Fill input file form with JavaScript


The value property of input:file is read-only for security reasons. If you want to set it, you'll need to do it server-side.

As a result, what you're asking to do is not possible. Consider the implications: any webpage would be able to upload any file from someone's computer, so long as they knew the path.

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Updated on June 15, 2022


  • isiaatz
    isiaatz almost 2 years


    The answer(s) below reflect the state of legacy browsers in 2009. Now you can actually set the value of the file input element dynamically/programatically using JavaScript in 2017.

    See the answer in this question for details as well as a demo:
    How to set file input value programatically (i.e.: when drag-dropping files)?

    I need to fill an HTML form with JavaScript to set the path of a file for upload it. The web that this form belongs to, already has a visual upload implemented, but

    <form id="mobile_fileform">
        <input type="file" style="height: 20px; width: 0px; opacity: 0; " id="mobile_fileselect1" multiple="" size="-17">
        <input type="file" style="height: 20px; width: 0px; opacity: 0; " id="mobile_fileselect2" multiple="" size="-17">
        <input type="file" style="height: 20px; width: 0px; opacity: 0; " id="mobile_fileselect3" multiple="" size="-17">

    How can I set the path of the file in this form and how can I upload it using JavaScript?

    Thanks for your help

  • derekbaker783
    derekbaker783 about 4 years
    This answer is obsolete. Read this answer instead:…