Firebase firestore get user document without authenticated


It's not clear how your database is set up or how you're passing the phone number, but here's a simpler approach that may help guide you.

Set your database up where the phone number is the customer's ID. If that's not possible, create a phoneToCustomers collection that is used to match phone numbers to customers.

Example 1: Phone Numbers as Customer IDs

Let's assume your customer IDs are their phone numbers:

  "customers": {
    "7878445778": {...},
    "1231231234": {...}

With this simple rule you can accomplish what you want:

match /customers/{phone} {

  // Allow anyone with the phone number to access this document
  allow get: if true;

  // Can't list all customers
  allow list: if false;

Example 2: Customer ID Lookup Table

Let's assume your database looks like this:

  "customers": {
    "abc123": {...},
    "xyz987": {...}
  "phoneToCustomers": {
    "7878445778": "abc123",
    "1231231234": "xyz987"

These rules prevent users from querying your customers or phone numbers but allows retrieving documents if the user knows the ID.

match /customers/{customerId} {

  // Allow anyone with the customer ID to access this document
  allow get: if true;

  // Can't list all customers
  allow list: if false;

match /phoneToCustomers/{phone} {

  // Allow anyone with the phone number to access this document
  allow get: if true;

  // Can't list all customers
  allow list: if false;

You would then need to get() /phoneToCustomers/7878445778 to get the customer ID then a second get() to retrieve the customer data at /customers/<customerId>.

Author by


Updated on December 28, 2022


  • EngineSense
    EngineSense over 1 year

    I was trying to build an application in flutter with firebase. I don't want to User to authenticate him/her to firebase authentication.

    All I want them to use their phone number as a secret code. Meaning he/she can enter the phone number to view their data without authentication. Without phone number, they cannot read the data.(without OTP too).

    Now I have this in firestore rule, so anybody holds the phone number can view the data.

     function isUserRef(field) { 
      return field in
        && == /customers/document/$(
    match /customers/{document=**} {
      allow read : if isUserRef(;

    request resource data contain as below.

    "id" : null,
    "mobile" : "7878445778"

    But the above rule still doesn't match the document based on his/her mobile number. I don't want to user to authenticate at all. It's simple application were data is not a concern.

    Any help appreciated!!. Thanks.