Firebug console error HTTP 407 Proxy Authentication Required


If your using Firefox you can following the tutorial here and change the 'network.websocket.enabled' flag to false to avoid this issue.

Jens Neubauer
Author by

Jens Neubauer

Full Stack Developer DOs: Typescript Angular HTML5 ASP.NET Core C# Apache Cordova Azure DON'Ts: VBScript ASP.NET WebForms

Updated on June 05, 2022


  • Jens Neubauer
    Jens Neubauer about 2 years

    I am behind a proxy at work (using NTLM authentication). Whenever I load up a page, my Firebug console gets flooded with messages like this:

    "NetworkError: 407 Proxy Authentication Required - http://somewebsite/Scripts/jquery-1.8.2.min.js"

    It does that for all URLs referenced on that page: JS, CSS, Image, whatnot.

    The annoying thing is that the file is actually successfully loaded. It seems that Firefox hits the 407 Error, spams the log and then loads it anyway with the NTLM credentials.

    Is there any way I can stop these useless errors from showing up, so they don't drown out the console messages I'm actually interested in?