Firebase Phone Verification verifyPhoneNumber() deprecated + Application Crashed


Solution 1

This is what I did to remove the Error:

I referred firebase phone auth documentation and made the necessary changes:

Replace this:

            phoneNumber, //phone number to be verified
            60, // validity of the OTP
            (Activity) TaskExecutors.MAIN_THREAD,
            mCallBack // onVerificationStateChangedCallback

With this

PhoneAuthOptions options =
                    .setPhoneNumber(phoneNumber)       // Phone number to verify
                    .setTimeout(60L, TimeUnit.SECONDS) // Timeout and unit
                    .setActivity(this)                 // Activity (for callback binding)
                    .setCallbacks(mCallBack)          // OnVerificationStateChangedCallbacks

Also, add this to your app/gradle file dependencies:

implementation 'androidx.browser:browser:1.2.0'

This will help firebase to open the browser for reCAPTCHA verification.

Hope this works!

Solution 2

Finally, I got solutions with the help of Alex Mamo's Answer and This Documentation

The steps which I followed:

  1. Update new dependency implementation ''

  2. Update new code:

    For send OTP:

                 .setTimeout(60L, TimeUnit.SECONDS)

    For Resend OTP

                     .setTimeout(60L, TimeUnit.SECONDS)

    Still, you will get an error as below:

[SmsRetrieverHelper] SMS verification code request failed: unknown status code: 17028 A safety_net_token was passed, but no matching SHA-256 was registered in the Firebase console. Please make sure that this application’s packageName/SHA256 pair is registered in the Firebase Console.

  1. You need to copy SHA-256 from your Keystore or JKS file and add here in SHA Certificate fingerprints:

    enter image description here

  2. Finally, You did it.

    There is no need for a reCAPTCHA verification.

Thank you.

Solution 3

In new Firebase auth version,they've made major changes like Recaptcha for human needs browser to verify so,Add below depen.and read about changes refer me

 implementation 'androidx.browser:browser:1.2.0'

Solution 4

In new Firebase auth version,they've made major changes like Recaptcha , SafetyNet for human verification. I have faced the same issue by adding

implementation "androidx.browser:browser:1.3.0

it solved my problem but user experience was not good firebase was opening browser to verify Recaptcha and that was looking odd in app flow.

Firebase Quote "The reCAPTCHA flow will only be triggered when SafetyNet is unavailable or your device does not pass suspicion checks. Nonetheless, you should ensure that both scenarios are working correctly." So to enable SafetyNet follow below steps or you can also visit for info

  1. Update auth dependency implementation ''
  2. To start PhoneNumber Verification

PhoneAuthOptions options = PhoneAuthOptions.newBuilder(mAuth)
                        .setPhoneNumber(phoneNumber)   // Phone number to verify
                        .setTimeout(30L, TimeUnit.SECONDS) // Timeout and unit
                        .setActivity(this)    // Activity (for callback binding)
  1. Go to google cloud console, select your project.

  2. Click on the navigation menu and select APis & services and then select Dashboard.

  3. Click on enable api and services and enable API " Android Device Verification".

  4. Add SHA-1 and SHA 256 in firebase project settings.(debug and release both)

  5. Download and replace the latest google-services.json file in your project.

  6. Test your app again on real device.

Solution 5

As it is specified in the official documentation of verifyPhoneNumber(String phoneNumber, long timeout, TimeUnit unit, Activity activity, PhoneAuthProvider.OnVerificationStateChangedCallbacks callbacks) method:

This method is deprecated in favor of verifyPhoneNumber(PhoneAuthOptions)

So from now on, to verify a phone number we'll need to call this method and pass a PhoneAuthOptions object as an argument. In my opinion, this is some kind of similar to updateProfile(UserProfileChangeRequest request), where we should pass a PhoneAuthOptions object as an argument.

Pratik Butani
Author by

Pratik Butani

Pratik Butani is Android/Flutter Lead at 7Span - Ahmedabad. He is working with Flutter Development since 2020 and Android Development since 2013. He is on the list of Top 100 User’s (85th) in India and Top 10 User’s (6th) in Gujarat as Highest Reputation Holder on StackOverflow. He was co-organizer at Google Developer Group – Rajkot in 2014-17. All-time Learner of new things, Googler and Eager to Help IT Peoples. He is also likes to share his knowledge of Android and Flutter with New Learner. SOReadyToHelp ツ Fell in Love with Android ツ I really feel proud to up-vote My Favorite #SO friend. => Android Application Developer by Passion :) => Being Helpful by Nature ;) => Now in List of Top 100 User's (85) in India and Top 10 User's (6) in Gujarat as Highest Reputation Holder on StackOverflow => Visit my blogs for learning new things : Happy to Help :) :) => My Apps on Playstore: AndroidButs & PratikButani => My Articles on Medium => Join Me on LinkedIn => Tweet Me on Twitter => Follow Me on Quora - Top Writer on Quora in 2017 => Hangout with Me on [email protected] => Social Networking Facebook => Get Users list whose bio's contains given keywords More about me :) -> Pratik Butani

Updated on June 05, 2022


  • Pratik Butani
    Pratik Butani about 2 years

    Getting error after upgrading Firebase Auth (20.0.0) dependency for Phone Authentication, PhoneAuthProvider.getInstance().verifyPhoneNumber()


    implementation ''


    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Landroidx/browser/customtabs/CustomTabsIntent$Builder;
            at android.os.AsyncTask.finish(
            at android.os.AsyncTask.access$900(
            at android.os.AsyncTask$InternalHandler.handleMessage(
            at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
            at android.os.Looper.loop(
            at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
         Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "androidx.browser.customtabs.CustomTabsIntent$Builder"

    Can anyone explain what should I change for new dependency? What are the new steps?

  • Pratik Butani
    Pratik Butani over 3 years
    I am getting [SmsRetrieverHelper] SMS verification code request failed: unknown status code: 17499 Requests to this API identitytoolkit method‌​rificationCode are blocked.
  • Alex Mamo
    Alex Mamo over 3 years
    First of all, are you sure you are using the correct number? If yes, then most likely it's because the Authentication Service has blocked the service that sends verifications codes. If this error persists, maybe you should contact Firebase tea. However, there are some interesting answers here.
  • Pratik Butani
    Pratik Butani over 3 years
    The got solution, On this page I have restrict key that I have changed now to Don't restrict key
  • Pratik Butani
    Pratik Butani over 3 years
    What is the use of implementation 'androidx.browser:browser:1.2.0' The reCAPTCHA thing will be done by Firebase itself?
  • Jaineel Mamtora
    Jaineel Mamtora over 3 years
    If we are using a phone with no Google Play Services OR an Emulator, Firebase will use reCAPTCHA for phone verification. The reCAPTCHA will open in the browser. So, to allow the app to open the browser, we need to add this dependency.
  • Alex Mamo
    Alex Mamo over 3 years
    Good to hear that ;)
  • Thangamani Eraniyan
    Thangamani Eraniyan over 3 years
    adding --> implementation 'androidx.browser:browser:1.2.0' helped from crashing
  • Sourav Kannantha B
    Sourav Kannantha B over 3 years
    I did all the above steps. But its still opening the browser in my mobile. :(
  • Sourav Kannantha B
    Sourav Kannantha B over 3 years
    @AlexMamo I have done all the steps above, mentioned in Pratik's answer, but still it is opening browser before sending otp. What else I have to do ?
  • Pratik Butani
    Pratik Butani over 3 years
    @SouravKannanthaB check this
  • Sourav Kannantha B
    Sourav Kannantha B over 3 years
    @JaineelMamtora for me, its opening browser every time I login.. What to do?
  • Jaineel Mamtora
    Jaineel Mamtora over 3 years
    @SouravKannanthaB Are you using debug apk or release?
  • Sourav Kannantha B
    Sourav Kannantha B over 3 years
    @JaineelMamtora I was using debug apk, (it's the one available under 'build' section right?).
  • Jaineel Mamtora
    Jaineel Mamtora over 3 years
    @SouravKannanthaB Okay, so if you are using debug apk, most probably the app will open the browser for verification. If you are using release apk, it will directly send the OTP provided you have added your fingerprints (SHA1 and/or SHA256) in the firebase console. I suggest, use KeyStore Explorer for generating the Keystore and add the Fingerprint generated to the Firebase console.
  • Sourav Kannantha B
    Sourav Kannantha B over 3 years
    @JaineelMamtora Thanks. But keystore can be generated from android studio itself, RHS Gradle menu > Tasks > android > signingReport
  • Jaineel Mamtora
    Jaineel Mamtora over 3 years
    @SouravKannanthaB I agree. But when I generated fingerprints from Gradle and tried running the release apk, I was getting an error saying: 'app is not authorized to use firebase authentication'. The error was solved when I generated fingerprints from KeyStore Explorer.
  • Sourav Kannantha B
    Sourav Kannantha B over 3 years
    @JaineelMamtora Fine.. I will remeber this point when I will be generating my keystore. Thanks :)
  • Pratik Butani
    Pratik Butani over 3 years
    Have you implemented it?
  • Himanshi Thakur
    Himanshi Thakur over 3 years
    @PratikButani yes
  • Madhusudan Sharma
    Madhusudan Sharma over 3 years
    This is the only solution which worked perfectly. Thanks!!
  • Himanshi Thakur
    Himanshi Thakur over 3 years
    @SouravKannanthaB You need to enable "Android Device Verification" . You can see steps here