Flutter pub get running in wrong directory?


I solved it. my bad i didnt look at my pubspec which contained

    sdk: flutter
    path: ../

the 'path' was causing it to run pub get in parent directory.

Tushar Kulkarni
Author by

Tushar Kulkarni

I love django and making apps. Im a self taught developer currently learning vue.js and ElectronJS. I would really like to develop a game someday. Theres just so much i like and so musch to learn i this everchanging era of technology I plan to master vue and django to be able to make enterprise applications, meant to be run on both pc and handheld devices. I also want to learn a mobile app development framework. I would go with flutter as soon as i get a grip on vue.

Updated on December 24, 2022


  • Tushar Kulkarni
    Tushar Kulkarni over 1 year

    I created a new flutter project using flutter create. The path to pubspec.yaml is D:\dev\flutter\example\

    But when I run flutter run in my projects, it gives an error: pubspec.yaml not found in D:\dev\flutter\

    Why is flutter pub get running in the parent directory of my project?

  • Tushar Kulkarni
    Tushar Kulkarni over 3 years
    thats what im doing.
  • Tushar Kulkarni
    Tushar Kulkarni over 3 years
    didnt help, sorry