Feed paper on POS Printer C#


You will need sooner or later the full ESC/POS Application Programming Guide. I did obtained a copy from my EPSON dealer some years ago. In the meantime, I have found with Google a link to the FAQ for ESC/POS here: https://web.archive.org/web/20111229102746/http://postechgroup.com/updata/support/drivers/EPSON/FAQ_ESCPOS.pdf

In your case, the LF control command prints the data in the print buffer and feeds one line based on the current line spacing.


Hex: 0A

Decimal: 10

Author by


Updated on June 09, 2022


  • Admin
    Admin almost 2 years

    I've been trying to programatically feed the paper on a pos printer (Epson TM-U220D). The problem I have is that the last line of the document don't get printed, instead, it is printed as the first line of the next document printed. I tried POS for .NET sending the "ESC|flF" command, also tried to send the raw esc/pos command using the serial port, but it doesn't work. Any ideas?

  • alexandrul
    alexandrul over 15 years
    Please read the FAQ for ESC/POS, the correct command is Line Feed (hex 0A, decimal 10).
  • bugmagnet
    bugmagnet over 15 years
    I see your point, alexandrul. I took the original poster to be asking for a form feed, whereas he just says, "feed."
  • JDibble
    JDibble over 15 years
    In the Epson EScPOS dcoumentation there is GS V command that will feed and cut the paper at the correct point.
  • alexandrul
    alexandrul over 15 years
    You are correct, but the original question didn't mention any space between last line of the receipt and the content of the next receipt. Also, the TM-U220D model doesn't have a cutter.
  • JDibble
    JDibble over 15 years
    You are correct about the lack of cutter on U220D - my mistake