FontAwesome fails to load fonts locally and in electron app


Solution 1

The Problem was in my grunt-file. I tried to reproduce the issue by simply downloading all dependencies manually at their vendors websites and placed them in the corresponding script-folder of my project - suddenly it worked.

I switched to gulp now and it still works. No idea what i was doing wrong with grunt though...

Solution 2

I had a similar issue (perhaps this answer will help someone). I use Maven to build projects (Java + JS). Maven Filter Plugin corrupted binary font files. I had to add includes and excludes:


Solution 3

In my situation, Git was treating the file as a text file, and messing with its "line endings". This was corrupting the file.

Adjusting the .gitconfig to recognize *.woff files as binary, then removing the file, and adding a new copy from solved the issue for me.

Solution 4

I faced same issue, using API Gateway to serve static font-files on Amazon S3.

I fixed it by adding */* as Binary Media Types on the AWS Console.

More information on binary media types management on

Solution 5

For some people who are deploying to IIS, adding this to web.config file (the main one, not the one inside Controller directory) might be of help.

      <remove fileExtension=".eot" />
      <mimeMap fileExtension=".eot" mimeType="application/" />
      <remove fileExtension=".ttf" />
      <mimeMap fileExtension=".ttf" mimeType="application/octet-stream" />
      <remove fileExtension=".svg" />
      <mimeMap fileExtension=".svg" mimeType="image/svg+xml" />
      <remove fileExtension=".woff" />
      <mimeMap fileExtension=".woff" mimeType="application/font-woff" />
      <remove fileExtension=".woff2" />
      <mimeMap fileExtension=".woff2" mimeType="font/woff2" />
Author by


Developer based in Dresden, GER

Updated on January 30, 2020


  • nozzleman
    nozzleman over 4 years

    I have downloaded FontAwesome using npm and then copied the css-file and the fonts into the right folders in the root-diretory of my electron-application using grunts copy task.

    So far so good. Everything is where it is supposed to be.

    Now, when i am referencing FontAwesome in my app, the icons do not get loaded. These are the errors that I get in the console:

    Failed to decode downloaded font:
    OTS parsing error: Failed to convert WOFF 2.0 font to SFNT

    Failed to decode downloaded font:
    OTS parsing error: incorrect file size in WOFF header

    Failed to decode downloaded font:
    OTS parsing error: incorrect entrySelector for table directory

    I have already tried to modify FontAwesome's css file by removing all the version parameters but this does not seem to be the problem. The Issues comes up both by starting the app via electron . and when viewing the html-file in the browser.


    To Answer some comments:

    • This problem occurrs in electron as well as in the browser (tested in chrome and firefox)
    • I am using the newest versions of both, FontAwesome (4.4.0) and Electron (0.32.1) (fresh install via npm)
    • css is loaded like: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/font-awesome.css" >
  • nozzleman
    nozzleman over 8 years
    Unfortunately, this didn't do the trick. btw, the only thing that changed was the version parameter. It doesn't even get processed since i try this locally. but thx anyway.
  • gabrielperales
    gabrielperales over 8 years
    You did well answering... It helped me with this issue.
  • Tigran
    Tigran about 8 years
    For me too it was Grunt. I was mistakenly processing the font file contents as string when copying.
  • nozzleman
    nozzleman about 8 years
    Oh, well this could have been my mistake too. Thanks!
  • R.J.
    R.J. almost 8 years
    Thanks, this was my issue using AEM and Maven to build.
  • gabaum10
    gabaum10 almost 8 years
    That's what my mistake was as well. I had to explicitly exclude the files from the copy processing like this: options: { process: processFiles, noProcess: ['www/**/*.{png,gif,jpg,ico,psd,svg,ttf,otf,woff,woff2,eot}'‌​]}
  • Patrick Kwinten
    Patrick Kwinten over 7 years
    can you explain this a bit more?
  • cralfaro
    cralfaro over 7 years
    You don't need to download the sources again, just make a clean install of your project, and will work
  • Philip
    Philip over 7 years
    to treat files as binary files I had to add following lines to .gitattributes file: *.woff2 -text diff
  • Changwon Choe
    Changwon Choe over 7 years
    Thanks! Maven resource plugin filter maybe have replacement issue when meeting font files.
  • Monir
    Monir almost 7 years
    You can also acomplish the same using: <nonFilteredFileExtensions> <nonFilteredFileExtension>svg</nonFilteredFileExtens‌​ion> <nonFilteredFileExtension>woff</nonFilteredFileExten‌​sion> <nonFilteredFileExtension>woff2</nonFilteredFileExte‌​nsion> <nonFilteredFileExtension>ttf</nonFilteredFileExtens‌​ion> <nonFilteredFileExtension>eot</nonFilteredFileExtens‌​ion> <nonFilteredFileExtension>otf</nonFilteredFileExtens‌​ion> </nonFilteredFileExtensions>
  • wrapperapps
    wrapperapps over 6 years
    What is the point of the second resource section with "includes"? Why is not enough to just exclude?
  • Azee
    Azee almost 6 years
    @wrapperapps - AFAIK, if you'll exclude files from resources they won't get into the target build. You still have to include them BUT WITHOUT filtering.
  • Art713
    Art713 over 5 years
    I have the same issue, setting binary media types to / is not working for me. Did you just set binary media types or you also changed headers, etc.?
  • piercus
    piercus over 5 years
    I think I followed the guide and I changed Content Handling value to "convert as binary". But i'm not 100% sure and I cannot double check now.