From Stored Procedure, return OUT parameter & OUT cursor & parse result (Oracle)


Solution 1

Thank you for the answers

I was really desperate to get a working result & somehow came across a solution & after reading a bit found out why it worked :

Oracle Stored Procedure as is with no change.

Code Behind - Changed as follows :

Database db = DBSingleton.GetInstance();
using (DbCommand command = db.GetStoredProcCommand(spName))
    //The three Add In Parameters... & then the Add out Parameter as below
    db.AddOutParameter(command, "myFlag", System.Data.DbType.Int32, LocVariable );
    using ( IDataReader reader = db.ExecuteReader(command))
         //Loop through cursor values & store them in code behind class-obj(s)
         //The reader must be closed before trying to get the "OUT parameter"

         //Only after reader is closed will any parameter result be assigned
         //So now we can get the parameter value.
         //if reader was not closed then OUT parameter value will remain null
         //Getting the parameter must be done within this code block
         //I could not get it to work outside this code block
         <Type> result = (typecast)command.Parameters["OUT_parameter_name"];

Solution 2

Yes, it is possible to have more than one out parameter. Here's an example that I use to call an Oracle stored procedure in c#:

OracleParameter op = null;
OracleDataReader dr = null;

/* custom code here. Yours would look a little different */
OracleCommand cmd = (OracleCommand) this.FactoryCache.Connection.CreateCommand();

cmd.CommandText = "pkg_prov_index.getNextPanel";
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

op = new OracleParameter("pCurrentPanelId", OracleType.VarChar);
op.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
op.Value = masterProviderIndex.CurrentPanelId;

op = new OracleParameter("pRefCursor", OracleType.Cursor);
op.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

op = new OracleParameter("pReturnCode", OracleType.Number);
op.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
op.Size = 5;

op = new OracleParameter("pReturnMessage", OracleType.VarChar);
op.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
op.Size = 4000;


returnCode = Convert.ToInt16(cmd.Parameters[2].Value);
returnMessage = cmd.Parameters[3].Value.ToString();

dr = (OracleDataReader) cmd.Parameters[1].Value;

while (dr.Read()) {

Solution 3

            using (myCmd)
                myCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("p_session_id", sessionId);
                myCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("p_user", SessionHelper.UserEmailID);

                OracleParameter retval = new OracleParameter("p_status", OracleType.NVarChar, 35);
                retval.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

                OracleParameter retval2 = new OracleParameter("p_status_dtl", OracleType.NVarChar, 300);
                retval2.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

                OracleParameter retval3 = new OracleParameter("p_output", OracleType.Cursor);
                retval3.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
                status = myCmd.Parameters["p_status"].Value.ToString();
                statusDetail = myCmd.Parameters["p_status_dtl"].Value.ToString();

                using (OracleDataReader reader = (OracleDataReader)myCmd.Parameters["p_output"].Value)


Author by


SOreadytohelp ...

Updated on July 28, 2020


  • Sunny
    Sunny almost 4 years

    Question : Is it possible to return using OUT :

    Both : A variable & A cursor, from my code below ??

    I saw a similar question for SqlDB but after a really long search found no solution for OracleDB.

    In PLSQL :

     pFilter VARCHAR2,
     pMaxRowCount VARCHAR2,
     pTableID RAW,
     myFlag OUT NUMBER,
     myCursor OUT types.cursorType
      CountQuery VARCHAR(20000) := '';
      DataQuery VARCHAR(20000) := '';
      ResultingRows NUMBER := -1;
      myFlag := -1;
      CountQuery := 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' 
                    || F_GET_TABLENAME_FROM_ID(PTABLEID => pTableID)
                    || ' WHERE ' || pFilter;
      EXECUTE IMMEDIATE CountQuery INTO ResultingRows;
      --Get the Return Value
      if( pMaxRowCount > ResultingRows ) then myFlag := 1; end if;
      DataQuery := 'SELECT * FROM '
                    || F_GET_TABLENAME_FROM_ID(PTABLEID => pTableID) 
                    || ' WHERE ' || pFilter; 
      --Get the Return Cursor
      Open myCursor for DataQuery;

    In Code Behind..

    Database db = DBSingleton.GetInstance();
    using (DbCommand command = db.GetStoredProcCommand(spName))
        //The three Add In Parameters... & then the Add out Parameter as below
        db.AddOutParameter(command, "myFlag", System.Data.DbType.Int32, LocVariable );
        using ( IDataReader reader = db.ExecuteReader(command))
             //Loop through cursor values & store them in code behind class-obj(s)

    I Thought this was not possible as how do I read both the value & the cursor, because..

    if only flag param out then i would use db.ExecuteNonQuery(..) & if only cursor out then i would use db.ExecuteReader(..)

  • Sunny
    Sunny almost 13 years
    @yahia, thank you for your reply, i am using the Microsoft Practices Enterprise Library
  • Yahia
    Yahia almost 13 years
    sorry - never used that... I could be mistaken but from what I see in the documentation what you want is not possible...
  • Sunny
    Sunny almost 13 years
    oh well, i guess i got to find some other way, i'm right now trying even a double cursor out ?? .. once again thank you for your time
  • Sunny
    Sunny almost 13 years
    thank you for your suggestion, I didn't know of the OVER() function at all earlier. I'm sorry for not having mentioned details about the dynamic table, it has a minimum of over 20~30 k rows... & around 3-4 columns, hence adding that many redundant Tot_row_counts (filter is rarely applicable) may not be entirely practical as this procedure is invoked simultaneously by multiple user's accessing the same table space.
  • Sunny
    Sunny almost 13 years
    I had used the same code as you have written above, the issue was that i was not able to access the OUT value parameter, even though i could get the OUT cursor data. But i eventually found out that the ExecuteReader() would also pass the OUT but only @ the end of an entire cursor-result read() operation. Please see the code I used to get it to work. Thanks a lot for taking the effort to answer, I am a newbie to this community, do forgive me for not having been clear with my question.
  • Sunny
    Sunny almost 13 years
    Although I did not come across the need to yet perform this, I am really curious to know : Is it possible to Add More Than One Cursor Out & (not a REF Cursor) , If so how would one go about reading it in code behind using the Microsoft Practices Enterprise Library DataReader Class, If anyone were to come up with an answer then I will edit the question to reflect the same.
  • Tanavirrul haq
    Tanavirrul haq almost 8 years
    you can use return multiple value from Proceedure