ffmpeg command not found but its installed on server


Solution 1

What linux are you using? Have you tried doing a search for ffmpeg?

locate ffmpeg

It may not be in the path.

As per comment, I suggest copying /home/virtfs/trvl/usr/bin/ffmpeg to /usr/bin/ffmpeg and this should fix the problem. And copy /home/virtfs/trvl/usr/local/share/ffmpeg to /usr/local/share/ffmpeg

Solution 2

Option 1: Add /home/virtfs/trvl/usr/bin to your PATH variable

Option 2: Diagnose why make install did not install ffmpeg into /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin

Solution 3

Go through the guides and diagnose each error as it arises. For example, "No such file or directory" is vague on its own, but looking at line 42 of ./configure may help.


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Aisha Badar
Author by

Aisha Badar

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Aisha Badar
    Aisha Badar almost 2 years

    I was trying to update ffmpeg, after searching a lot on this topic i decided to uninstall the old one and install new version of ffmpeg i-e; ffmpeg 2.6.3 i installed new version using this link but i was facing problem in installing ffmpeg from git when i was trying to use ./configure command it was showing error "./configure no such file or directory", i searched on this issue several hours and finally install ffmpeg from this link and unzip it through "tar" command. In this way i was able to run ./configure command and installed it successfully. But now when i try to check if ffmpeg is installed using command "ffmpeg" its showing

    -bash: line 232: ffmpeg: command not found

    and when i try "which ffmpeg" its showing

    which: no ffmpeg in (/usr/local/jdk/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/root/bin)

    Please tell me why this happening. Is there something missing in my installation.

    Kind Regards

    • fideli
      fideli about 9 years
      After ./configure, was there supposed to be a make and a make install command? The ./configure command just begins the process to compile the software. How successful were you in installing the dependencies in the first link (i.e. libx264, etc)?
    • Aisha Badar
      Aisha Badar about 9 years
      it was giving error for x264 link so i use snapshot for that and it got installed sucessfully. x265 was not installed.
    • Aisha Badar
      Aisha Badar about 9 years
      yes i executed commands make and make install only when i installed ffmpeg from second link in the question
  • Aisha Badar
    Aisha Badar about 9 years
    i am using centos 6
  • Aisha Badar
    Aisha Badar about 9 years
    when i execute "locate ffmpeg" it shows the following result /home/virtfs/trvl/usr/bin/ffmpeg /home/virtfs/trvl/usr/include/ffmpeg /home/virtfs/trvl/usr/lib64/gpac/gm_ffmpeg_in.so /home/virtfs/trvl/usr/local/share/ffmpeg /home/virtfs/trvl/usr/local/share/ffmpeg/examples /home/virtfs/trvl/usr/local/share/ffmpeg/ffprobe.xsd /home/virtfs/trvl/usr/local/share/ffmpeg/libvpx-1080p.ffpres‌​et /home/virtfs/trvl/usr/local/share/ffmpeg/libvpx-1080p50_60.f‌​fpreset /home/virtfs/trvl/usr/local/share/ffmpeg/libvpx-360p.ffprese‌​t /home/virtfs/trvl/usr/local/share/ffmpeg/libvpx-720p.ffprese‌​t
  • Aisha Badar
    Aisha Badar about 9 years
    is there any i can move that to /usr/bin or reinstall to /usr/bin
  • Aisha Badar
    Aisha Badar about 9 years
    please can u tell me how to diagnose "Option 2"
  • Aisha Badar
    Aisha Badar about 9 years
    yes i login through root so i didnot use "#" as i was already logged in through root
  • Aisha Badar
    Aisha Badar about 9 years
    no make install didnot show any error messages
  • Aisha Badar
    Aisha Badar about 9 years
    its strange its showing an error now yasm/nasm not found or too old. Use --disable-yasm for a crippled build.
  • Aisha Badar
    Aisha Badar about 9 years
    i have already installed yasm
  • Aisha Badar
    Aisha Badar about 9 years
    i disable yasm and tried it again but its showing this error now -bash: line 42: ./configure: No such file or directory aahh i am lost
  • rfportilla
    rfportilla about 9 years
    What is your path? I'm willing to bet that this /home/virtfs/trvl/usr/bin is not in your path. You should be able to just copy /home/virtfs/trvl/usr/bin/ffmpeg to /usr/bin/ffmpeg and this should fix the problem.
  • Aisha Badar
    Aisha Badar about 9 years
    yes you are right. i am moving ffmpeg_sources folder to usr/local/bin
  • rfportilla
    rfportilla about 9 years
    Not sources, just the one bin file. Did you do make install? And you should probably copy over /home/virtfs/trvl/usr/local/share/ffmpeg to /usr/local/share/ffmpeg
  • Aisha Badar
    Aisha Badar about 9 years
    you are saying just to move ffmpeg folder ? or what? please explain
  • rfportilla
    rfportilla about 9 years
    Yes, 2 steps. 1) copy the ffmpeg file in the bin folder to /usr/bin/ 2) copy the ffmpeg folder that is inside the share folder to /usr/local/share/
  • Aisha Badar
    Aisha Badar about 9 years
    i am confuse there is no ffmpeg file there is ffmpeg.c and ffmpeg.h which one should move?
  • rfportilla
    rfportilla about 9 years
    /home/virtfs/trvl/usr/bin/ffmpeg should be a file. Am I incorrect?
  • Aisha Badar
    Aisha Badar about 9 years
    there is already a folder ffmpeg in usr/local/share
  • rfportilla
    rfportilla about 9 years
    is that usr/local/share or /usr/local/share ? Notice the '/' in front.
  • Aisha Badar
    Aisha Badar about 9 years
    yes sorry i forgot "/" its already in share folder. no ffmpeg is just a folder
  • rfportilla
    rfportilla about 9 years
    You are saying /home/virtfs/trvl/usr/bin/ffmpeg is a folder? What is in this folder? "dir /home/virtfs/trvl/usr/bin/ffmpeg "
  • Aisha Badar
    Aisha Badar about 9 years
    yes its a folder.. i am login through root. i dont know why i its showing dir /home/virtfs/trvl/usr/bin/ffmpeg... and this folder is showing just lib x264 and libvpx and ffprobe. no other codecs like libmp3lame etc
  • rfportilla
    rfportilla about 9 years
    I'm still trying to understand why bin/ffmpeg is a folder. Can you try running /home/virtfs/trvl/usr/bin/ffmpeg ? I wonder if (a) there was a problem with the build/install process or (b) this is not the correct install package
  • Aisha Badar
    Aisha Badar about 9 years
    no i am saying /usr/bin/ffmpeg is not a folder, the folder is usr/local/share/ffmpeg/... yes you are right i should reinstall new package. can u please help me with how to remove ffmpeg completely from server
  • Aisha Badar
    Aisha Badar about 9 years
    there is no file ffmpeg in /usr/bin/ffmpeg
  • rfportilla
    rfportilla about 9 years
    No, /usr/bin/ffmpeg should be a file. If it is not there, then run "cp /home/virtfs/trvl/usr/bin/ffmpeg /usr/bin/ffmpeg"