Fibonacci sequence in assembly language


Solution 1

I believe you just want to know how to create a loop in assembly. See the below for some examples:

x86 assembly programming loops with ecx and loop instruction versus jmp + j<condition>

Solution 2

INCLUDE io.h            ; header file for input/output
.STACK 4096


resultLbl BYTE  "The result is", 0
sum     BYTE    11 DUP (?), 0

_MainProc PROC

       mov eax,1
       mov ebx,1  ;  will store answer 
      dtoa  sum , eax
      output resultLbl , sum
      dtoa sum ,ebx 
      output  resultLbl ,sum
      mov ecx ,5
         mov edx , eax
     add edx , ebx
     dtoa sum ,edx
     output  resultLbl ,sum
     mov  eax ,ebx
     mov  ebx ,edx
     dec ecx
     cmp ecx , 0
     jne _for
     mov eax , 0

_MainProc ENDP
Author by


Updated on November 24, 2022


  • Shawn
    Shawn over 1 year

    Need some help understanding this more or less. We are just getting into loops and OFFSET operands and would appreciate some help. So here are my instructions:

    Write an assembly language program using the LOOP instruction with indirect addressing mode that calculating the first 12 values in the Fibonacci number sequence, {1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, …}. Place each value in the EAX register and display it with a call DumpRegs statement inside the loop.

    Please use the following variable definition: Fibonacci BYTE 1, 1, 10 DUP (?)

    Insert the following statements immediately after the loop. They will display the hexadecimal contents of the target string: mov esi, OFFSET Fibonacci ; offset the variables mov ebx,1 ; byte format mov ecx, SIZEOF Fibonacci ; counter call dumpMem ; display the data in the memory

    If your program works correctly, you will see the following sequence of hexadecimal bytes on the screen when the program runs: 01 01 02 03 05 08 0D 15 22 37 59 90

    Fibonacci BYTE 1, 1, 10 DUP (?)
    main PROC
      mov   esi, OFFSET Fibonacci       ; offset the variables
      mov   ebx,1               ; byte format
      mov   ecx, SIZEOF Fibonacci       ; counter
      call  dumpMem             ; display the data in the memory
        exit                    ;exits to Operating System
        main ENDP
    END main

    So I know I need to make a loop statement, but am completely stuck on how to begin it. Any advice will be greatly appreciated!

  • Shawn
    Shawn almost 11 years
    Ok so I'm confused. I have this:
  • Shawn
    Shawn almost 11 years
    .data Fibonacci BYTE 1, 1, 10 DUP (?) .code main PROC mov eax, 12 ;sets the loop count to 12 L1: mov count, eax ;saves the loop count Loop L1 ;repeat the loop in L1 mov esi, OFFSET Fibonacci ; offset the variables mov ebx,1 ; byte format mov ecx, SIZEOF Fibonacci ; counter call dumpMem ; display the data in the memory exit ;exits to Operating System main ENDP END main
  • ext
    ext over 6 years
    It would be useful in you in addition to the code posted an explanation and possible some reference.