`flutter pub get` results in build runner error


You are using the wrong version of build_runner. Just run this command in the terminal :

dart pub add build_runner --dev

and then run this :

flutter pub run build_runner build
Kim Lo
Author by

Kim Lo

Updated on January 04, 2023


  • Kim Lo
    Kim Lo over 1 year

    I got this error out of the blue in Flutter mobile. When trying to run "flutter run" or "flutter pub get", I get this error

    Because mapstest depends on build runner any which doesn't exist (could not find package build runner at https://pub.flutter-io.cn), version solving failed.

    enter image description here

    I tried fixing my proxy setting and it's all good I think. I tried downgrading flutter still doesn't work. flutter doctor is all good. I tried searching this error but no similar results gave me this.

  • Kim Lo
    Kim Lo about 2 years
    added this to my dev_dependencies: build runner: ^2.1.8. but still doesnt work with same error :(
  • Evgen
    Evgen about 2 years
    Nothing changed?