Firebase storage artifacts


Solution 1

firebaser here

If you are using Cloud Functions, the files you're seeing are related to a recent change in how the runtime (for Node 10 and up) is built.

Cloud Functions now uses Cloud Build to create the runtime (for Node 10 and up) for your Cloud Functions. And Cloud Build in turn uses Container Registry to store those runtimes, which stores them in a new Cloud Storage bucket under your project.

For more on this, also see this entry in the Firebase pricing FAQ on Why will I need a billing account to use Node.js 10 or later for Cloud Functions for Firebase?

Also see this thread on the firebase-talk mailing list about these artifacts.

🛑 Update: some other answers suggest deleting artifacts from the Storage buckets, and even setting up lifecycle management on them to do so automatically. This leads to dangling references to those artifacts in the Container Registry, which breaks future builds.

To safely get rid of the artifacts, delete the container from the Container Registry console (it's under the gcf folder) or with a script. That will then in turn also delete the artifacts from your Storage bucket.

Since version 9.14 of the CLI, the firebase deploy process automatically cleans up its container images after a deploy. So if you upgrade to the latest version, you should no longer get additional artifacts in your storage buckets.

Solution 2

I've consulted GCP support and here are a few things

  • Cloud Functions caused the surge in storage usage
  • Since these artifacts are not stored in the default bucket, they'll charge you even if your total bytes stored are not reaching the free tier limit
  • Remove the artifact bucket at According to the support staff

Regarding the artifacts bucket, you can actually get rid of them, as they are storing previous versions of the function. However, I do not recommend deleting the "gcf-sources..." bucket(s) , as it contains the current image, so deleting this bucket would mess up your function.

I tried to remove it in whole, and so far it is not causing trouble. I'll update if it break things later.

Edit 201118: See comment below and you might need to keep the bucket while removing all the content in it.

Solution 3

Adding to @yo1995
I consulted with Firebase Support and they confirmed that the artifacts bucket should not be deleted. Basically the artifacts are used to help build the final image to be stored in the "gcf-sources" bucket.

To quote them directly
"you are free to delete the contents in "XX.artifacts", but please leave the bucket untouched, it will be used in the following deployment cycles."

There might be some unintended behaviour if you delete the artifacts bucket entirely.
Also "The team is working to clean up this bucket automatically, but there are some restrictions that they need to solve before publishing the solution."

For the time being I set the bucket to auto-delete files older than 1 day old.

Solution 4

Adding to @yo1995's response, you can delete the artifacts in the bucket without needing to go into GCP. Staying in Firebase, you go to Storage, then "Add a Bucket". From there, you will see the option to import the gcp and artifact buckets. Next, you can delete the artifacts in the buckets accordingly.

Per some comments received, it's important not to delete the bucket. Rather, delete the artifacts in the bucket only!

Artifact Bucket Location Picture

Solution 5

EDIT early 2022: This whole answer is now moot. It may have worked in the past, but the actual root cause of the problem is now fixed in the Firebase CLI.

How to reduce storage

So there is a great answer to the issue but the solution as to how to fix it requires further deep diving.

To help future developers cut right to the chase, here is the result you should see after adding the following rules to your project in GCP

completely cleaned up artifact storage

The orange line is the us-artifacts.<your-project> bucket.

Steps to fix the issue

  1. Navigate to
  2. Open the GCP project that corresponds to the Firebase project
  3. In the menu, choose Storage -> Browser Navigation menu
  4. Click on the offending us-artifacts.<your-project> bucket
  5. Go to the 'Lifecycle' tab and add a life span of 3 days
  • Add a rule
  • Delete Object
  • Age, 3 Days lifecycle rule NB: Results will not appear on the usage graph until about 24 hours later


Firebase uses containers that back reference previous containers, so if you set a period of 3 days and your firebase deploy functions start failing, you will need to update the local name of your function to include versioning, and either specify a build flag to delete old versions, remove them from your firebase.json, or manually delete obsolete functions.

Using versioned API type functions

In your entrypoint, assuming index.ts, and assuming you have initilaised firebase with

import * as functions from 'firebase-functions'

// define the app as a cloud function called APIv1 build xxxxxx
export const APIv1b20201202 = functions.https.onRequest(main)

where main is the name of your app

and in your firebase.json

"hosting": {
    "public": "dist",
    "ignore": ["firebase.json", "**/.*", "**/node_modules/**", "**/tests/**"],
    "rewrites": [
        "source": "/api/v1/**",
        "function": "APIv1b2021202"

Or, to Manually Update

# Deploy new function called APIv11
$ firebase deploy --only functions:APIv11

# Wait until deployment is done; now both APIv11 and APIv10 are running

# Delete APIv10
$ firebase functions:delete APIv10

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Author by


Updated on June 08, 2022


  • glaze
    glaze about 2 years

    I' trying to understand what eu.artifacts.%PROJECT is. It's currently taking up 800mb of storage from my daily 5gb limit. It contains only application/octet-stream type of files. This bucket was created automatically and the file path is 2 heaviest files there weight as much as 200mb and 130mb. I tried deleting it but it was automatically created again. Users can upload pictures on my website but that bucket currently only takes about 10mb containing all the user images.

    So my question is: What is this bucket for and why does it weight so much?

  • glaze
    glaze almost 4 years
    I am using cloud functions. So if I understood correctly the bucket is my cloud functions stored in firebase storage.
  • Frank van Puffelen
    Frank van Puffelen almost 4 years
    It is a regular Cloud Storage bucket, Firebase just allows you to interact with it through its SDKs and shows it in its console.
  • luke cross
    luke cross almost 4 years
    It is strange that firebase does not give us any control over this and simply increases the use of Storage, almost forcing us to pay without knowing it.
  • Johan Chouquet
    Johan Chouquet almost 4 years
    The remaining question is: how to remove those obsolete artifacts ? No doc in Firebase relates to those. I have a project with 18 GB of storage used, because my team worked on Cloud functions lately. Not a good developer experience in my opinion.
  • Razvan Cristian Lung
    Razvan Cristian Lung almost 4 years
    Good question. How do we remove the unused ones?
  • Frank van Puffelen
    Frank van Puffelen almost 4 years
  • Enmanuel Ramírez
    Enmanuel Ramírez almost 4 years
    My project's artifacts files are using 500MB/day and I'm being billed 0,01$ when the free tier is up to 5GB. Can someone explain why this happens? I'm not using cloud storage for something else than these auto generated files.
  • Frank van Puffelen
    Frank van Puffelen almost 4 years
    From what I understand (since writing this answer) the free tier only applies to your default bucket. Since the containers are stored in other buckets, they don't fall under the free tier. Also see Doug's answers here:… and here:…
  • Isuru Bandara
    Isuru Bandara over 3 years
    @FrankvanPuffelen I am also facing the issue, What would happen if I delete all there us.artifacts buckets? By now, I'm only using cloud functions to store average ratings in documents. As I understand, If someone rates an item, the whole collection duplicated in us,artificats or what is really happening here. is there an article which related to this or a youtube video who has done by a firebase expert, please share.
  • Mr. DMX
    Mr. DMX over 3 years
    In my case, gcf-sources takes about 99.3KB, the main problem is the other "us.artifacts..." which is using about 500MB so far. So is this generated on every functions deployment? @yo1995
  • yo1995
    yo1995 over 3 years
    @Mr.DMX I'm not sure, but I assume so. Also after cleaning up the artifacts bucket it took 3 days for the Firebase dashboard to refresh... But eventually it displayed fairly low usage.
  • elersong
    elersong over 3 years
    Thanks for this. I can't understand why they would hide it like that. I'm glad I looked at my usage while debugging. My active file storage is maybe 5mb, but the artifact storage was well over 700mb.
  • Weijing Jay Lin
    Weijing Jay Lin over 3 years
    can the artifact clean up automatically?
  • yo1995
    yo1995 over 3 years
    @WeijingJayLin They should, but it seems Firebase developers are still working on it. Per support staff > Our engineering team is working hard on the automatic deletion, I'd suggest keeping an eye on the release notes or our blog for new features and improvements to the platform.
  • Thomas
    Thomas over 3 years
    I deleted the artifacts and now I can no longer deploy new functions. I am getting: Deployment error. Build failed: Build error details not available. Additionally, in the Logs it tells me that there is a 404 on the artifacts. Any solutions?
  • xaphod
    xaphod over 3 years
    @FrankvanPuffelen My storage usage is 100MB, and my artifacts usage is 14 GB. Node 12 firebase functions. I am guessing a Lifecycle Rule was supposed to be put on the artifacts bucket but this didn't happen? I see the "staging" bucket has one set at delete after 15d if no update. Shouldn't the same policy be on artifacts?
  • King Of The Jungle
    King Of The Jungle over 3 years
    @elersong same here, I'm a week away from deploying, I saw 1.7GB of usage in storage I was shocked only to find out it's artifacts.
  • giorgio79
    giorgio79 over 3 years
    see answer from @decko
  • giorgio79
    giorgio79 over 3 years
    The caveat part is interesting. In what cases would firebase deploy functions start failing? I would like to avoid this versioning magic.
  • Beerswiller
    Beerswiller over 3 years
    The build containers use layered files to efficiently cache your function execution environment. Some of those caches seem to have a validity of several days or possibly weeks, so the function deploy will look for the cached version if it is still valid. If you deleted it (and you can't tell firebase you deleted it) the build fails. Versioning simply forces a complete rebuild of the execution environment
  • xaphod
    xaphod over 3 years
    This definitely breaks things later. You'll get errors on functions deploying, like this: "ERROR: build step 3 "‌​201_20_RC00" failed: step exited with non-zero status: 46"
  • xaphod
    xaphod over 3 years
    Confirming that you should NOT DO THIS. you'll get errors now or later when deploying functions, like this: ERROR: build step 3 "‌​201_20_RC00" failed: step exited with non-zero status: 46
  • xaphod
    xaphod over 3 years
    You should NOT delete these. I had a 7 day delete lifecycle window and I had errors deploying like these: ERROR: build step 3 "‌​201_20_RC00" failed: step exited with non-zero status: 46
  • xaphod
    xaphod over 3 years
    Do not do this, it causes errors. See above
  • Mike Altonji
    Mike Altonji over 3 years
    Thank you! I edited the guidance accordingly.
  • decko
    decko over 3 years
    @xaphod That's really weird. I have mine set to 1 day delete lifecycle and my functions are deploying fine (aus region, multi region usa, multi region asia). I even purposely tested with a freshly wiped artifacts buckets and the deployment remains unaffected. (cloud functions also operate fine) I think the cause of your error might be something else.
  • xaphod
    xaphod over 3 years
    are you using node 12 functions?
  • xaphod
    xaphod over 3 years
    are you using node 12 functions?
  • decko
    decko over 3 years
    @xaphod Yes, my functions are Node 12
  • Tech
    Tech over 3 years
    I had added a 1 day life cycle rule and got the error @xaphod mentioned. Would not recommend doing this as I had to delete all my functions and redeploy them one by one - lots of downtime :(
  • xaphod
    xaphod over 3 years
    there are others with the same error as me, see tech's comment in answer above. I would advise NOT deleting anything in artifacts, which makes it annoying that it can grow really fast. I had 14GB of artifacts I was paying for...
  • Stanislau Buzunko
    Stanislau Buzunko over 3 years
    deleted successfully and don't see any errors so far
  • Marcus Cemes
    Marcus Cemes over 3 years
    I've found that if you delete everything from the bucket, it's rebuilt properly the next deployment. Lifecycle deletion may only partially delete files, confusing the firebase deployment tool, causing those errors.
  • notquiteamonad
    notquiteamonad over 3 years
    @Thomas did you find a solution for this? A Google billing support representative told me to delete the bucket and now I'm stuck unable to deploy
  • Thomas
    Thomas over 3 years
    @samueldple Waiting solved the issue for me. But I contacted the support and this was the response: "One option to workaround the issue is by deploying the functions individually. Then after the function image is set, you can deploy all of them again. Deleting the images is optional, the one day object lifetime is fine, you can workaround the issue by deploying the functions individually. Just keep in mind that since the function image is not found the deployment may sometimes have some issues like this one."
  • Leandro Zubrezki
    Leandro Zubrezki over 3 years
    I have tried first deleting some old ones and keeping some others, that caused the build to fail. But if you remove all the files then you won't have issues.
  • Lotan
    Lotan almost 3 years
    @FrankvanPuffelen "you should no longer get additional artifacts", but seems that you have to remove the old ones (or at least my deploys are not removing old ones)
  • Frank van Puffelen
    Frank van Puffelen almost 3 years
    @Lotan The script that I also linked in my answer allows you to to clean up old artifacts yourself once, and then the CLI will ensure no new ones are created anymore.
  • hieudev develo
    hieudev develo over 2 years
    Artifacts doesn't delete automatically when deploying stripe extension.
  • pjoshi
    pjoshi over 2 years
    +1 for me too, the Artefacts does not get deleted with subsequent deploy of functions. I am using Firebase CLI - 9.23.0 Have handful of functions (~10) but when checked in GCP Console (not firebase) can see that there are 228 artefacts of varying sizes.
  • pjoshi
    pjoshi over 2 years
    Probably do not delete whole bucket but just contents... possibly try keeping latest date's contents there...
  • Frank van Puffelen
    Frank van Puffelen over 2 years
    firebaser here From what I understand, Extensions might not be cleaning artifact yet. If that's what you see, I recommend filing an (or upvoting on an) issue on the Extensions repo.
  • dontdownvoteme
    dontdownvoteme over 2 years
    I am using version 10+ and it still collects artefacts when deploying functions.
  • Gaurav
    Gaurav about 2 years
    As you said the actual cause is now fixed in firebase CLI but I am facing the exact same problem since last should , I am using the latest version of firebase CLI so what should go on and delete the us.artifacts bucket?
  • Beerswiller
    Beerswiller about 2 years
    Version your function(s) and apply the lifecycle rules if it is still happening