Flutter BLoC/Cubit STATE class best practices


Try using Cubit, it simplifies the code a lot.

I would probably create a function addToDo(todoItem) and removeToDo(todoItem) in the cubit class that updates the list and emits the change. The list variable would be in the Cubit, and you will refer to this list from the Widget by using context.read<TodoCubit>().todoList.

And you will use the functions like so: context.read<TodoCubit>().addToDo(todoItem)

I've written a tutorial for best approach for Cubit implementation Flutter | Firebase Authentication with Cubit (Bloc) — Tutorial 1 of 2

I think this article will be a lot of help for you. Take a look 🤓

Author by


Senior Software Developer working on the Radiology Information System for NHS Wales Informatics Service.

Updated on November 28, 2022


  • rejy11
    rejy11 over 1 year

    I'm new to using Bloc and Cubit so I'm trying to figure out some best practices specifically with the State component. I have a simple Todos app where the Todos can be in multiple different states:

    part of 'todos_cubit.dart';
    abstract class TodosState extends Equatable {
      const TodosState();
      List<Object> get props => [];
    class TodosLoading extends TodosState {}
    class TodosLoaded extends TodosState {
      final List<Todo> todos;
      bool operator ==(Object other) {
        if (identical(this, other)) return true;
        return other is TodosLoaded && listEquals(other.todos, todos);
      int get hashCode => todos.hashCode;
    class TodosEmpty extends TodosState {}
    class TodosError extends TodosState {
      final String error;
      bool operator ==(Object other) {
        if (identical(this, other)) return true;
        return other is TodosError && other.error == error;
      int get hashCode => error.hashCode;

    My question is, should I keep the List<Todo> todos in the TodosLoaded subclass or should it be moved to the base class? My thoughts are that by moving it to the base class, it would make my TodosEmpty state redundant because I could simple check to see if the list of todos is empty in the UI. If this is the case, should I also move the String error to the base class?

    Im sure there are pros and cons to each approach, just hoping to bounce ideas off anyone with more experience with Bloc.

  • rejy11
    rejy11 about 3 years
    I am using Cubit already. I was just wondering about best practices when designing each of my states and whether the list of todos should be in TodosState or TodosLoaded.