Firebase Firestore : How to convert document object to a POJO on Android


Solution 1

With a DocumentSnapshot you can do:

DocumentSnapshot document = future.get();
if (document.exists()) {
    // convert document to POJO
    NotifPojo notifPojo = document.toObject(NotifPojo.class);

Solution 2


    DocumentSnapshot document = future.get();
if (document.exists()) {
    // convert document to POJO
    NotifPojo notifPojo = document.toObject(NotifPojo.class);


 val document = future.get()
 if (document.exists()) {
    // convert document to POJO
     val notifPojo = document.toObject(

It is important to remember that you must provide a default constructor or you will get the classic deserialization error. For Java a Notif() {} should suffice. For Kotlin initialize your properties.

Solution 3

Not sure if this is the best way to do it, but this is what I have so far.

NotifPojo notifPojo = new Gson().fromJson(document.getData().toString(), NotifPojo.class);

EDIT : i'm now using what's on the accepted answer.

Author by


Updated on September 20, 2020


  • Relm
    Relm almost 4 years

    With the Realtime Database, one could do this :

    MyPojo pojo  = dataSnapshot.getValue(MyPojo.Class);

    as a way to map the object, how does one do this with Firestore?

    CODE :

    FirebaseFirestore db = FirebaseFirestore.getInstance();
            db.collection("app/users/" + uid).document("notifications").get().addOnCompleteListener(task -> {
                if (task.isSuccessful()) {
                    DocumentSnapshot document = task.getResult();
                    if (document != null) {
                        NotifPojo notifPojo = document....// here
                } else {
                    Log.d("FragNotif", "get failed with ", task.getException());
  • Alexander N.
    Alexander N. over 6 years
    Will this carryover the document id?
  • Hilikus
    Hilikus over 6 years
    any idea what kind of deserializer this is using? i would like to configure some directives in my pojo for the deserializer if possible. Kind of like what Jackson provides. I'm trying to deserialize to an enum
  • Johnny
    Johnny over 6 years
    I found an answer to keep document id :
  • Mikkel Jørgensen
    Mikkel Jørgensen over 5 years
    Initializing the properties for my data class was the key for me. I had a parameter that was not initialised. Thank you for pointing this out.