Flask: Converting Python dict to json object for client api


Generally is a bad idea your approach on jsonifying a model:

  • self.__dict__ may contain a lot of undocumented keys
  • column types: you can't jsonify relationship and column types directly. And notably a datetime column.
  • security: sometimes you might want to hide some fields (for untrusted users consuming your APIs for example)

A good approach is to create a method to return a json serializable dictionary:

class Foo(db.Model):
    field1 = db.Column(...)
    field2 = db.Column(...)

    def as_dict(self):
        obj_d = {
            'field1': self.field1,
            'field2': self.field2,
        return obj_d

Then in your view:

foos = Foo.query.all()
results = [ foo.as_dict() for foo in foos ]

return jsonify({count: len(results), results: results)

Based on your application you can make as_dict smarter by converting fields (notably datetime fileds) in javascript friendly formats or adding convenient fields like following a relationship.

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Updated on June 05, 2022


  • user2957824
    user2957824 almost 2 years

    I need to create a json object from a flask a query result. I then need to pass the json object to the route to create an API.

    In searching for some slick ways to create dicts from my instances I stumbled upon a method in this post to use the internal dict of the instance and add a jsond method to the model class. Here is the Model with the custom method, 'jsond':

    from app import db  
    class Rest(db.Model):
        id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key = True)
        name = db.Column(db.String(100), unique = True)
        street = db.Column(db.Text)
        zipcd = db.Column(db.Integer)
        comments = db.relationship('Comment', backref='rest', lazy='dynamic')
        lat = db.Column(db.Float(6))
        lng = db.Column(db.Float(6))
        def __init__(self,name,street,zipcd):
            self.name = name
            self.street = street
            self.zipcd = zipcd
        def __repr__(self):
            return '{}'.format(self.name)
        def name_slug(self):
            return self.name
        def jsond(self):
            instDict = self.__dict__.copy()
            if instDict.has_key('_sa_instance_state'):
                del instDict['_sa_instance_state']
            return instDict

    And here's my view function:

    from app import app, db
    from flask import render_template, flash, redirect, session, url_for, request, g,      jsonify, make_response
    from flask.json import dumps
    from flask.ext import restful 
    from flask.ext.httpauth import HTTPBasicAuth
    from models import Comment, Rest, Badge
    from helper import make_badges, make_inspections, loc_query
    import operator
    auth = HTTPBasicAuth()
    def makeApi():
        ###Query Parameters###
        lim = request.args.get('limit', 10)
        off = request.args.get('offset', 0)
        loc = request.args.get('location', "39.94106,-75.173192")
        lat, lng = loc.split(",")
        radius = request.args.get('radius',2)
        query = loc_query(lat,lng,radius,off,lim)
        results = Rest.query.from_statement(query).all()
        rest_json = []
        for rest in results:
        return make_response(jsonify({'count':len(rest_json),'rests':rest_json}))

    So when in the python API command line I can run queries successfully and create a dict from a particular instances in a query with all fields present (using the custom jsond method). However when I go to the makeApi route using my view I get a json object with ONLY THE 'id' field present:

    rests: [
    id: 28450
    id: 28795
    id: 30439
    id: 29325
    id: 29765
    id: 29928
    id: 30383
    id: 29064
    id: 29862
    id: 28610

    I've been going in circles for hours and have no idea why the view behavior would differ from the python API. Perhaps its something Im doing wrong with jsonify but i dont think so.

  • user2957824
    user2957824 about 10 years
    @paolocasiello is there way to pass a dict object for use in the template directly? if so is this ever beneficial?
  • Paolo Casciello
    Paolo Casciello about 10 years
    You mean Jinja templates? You can pass the whole model to the templates render_template(..., mod=model) and use functions/attributes directly from the template
  • qazimusab
    qazimusab over 7 years
    Thanks so much! This helped me a ton!