Forcing C99 in CMake (to use 'for' loop initial declaration)


Solution 1

After creating a target such as a library or executable, put a line like this in your CMakeLists.txt file:

set_property(TARGET tgt PROPERTY C_STANDARD 99)

where tgt is the name of your target.

I think this was added in CMake 3.1, and the documentation is here:

If you need to support versions of CMake older than 3.1, you can use this macro:

      set (CMAKE_C_FLAGS "-std=gnu99 ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}")
    endif ()
  else ()
    set (CMAKE_C_STANDARD 99)
  endif ()

After putting that macro in your top-level file so it is visible everywhere, you can just write use_c99() at the top of any CMakeLists file that defines a target with C99 code in it.

CMake issue #15943 for clang users targeting macOS

If you are using CMake and clang to target MacOS there is a bug that can cause the CMAKE_C_STANDARD feature to simply not work (not add any compiler flags). Make sure that you do one of the following things:

  • Use cmake_minimum_required to require CMake 3.0 or later, or
  • Set policy CMP0025 to NEW with the following code at the top of your CMakeLists.txt file before the project command:

    # Fix behavior of CMAKE_C_STANDARD when targeting macOS.
    if (POLICY CMP0025)
      cmake_policy(SET CMP0025 NEW)
    endif ()

Solution 2

As this question keeps getting attention I'm summarizing here what I think are the best options today.

The following command sets C99 as a minimum requirement for target:

target_compile_features(target PUBLIC c_std_99)

I consider this the preferred way, as it is per target and exposes a way to control the visibility through the PUBLIC, INTERFACE and PRIVATE keywords - see the reference. Although the target_compile_features command was introduced on the 3.1 version, c_std_99 requires at least CMake 3.8.

Similar to the above, another way to set C99 as the standard for target is the following:

set_property(TARGET target PROPERTY C_STANDARD 99)

This is available since CMake 3.1. A possible drawback is that it doesn't enforce the standard (see the reference). For this reason setting the C_STANDARD_REQUIRED property may be useful:


The above two properties are defaulted to the values of CMAKE_C_STANDARD and CMAKE_C_STANDARD_REQUIRED respectively.

So a possible way to make C99 default for all targets is:


As a side note, expanding on the target_compile_features approach, there may be no need to require some specific language standard if all you care about is some specific feature. For instance by setting:

target_compile_features(target PUBLIC c_variadic_macros)

CMake will take care to pick the proper flags that enforce the availability of variadic macros. However currently there are only a few such features available for the C language - see CMAKE_C_KNOWN_FEATURES for the complete list - and loop initial declarations is not among them.

Author by


I work at XP Investimentos, one of the top Brazilian financial companies. I work mostly with C++ for market data feed.

Updated on February 21, 2022


  • Tarc
    Tarc over 2 years

    I've been searching a portable way to force CMake to enable the compiler's C99 features in order to avoid the following gcc error for instance:

    error: ‘for’ loop initial declarations are only allowed in C99 mode
    for (int s = 1; s <= in_para->StepNumber; s++){

    I also wouldn't like to check for which compiler and append something like:

    set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "-std=c99") # that would be bad

    So I found this post: Enabling C99 in CMake and the associated feature request: 0012300: CMake has no cross-platform way to ask for C99. In this Mantis bug I learned about target_compiler_features and after that I found these SOF answers on it: How to activate C++11 in CMake? and How to detect C++11 support of a compiler with CMake.

    So my questions are: this target_compiler_features will provide a way to require a C feature as well as a C++ one? What is the most portable way to achive this by now - I'm currently using CMake The target_compiler_features isn't in CMake's most recent release version (3.0.0). Do you know when it is being released?

    • John Zwinck
      John Zwinck almost 10 years
      What's so bad about -std=c99? That's the way I'd do it. You probably don't have more than two different ways you need to support for different compilers (e.g. Clang and GCC are the same).
    • Tarc
      Tarc almost 10 years
      I would like something that would work for both gcc and MSVC without having to check for CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID. By the way, I also use -std=c99, but it seems that there is / there will be a better approach with target_compiler_features.
    • John Zwinck
      John Zwinck almost 10 years
      Maybe someday there will be something better. I'm not sure what your question is then. This isn't a release-date forecasting site for CMake.
    • Tarc
      Tarc almost 10 years
      Well, I was wondering if there would be a chance some cmake dev notices this question. Also, as the bug report I cite is already three years old I was also hoping that someone have already figured out some better approach. Also, there are some answers on this future feature but only dealing with C++11, so I'm asking if it will apply also to C (as I'm not willing to read the code and/or draft documentation of it).
    • John Zwinck
      John Zwinck almost 10 years
      It sounds like you should ask the CMake devs directly using their preferred method of contact (perhaps a mailing list), rather than hoping one of them stumbles upon this.
    • Jens Gustedt
      Jens Gustedt almost 10 years
      As far as I know MSVC simply doesn't implement C99.
    • chux - Reinstate Monica
      chux - Reinstate Monica about 9 years
      @Jens Gustedt This may help
    • Jens Gustedt
      Jens Gustedt about 9 years
      @chux, this only talks about C library support, not about the core language or the preprocessor.
  • JimLohse
    JimLohse over 6 years
    @SeanBurton good point, at the same time, I think a lot of people use SO like I do, skipping directly to the answers, so FWIW I found the answer here, not in OP :) (of course I would have scrutinized OP eventually!)
  • Geshode
    Geshode about 6 years
    Please explain in more detail, why that is the correct answer.
  • Tarc
    Tarc over 3 years
    Maybe you're considering only CMake version 3.0? Because this cannot be the most portable way starting with CMake 3.8, which enable setting target_compile_features to c_std_99. For instance -std=c99 will break MSVC builds, for which there's no analog way of requiring C99 standard (but accept a C11 specification with /std:c11).
  • quent
    quent over 3 years
    @Tarc : The problem of target_compile_features and more in general Cmake Compile Features is that these properties don't work with all compiler. They works only with these compiler: A. For C++ standard: Cray Compiler Environment version 8.1+, PGI version 12.10+, IBM XL version 10.1+. B. For C standard: all compilers and versions listed above with only meta-features for C++, Texas Instruments compiler. source