Flutter - Image object from Codec object


Flutter has multiple classes named Image. Do you actually want a dart:ui Image object? If you want an ImageProvider for use with an Image widget, you can use MemoryImage (to get an ImageProvider) or Image.memory (to go directly to a widget).

If you do need to use to use dart:ui's Image, then you can use (await codec.getNextFrame()).image.

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Updated on December 19, 2022


  • SomeGuy
    SomeGuy over 1 year

    The Image class documentation states

    "To obtain an Image object, use instantiateImageCodec."

    The instantiateImageCodec documentation states

    "Instantiates an image codec Codec object."

    From that it would be reasonable to assume that Codec is a sub-class of Image... Nope! I can't find information anywhere about how to get from a Codec object to an Image object.

    What is the functionality that needs to go into my convert function below?

    Image convert(Codec c){

    The code I'm trying to use this in is as follows:

    static Future<Image> convertBytesToImage(List<int> bytes){
        Uint8List list = Uint8List(bytes.length);
        list.setAll(0, bytes);
        Future<Codec> codec = instantiateImageCodec(list);
        // Do something here so that I can return as Future<Image>
    • SomeGuy
      SomeGuy about 4 years
      @pskink - I've edited the question to include some context
  • SomeGuy
    SomeGuy about 4 years
    MemoryImage was the way to go. Everything is working as expected now. Thanks.