Function SignInWithFacebook doesn't exist in Firebase Auth SDK for Flutter in macOS, but in Windows it exists


Solution 1

signInWithFacebook is no longer exist. This is work perfectly! flutter_facebook_login 3.0.0

final FacebookLoginResult facebookLoginResult = await facebookLogin.logIn(['email', 'public_profile']);
FacebookAccessToken facebookAccessToken = facebookLoginResult.accessToken;
AuthCredential authCredential = FacebookAuthProvider.getCredential(accessToken: facebookAccessToken.token);
FirebaseUser fbUser;
fbUser = (await _firebaseAuth.signInWithCredential(authCredential)).user;

Solution 2

Yes, the method signInWithFacebook is gone from FirebaseAuth now we do this work with signInWithCredential method with AuthCredential and FacebookAuthProvider classes to make autentication process. I will put a snipet with some comments just to illustrate how to do auth in firebase with facebook credentials. I hope it helps...

/// in some point of your code you will get facebookLoginResult 

final facebookLoginResult = await facebookLogin
  .logInWithReadPermissions(['email', 'public_profile']);
FacebookAccessToken myToken = facebookLoginResult.accessToken;

///assuming sucess in FacebookLoginStatus.loggedIn
/// we use FacebookAuthProvider class to get a credential from accessToken
/// this will return an AuthCredential object that we will use to auth in firebase
AuthCredential credential= FacebookAuthProvider.getCredential(accessToken: myToken.token);

// this line do auth in firebase with your facebook credential.
FirebaseUser firebaseUser = (
  await FirebaseAuth.instance.signInWithCredential(credential)

/// ... do your things

Solution 3

It looks like signInWithFacebook was removed in 0.7.0 and signInWithCredential was added instead.

The change log could have been more clear about the change:

See also:

If you update to a newer plugin version you probably also will

Solution 4

Unfortunately flutter_facebook_login 3.0.0 broken in Flutter 1.17.

Gabriele Guccione
Author by

Gabriele Guccione

Hi, I am student attending the last year of secondary school called 'ITI' (literally Industrial Technical Institute). I have passed a contest and now I am working for a ICT company with the role of mobile developer.

Updated on December 09, 2022


  • Gabriele Guccione
    Gabriele Guccione over 1 year

    I have started using Flutter this year, so I am not an expert. I am trying to develop an app for both Android and iOS that includes login with Google and Facebook using Firebase Auth.

    First I wrote the code in Android Studio in Windows and it works, but when I write it in Android Studio in macOS some lines of code don't work properly. I have configured the iOS project on the Firebase console and on Facebook for developers 'console'. I didn't use CocoaPods to add the frameworks, but I did it manually on Xcode.

    Basically, the error is: The method 'signInWithFacebook' isn't defined for the class 'FirebaseAuth'.
