Fetch Text from TextWidget flutter


1. You have to create one method inside calling class

void _setTextValue(String value) {
  // Submitted text should appear here from value


2. Use this inside TextFormField then

  final Function _setValue;


3. Inside onSubmitted Call


Finally, you will get value inside calling class


We can add callbacks in calling widgets itself with named parameters which is correct way of doing this


class _TextFieldWidgetState extends State<TextFieldWidget> {

  TextEditingController _textEditingController;
  InputDecoration _inputdecoration;

  void initState() {
    _textEditingController = TextEditingController();
    _inputdecoration = InputDecoration(hintText: 'UserName',floatingLabelBehavior: FloatingLabelBehavior.always);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return TextField(
      autocorrect: true,
      controller: _textEditingController,
      keyboardType: TextInputType.text,
      enableSuggestions: true,
      decoration: _inputdecoration,
      onSubmitted: (value){
        // somehow return data
        // I want to access this part..

Call above code like

TextFieldWidget(getUserName: (value) {
         // Get the username here

Note: We can add as many as named parameter like this

Jay Dangar
Author by

Jay Dangar

I am a flutter developer. I have created following apps: Cheruvu : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=in.cheruvu.cheruvu DcodeAI : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dcodeai.ai DcodeAI Educator : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dcodeai.teacher DcodeAI Playground: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dcodeai.dcodeai_playground Snapik : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.iprocure.snapik&amp;hl=en_US&amp;gl=US The Flutter Plugins I have created : chaquopy : https://pub.dev/packages/chaquopy transliteration : https://pub.dev/packages/transliteration

Updated on November 28, 2022


  • Jay Dangar
    Jay Dangar over 1 year

    I am creating an weather app in which I am providing a location string to a TextField and fetch the text inside in it. I know I can do it if I use TextField widget every time, but I want to use code reusability and that's why I have created a different Widget called TextFieldWidget in which I am providing a hint variable, which returns the Text inside it. I don't know how to do return the text. This is my code.

    import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
    class TextFieldWidget extends StatefulWidget {
      final String _hint;
      _TextFieldWidgetState createState() => _TextFieldWidgetState();
    class _TextFieldWidgetState extends State<TextFieldWidget> {
      TextEditingController _textEditingController;
      InputDecoration _inputdecoration;
      void initState() {
        _textEditingController = TextEditingController();
        _inputdecoration = InputDecoration(hintText: widget._hint,floatingLabelBehavior: FloatingLabelBehavior.always);
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return TextField(
          autocorrect: true,
          controller: _textEditingController,
          keyboardType: TextInputType.text,
          enableSuggestions: true,
          decoration: _inputdecoration,
          onSubmitted: (value){
              // somehow return data
              // I want to access this part..
    • Jitesh Mohite
      Jitesh Mohite almost 4 years
      Is the below solution working for you?
    • Jay Dangar
      Jay Dangar almost 4 years
      Yes it does work, thanks. I want to ask one another question that Is it advisable to use all the widgets separately like this, as an individual entity? I am creating these classes to reuse it.
    • Quyen Anh Nguyen
      Quyen Anh Nguyen almost 4 years
      You can use all the widgets separately like this. As for me, I used to write a common class to manage some small common widgets like this. Don't need a class or a statefull widget. I write functions return widgets. For a large customize widget I put it in a separately class.
    • Jay Dangar
      Jay Dangar almost 4 years
      @QuyenAnhNguyen, I am basically doing the same thing, the major problem is to return values, because I have to manage UI part accordingly. How can I create a widget and return value? is sending a function and updating variable in parent class is correct approach?
    • Quyen Anh Nguyen
      Quyen Anh Nguyen almost 4 years
      Have you try add a call back function?
    • Jay Dangar
      Jay Dangar almost 4 years
      @QuyenAnhNguyen, Yes this code works, I am asking if this is the correct approach? For this approach I have to make my page as a statefulwidget in which TextField is defined as UI component. This way most of my UI will be Stateful widget.
    • Quyen Anh Nguyen
      Quyen Anh Nguyen almost 4 years
      Yes, I think. If you want to rerender UI I think you should use InheritedWidgets through a management state package pub.dev/packages/provider and put it inside a consumer.
    • Jay Dangar
      Jay Dangar almost 4 years
      @QuyenAnhNguyen, It's not must for us to use only 1 state management technique. We can use hybrid approach, right?
    • Quyen Anh Nguyen
      Quyen Anh Nguyen almost 4 years
      Yes, definitely.
  • Jitesh Mohite
    Jitesh Mohite almost 4 years
    @Jay Dangar: Edited the answer. Have a look
  • Jay Dangar
    Jay Dangar almost 4 years
    Can you elaborate I didn't get it.
  • Jitesh Mohite
    Jitesh Mohite almost 4 years
    This is the same as my previous example, but the only difference is that I adding function directly in the constructor, you can add anotherTextFeild and pass another, and follow same approach. I am sure you will get this.