Flutter: Difference of size between ios and android


I prefer Sizer Package for auto scaling of fonts

First you have to wrap materialApp with Responsive Sizer widget

      builder: (context, orientation, deviceType) {
        return MaterialApp();

Then you can use font size like below

      'Sizer',style: TextStyle(fontSize: 15.sp),
Author by


Updated on December 31, 2022


  • dalton5
    dalton5 over 1 year

    I have an issue with my flutter app.

    I use 2 physical devices

    Android: A20 Iphone: Iphone 11

    I setup fontsize but the font size on the iPhone is not fulfilled.

    Please find below: the screens from both devices.

    How can I fix this difference?

    IPhone 11

    IPhone 11



    Material app

          title: L.localize('Wetip'),
          debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
          navigatorKey: navigatorKey,
          theme: ThemeData(
            primaryColor: MyTheme.PrimaryColor,
            accentColor: MyTheme.SecondaryColor,
            textTheme: GoogleFonts.ralewayTextTheme(),
            disabledColor: Colors.grey.withOpacity(0.5),
            errorColor: MyTheme.PrimaryColor,
            visualDensity: VisualDensity.adaptivePlatformDensity
          home: MyApp())

    The textformfield

          style: TextStyle(
            fontSize: 16,
            color: colorText != null ? colorText : Colors.black,
            decorationColor: Colors.black),

    Et mon titleSection

    Widget TitleSection(String text, {color = Colors.white, TextStyle? 

    style}) { return Text( text, textAlign: TextAlign.center, style: style == null ? TextStyle( color: color, fontSize: Theme.of(navigatorKey.currentContext!) .textTheme .headline4! .fontSize) : style, ); }

    • Dinesh Nagarajan
      Dinesh Nagarajan over 2 years
      can you check the iOS device's default text size?
    • dalton5
      dalton5 over 2 years
      Ok I have been able to fix this by changing text size in settings. But it's not a solution. How can I ensure I will have the same text size between ios and and android? And I would say it's more a scaling than a font size
    • Dinesh Nagarajan
      Dinesh Nagarajan over 2 years
      Can you add some code of how you set text and its property for the attached screenshot?
    • dalton5
      dalton5 over 2 years
      I added some code
  • dalton5
    dalton5 over 2 years
    Ok thanks. Is it a normal behaviour? Or I missed something in my development? I mean if I put textscalefactor to 1 if the user increase the text size it will not be changed. So the final solution should be to multiply my font sizes by the text factor?
  • epynic
    epynic over 2 years
    Yes, that's how accessibility/pixel density settings works across device AFAIK flutter.dev/docs/development/accessibility-and-localization/‌​…
  • dalton5
    dalton5 over 2 years
    But I don't get it. the picture I show in my first message is the default scaling provided in the iPhone. There is no special accessibility settings setup.
  • epynic
    epynic over 2 years
    just a guess, your A20 had less pixel ratio compared to your iphone 11, can you check visiting different website/apps on both the phones and check
  • dalton5
    dalton5 over 2 years
    The A20 has 268 pixels per inch and the iphone 11 has 458 PPI. It's a big difference. Then how can I setup my project to have the same scale?
  • epynic
    epynic over 2 years
    using textScaleFactor doesn't help ? something like scaleFactor = MediaQuery.of(context).textScaleFactor;... and in fontSize: 14 / scaleFactor ?