find if `find` method returns `nothing` in excel vba


To check the range object you need to use is instead of =:

If found1 Is Nothing Then
    MsgBox "nothing"
    MsgBox found1.AddressLocal
End If


Taken from Allen Browne

Nothing is the uninitialized state of an object variable. An object cannot be a simple variable such as a number or a string, so it can never be 0 or "". It must be a more comprehensive structure (a text box, form, recordset, querydef, ...)

Since it is not a simple value, you cannot test if it is equal to something. VBA has an Is keyword that you use.

Author by


Co-Founder at HomeKeepr. Coding hobbyist. Always learning about everything.

Updated on March 16, 2020


  • DBWeinstein
    DBWeinstein over 4 years

    I'm trying to find an id in a list and get it's address, but also deal with a situation if nothing is found.

    Here's what I have:

    Function find_in_two_ranges_two_sheets(ws1 As String, col1 As Integer) As Range
        Dim rows1 As Integer
        rows1 = Get_Rows_Generic(ws1, 1)
        Dim range1 As Range ' range of first search
        With Worksheets(ws1)
            Set range1 = .Range(.Cells(1, col1), .Cells(rows1, col1))
        End With
        Dim found1 As Range
        Set found1 = range1.Find("test id", LookIn:=xlValues)  
        If found1 = Nothing Then
            MsgBox "nothing"
            MsgBox found1.AddressLocal
        End If
        Set find_in_two_ranges_two_sheets = range1
    End Function
    Sub test_stuff()
        Dim x As Range
        Set x = find_in_two_ranges_two_sheets("usersFullOutput.csv", 1)
        MsgBox x.Address
    End Sub

    When I run test_stuff() I get an error in the function in the line If found1 = Nothing Then with the word Nothing highlighted. "Compile error; Invalid Use of Object". Not sure what to do.