Fire a function when innerHTML of element changes?


Solution 1

Use DOMSubtreeModified event:

var element = document.getElementById('div');

element.addEventListener('DOMSubtreeModified', myFunction);

function myFunction(e) {

    element.innerHTML = 'Hello World!';
}, 1000);

    element.innerHTML = 'Hello Space!';
}, 2000);
<div id="div"></div>

BTW, DOM mutation events were deprecated. Use MutationObserver:

window.addEventListener('load', function () {
  var element = document.getElementById('div');

  var MutationObserver = window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver || window.MozMutationObserver;
  var observer = new MutationObserver(myFunction);
  observer.observe(element, {
	  childList: true

  function myFunction() {

    element.innerHTML = 'Hello World!';
  }, 1000);

    element.innerHTML = 'Hello Space!';
  }, 2000);
<div id="div">

Raw snippet on GitHub

Solution 2

NOTE: May not be the best of explanations, please add your knowledge to make it more clear.

If you are willing to use element attributes then there is a way to create custom elements and add Observers as you please to the attributes. attributeChangedCallback is where you can add your custom code for listener.

Custom Elements is of the Web Components with support on Chrome, Opera and Safari. Here is the link which explains everything about them.

There is a chance you can modify observers for your div elements but I am not aware of such, you probably need to dig a little deeper should you choose to do it this way.

Since you are trying to listen to a single element's innerHTML, it might be better to just create a custom element like the one in the code snippet.

class ObservableDiv extends HTMLElement {
  // Monitor the 'name' attribute for changes.
  static get observedAttributes() {return ['name']; }

  // Respond to attribute changes.
  attributeChangedCallback(attr, oldValue, newValue) {
    if (attr == 'name') {
      this.textContent = `HELLO, ${newValue}`;

// Define the new element
customElements.define('observable-div', ObservableDiv);

setTimeout(() => { document.getElementById("change").setAttribute("name", "I CHANGED A LOTTTTTTTTTTT") }, 1000)
<observable-div id="change" name="BEFORE CHANGING"></observable-div>

PS : This may not be a proper answer at all but I am posting this because this strategy served me better, than relying on the sub tree listeners which used to work sporadically but never consistently. The only down fall to this is that this does not have good browser support. There might be some good polyfills available already.

Author by


Updated on July 13, 2022


  • wirrew
    wirrew almost 2 years

    I want to fire a function when the innerHTML of a div element changes.

    Been testing with element.addEventListener('DOMCharacterDataModified', myFunction()); but it does not seem to work properly. It fires once when the page is loaded but never again after? See example code below.

    Anyone have a solution to my task? Any help is greatly appreciated!

    The task:

    1. I have an empty div.
    2. At random it will be fed with data from an external source (that I do not have control of).
    3. Everytime when the innerHTML changes, I want to fire myFunction().

    My current example code:

    var element = document.getElementById('div');
    element.addEventListener('DOMCharacterDataModified', myFunction());
    function myFunction() {
        element.innerHTML = 'Hello World!';
    }, 1000);
        element.innerHTML = 'Hello Space!';
    }, 2000);

    The setTimeouts visualize the data feeding from an external source.

    If possible it needs to be JS only, but jQuery could be used if really needed.

    Thanks in advance!

    // wirrew

  • wirrew
    wirrew over 6 years
    Unfortunately, I believe I must use the old DOM Mutation Events because this code is being run on a custom graphics server that uses an old version of Chromium. Because when I test your code in the in the graphics server it does not work, but it does work in my own browser (Chrome). So for example, cross browser support is not an issue, I only need it to work for this specific case. Do you know how to get my example code to work every time a change happen? Thanks for your help! :)
  • michaeluskov
    michaeluskov over 6 years
    @wirrew what version of Chromium does your server have?
  • wirrew
    wirrew over 6 years
    Version 33 it seems.
  • michaeluskov
    michaeluskov over 6 years
    @wirrew changed my answer, please look at it
  • wirrew
    wirrew over 6 years
    Running the code snippet seems to make the page crash. But it doesn't work with the graphics server (only if I run the file in my browser). What might be causing it to not work on the server? Is there any other method I could use to fire myFunction when the innerHTML changes? W/o using the DOM Mutation Events or Observer? Could I do something with the .length? In the end, I need this to work for 32 uniqe div elements.
  • michaeluskov
    michaeluskov over 6 years
    @wirrew Updated fiddle, now it works. Btw, both mutation events and MutationObserver should work in Chromium 33 according to Try to run GitHub snippet. Will it work? If not, that the problem should be in something else, not in mutation handling.
  • wirrew
    wirrew over 6 years
    Apparently, after I restarted the server, the DOM Mutation Event seems to work now! :) Possible that the Observer also works like you said, but since I got the other one to work now, I'm not going to bother testing (for now at least). One Q tho, why does the DOMCharacterDataModified that I tried using at the start not work? What is it used for if not when "character data" is changed?