Finding a value in {key, value} list in Erlang


Solution 1

The module proplists contains get_value/2, which should be what you want.

Solution 2

lists:keyfind/3 does this. Here I've mapped it into your find_value/2 interface:

find_value(Key, List) ->
    case lists:keyfind(Key, 1, List) of
        {Key, Result} -> Result;
        false -> nothing

proplists may be an even better route, though.

Solution 3

Since lists:keyfind/3 was already posted, I'll mention another useful option, using lists comprehensions:

hd([ Value || {arity, Value} <- List ]).

This means getting all the values such that each element is "Value" and comes from a tuple that matches {arity, Value} inside List. Since a list comprehension returns a list, we get the head of that list.

And using it in a fun:

1> List=[{a,1},{b,2},{c,3}].
2> F=fun(What, List) -> hd([ Value || {Key, Value} <- List, Key =:= What]) end.
3> F(c, List).

Solution 4

proplists:get_value Is the way to do it if you don't care about the speed

lists:keyfind It is the best choice for performance since is a BIF. You can wrapit with a element/2 like this

element(2, lists:keyfind(K, 1, L))

And you will get the same result of proplists:get_value but faster.


Solution 5

find(K, [H|T]) ->
    case H of
        {K, V} -> V;
        _ -> find(K, T)
find(_, []) -> none.
Muhammad Asif
Author by

Muhammad Asif

NTUU "KPI": M. Sc. Bravo Interactive: C, C++, MASM32, GLSL, Delphi. GestaltGames: C++, C#, ActionScript, PHP. NTUU "KPI": Python, chalk and board, Ph. D. Synrc: Erlang, Javascript. Impuls: C++, Python, bash, pen and paper. Materialise: C++, Python, whiteboard occasionally. Also

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Muhammad Asif
    Muhammad Asif almost 2 years

    I'm new to Erlang and maybe I just missed this issue in the tutorial though it is trivial. Let's say, I have a list of {Key, Value} pairs gotten from erlang:fun_info/1. I want to know function arity, the rest of the list is no interest to me. So I write something like:

    find_value( _, [] ) ->
    find_value( Key, [{Key, Value} | _] ) ->
    find_value( Key, [_ | T] ) ->
        find_value( Key, T).    

    And then do:

    find_value( arity, erlang:fun_info( F )).

    I works fine, but should something like find_value be a too common routine to write it? I failed to find its' analogue in BIFs though. So the question is: it there a nice elegant way to get a value for a key from a list of {key, value} tuples?