Firebase Returning user object after account creation


Solution 1

In order to get the user id in the client side you should do this:

firebase.auth().createUserWithEmailAndPassword(textUser, textPassword)

  //Here if you want you can sign in the user
}).catch(function(error) {
    //Handle error

as it is described here:

Returns non-null firebase.Promise containing non-null firebase.User

Solution 2

Looks like firebase has made some changes on this method. The accepted solution needs a little fix:

firebase.auth().createUserWithEmailAndPassword(textUser, textPassword)

  //Here if you want you can sign in the user
}).catch(function(error) {
    //Handle error

Now you get to acces the user via data.user

Hope this helps :)

Solution 3

The createUserWithEmailAndPassword() function returns a so-called Promise, which has methods catch() and then(). You're already using catch() to handle problems. To handle "non-problems", you need to use then():

firebase.auth().createUserWithEmailAndPassword(textUser, textPassword)
.then(function(user) {
  console.log(user); // see
.catch(function(error) {
  // Handle Errors here.
  var errorCode = error.code;
  var errorMessage = error.message;
  return Result = "false";
  // ...

See the reference documentation for createUserWithEmailAndPassword and for firebase.User.

Author by


Updated on June 05, 2022


  • PowerMan2015
    PowerMan2015 almost 2 years

    Im trying to create a user within Firebase and then create a user profile within the database on a web server. I have implemented the following code which creates the user quite nicely. However im not sure on how to receive the user id (which i need for a unique ID) to create the database structure. Is there a way to return a user object when the createUserWithEmailAndPassword is called?

    I have tried to implement a firebase.auth().onAuthStateChangedfunction but i then receive a timeout error

    If you havn't gathered this is for a web app.

    function createUser() {
    var Result = "true";
    var textUser = document.getElementById('userName').value;
    var textPassword = document.getElementById('userPassword').value;
    var textAccountID = document.getElementById('accountRef').value;
    var textDateCreated = document.getElementById('dateCreated').value;
    var textDisplayName = document.getElementById('displayName').value;
    var UID;
    firebase.auth().createUserWithEmailAndPassword(textUser, textPassword).catch(function(error) {
      // Handle Errors here.
      var errorCode = error.code;
      var errorMessage = error.message;
      return Result = "false";
      // ...
    writeUserData(UID, textDisplayName, textAccountID, textDateCreated);
    return Result;
    function writeUserData(userId, displayName, accountID, dateCreated) {
      firebase.database().ref('User/' + userId).set({
        AccountID: accountID,
        Created: dateCreated,
        Name: displayName}
  • Frank van Puffelen
    Frank van Puffelen about 8 years
    From the doc you link: "On successful creation of the user account, this user will also be signed in to your application."
  • Ymmanuel
    Ymmanuel about 8 years
    You are correct...a change i didn't catch from the old version... corrected thanks
  • Frank van Puffelen
    Frank van Puffelen about 8 years
    Yeah, that behavior has changed completely. I get bitten by it all the time.
  • PowerMan2015
    PowerMan2015 about 8 years
    im receiving a auth/network-request-failed error implementing the above. Debugging suggest that the .then promise is not called
  • PowerMan2015
    PowerMan2015 about 8 years
    im receiving a auth/network-request-failed error implementing the above. Debugging suggest that the .then promise is not called
  • Ymmanuel
    Ymmanuel about 8 years
    If the then is not executed , the catch will...can you show the log of the error received in the catch???
  • Script Kitty
    Script Kitty about 8 years
    I'm having a similar problem. After account creation, I'm redirecting back into my main index.html but it appears I am not signed in.
  • Ymmanuel
    Ymmanuel about 8 years
    auth/network-request-failed : Thrown if a network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.
  • Ymmanuel
    Ymmanuel about 8 years
    can someone replicate it?
  • bojeil
    bojeil about 8 years
    Are you on a slow or unstable network? Try to test on other devices to make sure the problem is only local. Also, check your network log for the request status.
  • bojeil
    bojeil about 8 years
    Hey Script Kitty, just in case you are not doing so, are you making sure to redirect back to your index.html when the promise resolves: firebase.auth().createUserWithEmailAndPassword(email, pass).then(function(user) { //redirect here });
  • PowerMan2015
    PowerMan2015 almost 8 years
    Some strange results here, the network error persisted while i was using a <form action="return createUser();"> method with a submit button. I removed the action from the form and changed the submit input for a button input and it worked. I think the form in my case was pushing the user to an alternative url which included the get request from the form. Hope this help someone else
  • Adam Youngers
    Adam Youngers about 6 years
    Has the promise returned changed? I'm not able to reach user.uid, instead I have to do something like data.user.uid.
  • tim.rohrer
    tim.rohrer over 5 years
    Unless I'm missing something in the links, I don't see explicit reference describing the uid. Is it truly unique? random? How does Google/Firebase generate it? Still searching....
  • Keyur
    Keyur about 4 years
    This is correct as per new changes. Thanks, saved my day.