FPDF - Inline bold text


Solution 1

You could rewrite a part of the extension but it may be easier for you to use the extension writeHTML, then draw a cell (empty text) with a border over the cell you created with writeHTML. By adjusting your cells properly it should work.

Don't forget to use SetY then SetX to position your cells.


if(isset($_POST['optout']) && $_POST['optout'] == "yes"){

   //Your text cell
   $pdf->writeHTML('This is my disclaimer. <b>THESE WORDS NEED TO BE BOLD.</b> These words do not need to be bold.');

   //Your bordered cell
   $pdf->Cell($width, $height, '', 1, 0, 'C');

Solution 2

Use Write() & Rect().


$pdf->Write(0.1,"this is not bold, but this ");
$pdf->Write(0.1,"is bold.");

You need to play around with width & height of the Rect() parameters. In this case, I set width = 2 and height to 0.1 User Units.

Solution 3

Here's how I solved it:

$cell = 'This is my disclaimer.';
$pdf->Cell($pdf->GetStringWidth($cell),3,$cell, 0, 'L');
$pdf->Cell($pdf->GetStringWidth($boldCell),3,$boldCell, 0, 'L');
$cell = 'These words do not need to be bold.';
$pdf->Cell($pdf->GetStringWidth($cell),3,$cell, 0, 'L');

Essentially, make one cell, change font, then another cell with the width of the text you want to bold, and so on.

There seem to be better tools out there for making PDFs that use HTML / Blade templates and such, though, so you might want to consider using that.

Solution 4

I find other soluction.


copy and paste fragment code write_tag inside file fpdf.php, call function write_tag while was create of pdf, whit this I can make format at the text in pdf.

I wrestled a bear once.
Author by

I wrestled a bear once.

Yes I know the band sucks.

Updated on July 16, 2022


  • I wrestled a bear once.
    I wrestled a bear once. almost 2 years

    I am trying to create a PDF from PHP and for legal reason we need to make part of our disclaimer BOLD and the disclaimer needs to be outlined.

    My current code uses:

    if(isset($_POST['optout']) && $_POST['optout'] == "yes"){
        $pdf->MultiCell(0,4,'This is my disclaimer. THESE WORDS NEED TO BE BOLD. These words do not need to be bold.',1,'C');

    I am currently using WriteHTML for other parts of the document, and I could easily use that instead of MultiCell, but then how do I create the border?

    So I have 2 options..

    native FPDF functions

    PROS: Give an option for a border

    CONS: No easy way to make inline text bold

    WriteHTML extension class

    PROS: Lets me easily add bold text inline

    CONS: Not sure how to create the border


  • I wrestled a bear once.
    I wrestled a bear once. about 10 years
    That's what I ended up doing, except I used Rect() instead of cell. Thank you.
  • PtF
    PtF almost 10 years
    When I write "<p align='center'><b> Word 1:</b> Word 2</p>" it is creating a line break between Word 1 and Word 2, how to fix that?
  • Hytool
    Hytool over 8 years
    how about MultiCell ?
  • I wrestled a bear once.
    I wrestled a bear once. almost 5 years
    answering a question that's more than half a decade old... bold move.
  • Vishal Kumar Sahu
    Vishal Kumar Sahu almost 4 years
    Kind of wrestling with a dead bear :-p