FULLY stop an antivirus from running


I want to be able to look in task manager and not see Avast running as a process.

Do the following at your own risk:

  1. Open the Avast User interface

  2. Click on "Settings"

  3. Uncheck "Enable Avast self-defence module"

    enter image description here

  4. Click "OK"

  5. Click "Yes" on the warning dialog (no screen capture is possible for this).

  6. Close the Avast User interface

  7. Open a cmd shell

  8. Run the following command

    taskkill /F /IM avastui.exe
    SUCCESS: The process "AvastUI.exe" with PID 5928 has been terminated.
  9. Start > Run > Services

  10. Right click "Avast Antivirus" and select "Stop"

    enter image description here

Thanks to HelpingHand for his comment that led to this answer.


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Pizza
    Pizza over 1 year

    I would like a way to fully stop Avast or any antivirus from running. I don't want to uninstall Avast or disable the Shields I want to be able to look in task manager and not see Avast running as a process.

    Please could someone tell me a way to do this.

    • Tetsujin
      Tetsujin over 6 years
      Usually uninstall is the only way to completely stop them. Their job includes to prevent being disabled.
    • DavidPostill
      DavidPostill over 6 years
      You can't. If you really don't want to see it in task manager then uninstall it
    • Tetsujin
      Tetsujin over 6 years
      Additionally, even uninstall will not restore quarantined items. If the AV has eaten some essential component, then uninstalling that app & reinstalling [sometimes to a new non-default folder is required], then whitelisting before first run is the only way to get functionality back.
    • Ramhound
      Ramhound over 6 years
      What you want isn’t possible. If it was then malware could disable AV software which would make them useless
    • Pizza
      Pizza over 6 years
      Common guys, I said in my post I don't want to uninstall. Also, can a program really completely prevent windows from stopping it?
    • Tetsujin
      Tetsujin over 6 years
      What you want cannot be done. Antivirus apps are quite keen that it cannot be done, so do a lot to prevent it. If you don't want to uninstall, then you have to put up with the consequences.
    • HelpingHand
      HelpingHand over 6 years
      I'm not familiar with Avast but the following rules would apply, having disabled any Tamper Protection. 1. Run services.msc, stop/disable any Avast services. I assume they start "Avast". 2. I assume there is some auto-run process that is responsible for a tray icon, in which case you can probably disable that with Autoruns/msconfig but if you're only looking to disable this on a per session basis you should be able to terminate the process. Is the aim here to disable Avast while you play a game to minimise system resources? Maybe a batch file?
    • Pizza
      Pizza over 6 years
      How would one disable Tamper Protection?
    • patkim
      patkim over 6 years
      On my Comodo antivirus I do the following, using CCleaner app disable its entry in Auto Start with Windows and most importantly Disable the Comodo Service in Administrative Tools--> Services. (I just mark it as Disabled, it does not actually immediately) Only upon subsequent restart, Comodo completely stops. Undo the things to get it back again. However I do not know how Avast works.
    • HelpingHand
      HelpingHand over 6 years
      I've just installed Avast. An option called self defense can be disabled - imgur.com/a/Fpvzb Once off you can kill the tray process for example taskkill /F /IM avastui.exe You can stop the service sc stop avast! antivirus. I'm not sure what you're trying to do but it can be done.
  • Ilya Serbis
    Ilya Serbis over 4 years
    The setting is under Menu > Settings > General > Troubleshooting > Enable Self-Defense now