flutter stuck on running xcode build


Solution 1

  1. Delete Xcode/DerivedData
  2. flutter clean
  3. flutter run

Solution 2

When I was running my project from Android Studio, it was just stuck, tried cleaning and everything but no progress.

Here is what I did:

  • Try opening the project in Xcode and run it from there.
  • If there are any issues, it will show them.
  • Fix those issues (For me it was adding a Firebase-analytics library in pubspec.yaml as it was having Firebase-core issues)

It took another 45 minutes to run from Xcode but it did eventually run. Disappointed with Flutter on getting into issues like this one.

Author by


Updated on November 24, 2022


  • RockNav
    RockNav over 1 year

    Flutter stuck on running xcode build; the verbose shows that it get stuck at here,

    [  +14 ms] Running Xcode build...
        [  +20 ms] executing: [/Users/navodsanthana/AndroidStudioProjects/flash-chat-flutter/ios/] /usr/bin/env xcrun xcodebuild
        -configuration Debug VERBOSE_SCRIPT_LOGGING=YES -workspace Runner.xcworkspace -scheme Runner
        BUILD_DIR=/Users/navodsanthana/AndroidStudioProjects/flash-chat-flutter/build/ios -sdk iphonesimulator -arch x86_64
    • Atul Chaudhary
      Atul Chaudhary over 3 years
      Go to terminal inside type flutter clean and try again, it happens sometimes
  • Johny Saini
    Johny Saini over 3 years
    Did you change app name Runner to appname?
  • RockNav
    RockNav over 3 years
    It worked!! It takes some to build the app so be patient that's what I found out.
  • who-aditya-nawandar
    who-aditya-nawandar about 2 years
    Where is this folder?
  • Pankaj Kainthla
    Pankaj Kainthla almost 2 years
    This does not really answer the question. If you have a different question, you can ask it by clicking Ask Question. To get notified when this question gets new answers, you can follow this question. Once you have enough reputation, you can also add a bounty to draw more attention to this question. - From Review