FFmpeg: how to produce MP4 CENC (Common Encryption) videos


Solution 1

Mulvya's answer covered the ffmpeg-options.

I'm just adding a concrete example and talk about playback too, as i did some experiments yesterday (independently).

Encryption example

ffmpeg -i SampleVideo_1280x720_1mb.mp4 -vcodec copy -acodec copy -encryption_scheme cenc-aes-ctr -encryption_key 76a6c65c5ea762046bd749a2e632ccbb -encryption_kid a7e61c373e219033c21091fa607bf3b8 SampleVideo_1280x720_1mb_encrypted.mp4

(of course usage might be different for your case; i just remuxed video and audio)

Playback / Decoding


ffplay SampleVideo_1280x720_1mb_encrypted.mp4 -decryption_key 76a6c65c5ea762046bd749a2e632ccbb

But as this is more or less a prototype-player, one might want to use something more powerful.


mpv --demuxer-lavf-o=decryption_key=76a6c65c5ea762046bd749a2e632ccbb SampleVideo_1280x720_1mb_encrypted.mp4

There is some discussion here as my first expected command-line did not behave as expected!

Edit: trying to address Reino's questions

The encryption_key is just 128 bit = 16 bytes encoded as Hex (following the usage of AES-128-CTR). So random.org with a configuration of 16 bytes and hex.encoding would be a valid key (but i'm not recommending to trust external resources in general). I used python's secrets module which boils down to: secrets.token_hex(16). This encryption_key will be needed for decoding.

The encryption_kid Key ID is just an identifier for this key, probably needed for more complex usage-patterns (i'm !guessing! you could do something like: hey video... which of my 1000 keys do i need for you?). I suppose it's mandatory to pass it, but it's not required for decoding (if you know which key to use for which video).

The official references would be:

  • Standard
  • ffmpeg implementation: docs (available through command-line) or a short extraction

Solution 2

Running ffmpeg -h muxer=mp4 will produce all the available options for the MP4 muxer, among which are

-encryption_scheme <string>     E....... Configures the encryption scheme, allowed values are none, cenc-aes-ctr
-encryption_key    <binary>     E....... The media encryption key (hex)
-encryption_kid    <binary>     E....... The media encryption key identifier (hex)

These options and their values should be placed after all the inputs and before the output filename.

Roland Le Franc
Author by

Roland Le Franc

I've been a software developer since I was a kid, starting on the Apple II. Now an Amazon employee doing some moonlighting development about mobile apps, artificial intelligence and bots. I am also a big fan of all sorts of outdoor and X games, including mountain bike, snowboard, kite surf, sailing, etc.

Updated on June 05, 2022


  • Roland Le Franc
    Roland Le Franc about 2 years

    What is the correct syntax to do CENC encryption with ffmpeg?

    The ffmpeg 3.0 release notes include "Common Encryption (CENC) MP4 encoding and decoding support", and the files libavformat/movenccenc.h and libavformat/movenccenc.c seem to include everything needed to encrypt MP4 files according to the Common Encryption standard.

    However, I can't find any documentation on this topic in the ffmpeg manual pages.


  • Reino
    Reino almost 6 years
    I'm new to this whole encryption thing and I'm trying to understand how to generate an encryption key on my own. Can you tell me? Did you use a tool for that perhaps? What exactly is this encryption key identifier? What does it do and is it an obligatory parameter?
  • Reino
    Reino almost 6 years
    Too bad you don't get e-mail-notification for edited posts, because I only now saw your edited post. Thanks. For Bash stackoverflow.com/a/49284034/2703456 did it for me. And it appears even my favorite tool Xidel can do it: xidel -s -e 'random-seed(),string-join((1 to 32) ! x:integer-to-base(random(16),16))'. The -encryption_kid-parameter appears mandatory when encrypting, because you'd get [mp4 @ 051e28c0] Invalid encryption kid len 0 expected 16 otherwise.
  • Peter Tseng
    Peter Tseng over 5 years
    Note that the CENC flags are not applied when generating DASH. Also I get an error "saio atom found without saiz" when I try to play back the encrypted mp4 with mpv or ffplay - I haven't had time to figure out why yet.
  • Peter Tseng
    Peter Tseng about 5 years
    Just in case anyone runs into this, ffplay/mpv will fail if you use these flags: -movflags frag_keyframe+empty_moov+default_base_moof+faststart -frag_duration 2000000
  • DanHabib
    DanHabib about 5 years
    In general encryption_kid is used for different DRM solutions. We pass the encryption_kid to the player, the player then passes that encryption_kid to a licensing server which then gives the player the key. DRM (with respect to video playback) tends to mean encrypted video + smart key management