Flutter: pub get failed


Solution 1

Replace inside your devDependencies

test: 0.12.30+4 # TRANSITIVE DEPENDENCY with test: 0.12.30+3

Or you can potentially switch to master branch on flutter. Because you most likely clone an example of a project based on flutter's master

Solution 2

For Flutter projects run

flutter packages get

Instead of

pub get packages

Solution 3

People who you are from Windows OS and still cannot solve pub get failed (1; no message) exit code 1 problem, you can try the below steps:

  1. Open Start -> Run -> regedit
  2. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor\Autorun (If it doesn't exist, create a String value)
  3. Change the value to @chcp 65001>nul
  4. Run flutter upgrade --force
  5. Run flutter pub get in your flutter project folder

If it's not showing pub get failed anymore, then you can run your app in your app emulator or physical device.

Note: This may take some time to run your app.

Last but not least, pub get failed was a horrible error for me!

Solution collected from here

Solution 4

Click on the Link get packages in the given environment like VS code or save your code while pubspec.yaml file is opened will get flutter packages for you automatically.

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Updated on January 19, 2021


  • Krunal
    Krunal over 3 years

    Flutter project showing me a warning 'Packages get' has not been run with suggested solutions,

    • Get Dependencies
    • Upgrade Dependencies
    • Ignore

    As suggested by Darky, in this answer to go ahead with 'Get Dependencies'

    I tried it but it shows me an error:

    pub get failed

    /SoftSources/Flutter/flutter/bin/flutter --no-color packages get
    Running "flutter packages get" in catalog...
    Incompatible version constraints on test:
    - flutter_test 0.0.0 depends on version 0.12.30+3
    - sample_catalog depends on version 0.12.30+4
    pub get failed (1)
    Process finished with exit code 1

    An error indicates an issue with the version of the project (or something else), where should change it in my flutter project?

    Edit: pubspec.yaml

    name: sample_catalog
    description: A collection of Flutter sample apps
        sdk: flutter
      path: 1.5.1
        sdk: flutter
        sdk: flutter
      args: 1.3.0 # TRANSITIVE DEPENDENCY
      async: 2.0.4 # TRANSITIVE DEPENDENCY
      barback: 0.15.2+14 # TRANSITIVE DEPENDENCY
      boolean_selector: 1.0.2 # TRANSITIVE DEPENDENCY
      charcode: 1.1.1 # TRANSITIVE DEPENDENCY
      cli_util: 0.1.2+1 # TRANSITIVE DEPENDENCY
      collection: 1.14.5 # TRANSITIVE DEPENDENCY
      convert: 2.0.1 # TRANSITIVE DEPENDENCY
      crypto: 2.0.2+1 # TRANSITIVE DEPENDENCY
      csslib: 0.14.1 # TRANSITIVE DEPENDENCY
      file: 2.3.6 # TRANSITIVE DEPENDENCY
      glob: 1.1.5 # TRANSITIVE DEPENDENCY
      html: 0.13.2+2 # TRANSITIVE DEPENDENCY
      http: 0.11.3+16 # TRANSITIVE DEPENDENCY
      http_multi_server: 2.0.4 # TRANSITIVE DEPENDENCY
      http_parser: 3.1.1 # TRANSITIVE DEPENDENCY
      intl: 0.15.2 # TRANSITIVE DEPENDENCY
      io: 0.3.2+1 # TRANSITIVE DEPENDENCY
      isolate: 1.1.0 # TRANSITIVE DEPENDENCY
      json_rpc_2: 2.0.7 # TRANSITIVE DEPENDENCY
      logging: 0.11.3+1 # TRANSITIVE DEPENDENCY
      matcher: 0.12.1+4 # TRANSITIVE DEPENDENCY
      meta: 1.1.2 # TRANSITIVE DEPENDENCY
      mime: 0.9.6 # TRANSITIVE DEPENDENCY
      mockito: 2.2.3 # TRANSITIVE DEPENDENCY
      multi_server_socket: 1.0.1 # TRANSITIVE DEPENDENCY
      node_preamble: 1.4.0 # TRANSITIVE DEPENDENCY
      package_config: 1.0.3 # TRANSITIVE DEPENDENCY
      package_resolver: 1.0.2 # TRANSITIVE DEPENDENCY
      plugin: 0.2.0+2 # TRANSITIVE DEPENDENCY
      pool: 1.3.4 # TRANSITIVE DEPENDENCY
      pub_semver: 1.3.2 # TRANSITIVE DEPENDENCY
      quiver: 0.28.0 # TRANSITIVE DEPENDENCY
      shelf: 0.7.2 # TRANSITIVE DEPENDENCY
      shelf_packages_handler: 1.0.3 # TRANSITIVE DEPENDENCY
      shelf_static: 0.2.7 # TRANSITIVE DEPENDENCY
      shelf_web_socket: 0.2.2 # TRANSITIVE DEPENDENCY
      source_map_stack_trace: 1.1.4 # TRANSITIVE DEPENDENCY
      source_maps: 0.10.4 # TRANSITIVE DEPENDENCY
      source_span: 1.4.0 # TRANSITIVE DEPENDENCY
      stack_trace: 1.9.1 # TRANSITIVE DEPENDENCY
      stream_channel: 1.6.3 # TRANSITIVE DEPENDENCY
      string_scanner: 1.0.2 # TRANSITIVE DEPENDENCY
      term_glyph: 1.0.0 # TRANSITIVE DEPENDENCY
      test: 0.12.30+4 # TRANSITIVE DEPENDENCY
      typed_data: 1.1.5 # TRANSITIVE DEPENDENCY
      utf: 0.9.0+4 # TRANSITIVE DEPENDENCY
      vector_math: 2.0.5 # TRANSITIVE DEPENDENCY
      vm_service_client: 0.2.4+1 # TRANSITIVE DEPENDENCY
      watcher: 0.9.7+7 # TRANSITIVE DEPENDENCY
      web_socket_channel: 1.0.7 # TRANSITIVE DEPENDENCY
      yaml: 2.1.13 # TRANSITIVE DEPENDENCY
      uses-material-design: true