Firebase cannot understand what targets to deploy


Solution 1

it would be better to pre-populate the firebase with the default options. I choose that I wanted to use only hosting the firebase.json should have be created with the default hosting option.

  "hosting": {
    "public": "public"

or you try run firebase init again.

Solution 2

Faced similar issue. In firebase.json file (in hosting parameter), we have to give the name of directory that we want to deploy (in my case, I was already in the directory, which I wanted to deploy, hence I put "." in hosting specification). It solved the error for me.

  "hosting": {
    "public": ".",
    "ignore": [

Solution 3

I was facing this issue when running:

firebase emulators:exec --only firestore 'npm tst'

The problem was that on firebase.json must have a property for the emulator you want. So in my case I added a "firestore": {} on firebase.json and worked.

Solution 4

Firebase reads package.json to read details of the functions target. This file was missing from my project directory, as I had moved files around after doing an init.

Creating a clean directory and doing a firebase init functions inside it created all the required files and folders to get started.

Solution 5

I think you are missing on one of the following things -

a) you should run firebase init outside of the main project where index.html is. b) select hosting option after running firebase init by pressing SPACE c) Please give folder name which contain index.html in it.

And your project will be up running.

Author by


Updated on June 28, 2022


  • Himanshu
    Himanshu about 2 years

    When deploying the following hello-world equivalent code I get the error shown in the end:-

    $ ls -lR
    total 8
    -rw-r--r-- 1 hgarg hgarg    3 Aug 29 14:55 firebase.json
    drwxr-xr-x 2 hgarg hgarg 4096 Aug 29 11:56 functions
    total 4
    -rw-r--r-- 1 hgarg hgarg 1678 Aug 29 11:56 index.js

    firebase.json looks like this:-


    and index.json like this:-

    'use strict';
    const functions = require('firebase-functions'); = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => {
      if (req.method === 'PUT') {
      var category = 'Category';
      console.log('Sending category', category);

    But deploying fails:-

    $ firebase deploy
    Error: Cannot understand what targets to deploy. Check that you specified valid targets if you used the --only or --except flag. Otherwise, check your firebase.json to ensure that your project is initialized for the desired features.
    $ firebase deploy --only functions
    Error: Cannot understand what targets to deploy. Check that you specified valid targets if you used the --only or --except flag. Otherwise, check your firebase.json to ensure that your project is initialized for the desired features.
  • Francis Rodrigues
    Francis Rodrigues over 6 years
    For deploy reactjs app, it must be set public to build/.. That's enough.
  • Tien Do
    Tien Do about 6 years
    "hosting.public" is actually the root directory of web app. So "public" value is not required. Documentation needs to make it clear.
  • Tien Do
    Tien Do about 6 years
    @FrancisRodrigues It must be set to where you store index.html (or any start page of the website). build/. is your only case, React app often created with dist folder for output files for example.
  • EdwinCab
    EdwinCab about 2 years
    currently, if you run firebase init the wizard will create: "database": { "rules": "database.rules.json" } in the firesabe.json, so the right command to deploy the rules is firebase deploy --only database: rules