flutter: Unhandled Exception: Unable to load asset: assets/languages/en


Since your localization files are in JSON format, you'll need to add .json to your file path.

Future load() async {
    String jsonStringValues =
        await rootBundle.loadString('assets/languages/${locale.languageCode}.json'); // add .json at the end

    Map<String, dynamic> mappedJson = jsonDecode(jsonStringValues);
    _localizedValues =
        mappedJson.map((key, value) => MapEntry(key, value.toString()));
Author by


Updated on December 16, 2022


  • azheen
    azheen over 1 year

    i am using flutter localization, and i have added my language and parameters to be translated as json files for each language.. the language json files are in a folder called asset from the root folder like this

    enter image description here

    and i also declared it in my pubspec.yaml like this

    enter image description here

    also here's my code for the en json:

      "home_title": "Welcome To Tamata! \nThe online supermarket"

    here's my material app :

            locale: _locale,
            supportedLocales: [
              Locale('en', 'US'),
              Locale('ar', ''),
    //          Locale('ar', 'IQ'),
            localizationsDelegates: [
            localeResolutionCallback: (deviceLocale, supportedLocales) {
              for (var locale in supportedLocales) {
                if (locale.languageCode == deviceLocale.languageCode &&
                    locale.countryCode == deviceLocale.countryCode) {
                  return deviceLocale;
              return supportedLocales.first;
            debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
            theme: ThemeData(
                primaryColor: Color(0xffba0100),
                accentColor: Color(0xff188949),
                canvasColor: Colors.grey[100],
                textTheme: TextTheme().copyWith(
                  bodyText1: TextStyle(
                    color: Colors.white,
                    fontSize: 17.0,
                    fontWeight: FontWeight.w700,
                  bodyText2: TextStyle(
                    color: Colors.white,
                  headline6: TextStyle(
                    color: Colors.black,
                    fontSize: 18.0,
            title: 'Tamata Online',
            initialRoute: '/',
            routes: {
              '/': (ctx) => LoadingScreen(
                  initScreen), //TODO put it back to be LoadingScreen(initScreen)
              TabsScreen.id: (ctx) => TabsScreen(
                    filteredBySearch: filteredBySearch,
                    filteredBySpecialSearch: filteredBySpecialSearch,
              SettingsScreen.id: (ctx) => SettingsScreen(),
              CartScreen.id: (ctx) => CartScreen(),
              IntroScreen.id: (ctx) => IntroScreen(),
              ChooseLanguageScreen.id: (ctx) => ChooseLanguageScreen(),
              SpecialOffers.id: (ctx) => SpecialOffers(),

    and here is my demo localization :

    import 'dart:convert';
    import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart';
    import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
    import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
    class DemoLocalizations {
      final Locale locale;
      static DemoLocalizations of(BuildContext context) {
        return Localizations.of<DemoLocalizations>(context, DemoLocalizations);
      Map<String, String> _localizedValues;
      Future load() async {
        String jsonStringValues =
            await rootBundle.loadString('assets/languages/${locale.languageCode}'); //where it says it has a problem reading my assets/language/en
        Map<String, dynamic> mappedJson = jsonDecode(jsonStringValues);
        _localizedValues =
            mappedJson.map((key, value) => MapEntry(key, value.toString()));
      String getTranslatedValue(String key) {
        return _localizedValues[key];
      static const LocalizationsDelegate<DemoLocalizations> delegate =
    class _DemoLocalizationDelegate
        extends LocalizationsDelegate<DemoLocalizations> {
      const _DemoLocalizationDelegate();
      bool isSupported(Locale locale) {
        return ['en', 'ar'].contains(locale.languageCode);
      Future<DemoLocalizations> load(Locale locale) async {
        DemoLocalizations localization = DemoLocalizations(locale);
        await localization.load();
        return localization;
      bool shouldReload(_DemoLocalizationDelegate old) => false;

    what am i doing wrong?

    here's the error:

    Unable to load asset: assets/languages/en
    E/flutter (19559): #0      PlatformAssetBundle.load