. The optimization is still in GCC but it is disabled. the branching version is used instead. Reason: The compiler has a hard time to guess if a branch is predictable or not, and to make sure the branch prediction gets used it does not use cmovcc.
  • ephemient
    ephemient over 14 years
    No, bdonlan is right. I didn't use -march= when I was testing earlier, but on my AMD Phenom, -march=native does use CMOV. (On the other hand, -march=core2 doesn't.)
  • Sudhanshu
    Sudhanshu over 14 years
    +1 for the -march suggestion. I get a boost of 12.5% by just using that. :)
  • Jakub Arnold
    Jakub Arnold about 8 years
    @StephenCanon That's not true, since _mm_min_epu32 compares two packed __m128i values. What the OP needs is a horizontal minimum, which afaik doesn't exist in SSE.
  • Peter Cordes
    Peter Cordes over 3 years
    Obviously you want this to inline in real life, not pass args on the stack to a stand-alone function. But if not, you'd want to use -fomit-frame-pointer. (Which is on by default even for 32-bit code, in more recent GCC versions.)
  • Peter Cordes
    Peter Cordes over 3 years
    On Skylake, note that cmovbe is unfortunately still 2 uops, because it needs both ZF and CF. CMOVcc that reads only CF, or only flags from the SPAZO group, is only a single uop, so cmovb would be better. (It doesn't matter whether you move or not on equal). See this Q&A.
  • Peter Cordes
    Peter Cordes over 3 years
    You're missing an early-clobber of the "=&r" output. If the compiler picks the same register as one of the inputs, you're screwed. Also, don't start an asm template with mov; tell the compiler what the initial value should be, using an assignment and a "+r"(result), or a matching constraint for a.
  • Peter Cordes
    Peter Cordes over 3 years
    @JakubArnold: you need _mm_min_epu32 twice, with each input in the low element of a separate vector. That can do 4 separate 3-way mins in parallel if you use the upper elements, but probably not worth the movd to/from XMM regs to use it for scalars if you need the result in integer regs. Otherwise worth considering; movd loads/stores are fine.
  • Peter Cordes
    Peter Cordes over 3 years
    Or you need SSE4.1 _mm_minpos_epu16 to do a horizontal unsigned min of one vector, but that's for 16-bit elements. _mm_mulhi_epu16 doesn't seem useful at all, though; that's a high-half 16-bit multiply. (pmulhuw)
  • Peter Cordes
    Peter Cordes over 3 years
    Technically "+r" should be "+&r" because it's written before all the pure-inputs are read. GCC might currently choose not to have a and b share the same reg even if it knows they're the same, though. Also, on later Intel CPUs, cmovae is more efficient (reading only CF, not CF and ZF, so it's only 1 uop on Skylake /
  • Peter Cordes
    Peter Cordes over 3 years
    (Oh, your 2nd version has the optimization I was suggesting, avoiding the hard-coded mov.)