Flutter Awesome Notifications PlatformException Unknown Error


Finally found what was wrong, this line:

bigPicture: 'assets://assets/frediLogoSlogan.png'

should be:

bigPicture: 'asset://assets/frediLogoSlogan.png',

The error description was only given if I tried on the android simulator. So give that a try of no error description is given.

Tomas Ward
Author by

Tomas Ward

Updated on December 02, 2022


  • Tomas Ward
    Tomas Ward over 1 year

    I followed ResoCoder's guide on how to set up everything having to do with the Awesome Notifications Plugin. When I try creating a new basic notification, this error is called:

    My Code to Initialize

    AwesomeNotifications().initialize('resource://drawable/res_notification_logo', [
        channelKey: 'basic_channel',
        defaultColor: Colors.tealAccent,
        channelName: 'Basic '
        importance: NotificationImportance.High,
        channelShowBadge: true,
        channelDescription: 'Basic notifications for Fredi.')]);

    My Code To Call Notifications

    Future<void> createBasicNotification() async {
    try {
            await AwesomeNotifications().createNotification(
           content: NotificationContent(
                    id: createUniqueId(),
                    channelKey: 'basic_channel',
                    title: '${Emojis.money_coin} Test Notification Title',
                    body: 'This is your first notification boy',
                    bigPicture: 'assets://assets/frediLogoSlogan.png',
                    notificationLayout: NotificationLayout.BigPicture));
          } on PlatformException catch (error) {

    Then I call:

    onPressed: () async {
              await createBasicNotification();

    The Error (Output)


    flutter: PlatformException(exception, Unknow error, The operation couldn’t be completed. (awesome_notifications.AwesomeNotificationsException error 1.), null)

    I don't know what to fix as there is no description.

    Please Help! Thanks!