Formatting MAC address in C#


Solution 1


mac = string.Join (":", (from z in nic.GetPhysicalAddress().GetAddressBytes() select z.ToString ("X2")).ToArray());

Solution 2

The help for the command shows one way:

    PhysicalAddress address = adapter.GetPhysicalAddress();
    byte[] bytes = address.GetAddressBytes();
    for(int i = 0; i< bytes.Length; i++)
        // Display the physical address in hexadecimal.
        Console.Write("{0}", bytes[i].ToString("X2"));
        // Insert a hyphen after each byte, unless we are at the end of the 
        // address.
        if (i != bytes.Length -1)

Solution 3

Using the comment by eFloh for using BitConverter I was able to do the following (assuming mac is predefined as a string).

foreach (NetworkInterface nic in NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces())
    mac = BitConverter.ToString(nic.GetPhysicalAddress().GetAddressBytes()).Replace('-', ':');

    //Do whatever else necessary with each mac...

Solution 4

Try Something like this:

// Insert Colons on MAC
string MACwithColons = "";
for (int i = 0; i < MAC.Length; i++) {
  MACwithColons = MACwithColons + MAC.Substring(i, 2) + ":";
MACwithColons = MACwithColons.Substring(0, MACwithColons.Length - 1); // Remove the last colon

Solution 5

Where you want to show that, you have to do this:

public string GetMacAddress()

    NetworkInterface[] nics = NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces();
    String sMacAddress = string.Empty;
    foreach (NetworkInterface adapter in nics)
         if (sMacAddress == String.Empty)// solo retorna la mac de la primera tarjeta
              IPInterfaceProperties properties = adapter.GetIPProperties();
              sMacAddress = adapter.GetPhysicalAddress().ToString();
    return sMacAddress;

public string getFormatMac(string sMacAddress)
    string MACwithColons = "";
    for (int i = 0; i < macName.Length; i++)
        MACwithColons = MACwithColons + macName.Substring(i, 2) + ":";
    MACwithColons = MACwithColons.Substring(0, MACwithColons.Length - 1);

    return MACwithColons;

Author by


Updated on November 05, 2020


  • gln
    gln over 3 years

    In my C# application, I want to get my MAC address by using NetworkInterface class as the following:

    NetworkInterface nic in NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces()
        mac = nic.GetPhysicalAddress()

    But this code returns the MAC without ':' or any other separator.

    How can I retrieve the MAC in this format: 88:88:88:88:87:88 using the code above ONLY?