Flutter, complex SQLite DBs with many tables, is this best practice?


You can use jaguar ORM. https://github.com/Jaguar-dart/jaguar_orm

I am using it in a an app with both one-one, one-many and many-many relationships.

For sqlite (sqflite), you also need this adapter in your flutter app: https://github.com/Jaguar-dart/jaguar_orm/tree/master/sqflite

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Updated on December 07, 2022


  • andyw
    andyw over 1 year

    Flutter newbie here afraid.

    I have a small Django app (python) that I am porting over to a standalone Flutter app with no web back-end. I directly exported the SQL (DDL; about 300 lines worth) that specifies my SQL tables used in my Django app and use that in my flutter app (see below). I end up with ~8 tables and I can query these by just copy/pasting the Django SQL queries Django creates for me via it's ORM.

    My question: is it best practice to have complex tables in mobile app development? I worry SQLite is not best suited for such complexity. But I feel it saves me time to reuse this already generated model structure and range of SQL queries.

    Many thanks, Andy.

    initDb() async {
    // Get a location using path_provider
    var databasesPath = await getDatabasesPath();
    String path = join(databasesPath, "gear_log.db");
    await deleteDatabase(path);
    var theDb = await openDatabase(path, version: 1,
        onCreate: (Database db, int version) async {
          String sql = await rootBundle.loadString('assets/db/schema.txt');
          for(var s in sql.split(";")) { //seems to be a max # characters for db.execute
            if(s.length > 5) { // catching any hidden characters at end of schema
              await db.execute(s + ';');
          // When creating the db, create the table
    return theDb;


    Reusing Django generated SQL to retrieve data:

    Future<List<Item>> getItems() async {
    var dbClient = await db;
    List<Map> list = await dbClient.rawQuery('SELECT "shoe_actualpair"."id", "shoe_actualpair"."created", "shoe_actualpair"."modified", "shoe_actualpair"."name", "shoe_actualpair"."shoe_id", "shoe_actualpair"."expires", "shoe_actualpair"."runner_id" FROM "shoe_actualpair" WHERE "shoe_actualpair"."runner_id" = 1 ORDER BY "shoe_actualpair"."modified" DESC, "shoe_actualpair"."created" DESC');
    List<Item> employees = new List();
    for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
    return employees;
