Get array of directories in documents directory


Solution 1

Try this:

- (ViewController *) init {
    if (self = [super init]) self.title = @"Text Files";

    // get the list of all files and directories
    NSFileManager *fM = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
    fileList = [[fM directoryContentsAtPath:DOCUMENTS_FOLDER] retain];
    NSMutableArray *directoryList = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
    for(NSString *file in fileList) {
        NSString *path = [DOCUMENTS_FOLDER stringByAppendingPathComponent:file];
        BOOL isDir = NO;
        [fM fileExistsAtPath:path isDirectory:(&isDir)];
        if(isDir) {
            [directoryList addObject:file];

    NSLog(@"%@", directoryList);

    return self;

Solution 2

Mrueg wrote it all but one thing that

fileList = [[fM directoryContentsAtPath:DOCUMENTS_FOLDER];

Replace by

fileList = [fileManager contentsOfDirectoryAtPath:filePath error:nil];
Author by



Updated on June 15, 2022


  • Jack
    Jack almost 2 years

    I am trying to return the list of directories present in an app's Documents directory. I am able to get an array containing all files of a given extension (eg .txt files or .png files) and am able to return all contents (including directories). The problem arises when I want to return only the directories. Is there a simple way of doing this?

    Here is my code for returning all .txt files:

    - (ViewController *) init {
        if (self = [super init]) self.title = @"Text Files";
        // get the list of .txt files
        directoryList = [[[[NSFileManager defaultManager] directoryContentsAtPath:DOCUMENTS_FOLDER] 
                          pathsMatchingExtensions:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@".txt", nil]] retain];
        NSLog(@"%@", directoryList);
        return self;

    and for all of the files

    - (ViewController *) init {
        if (self = [super init]) self.title = @"Text Files";
        // get the list of all files and directories
        directoryList = [[[NSFileManager defaultManager] directoryContentsAtPath:DOCUMENTS_FOLDER] retain];
        NSLog(@"%@", directoryList);
        return self;