Get file size in KB/MB/GB in windows batch file


Just as an alternative, you can use the output of robocopy command to retrieve the required information

@echo off
    setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion

    set "file=d:\somewhere\file.ext"

    for %%z in ("%file%") do for /f "tokens=1,2" %%a in ('
        robocopy "%%~dpz." "%%~dpz." "%%~nxz" /l /nocopy /is /njh /njs /ndl /nc
    ') do if "%%~dz"=="%%~db" (
        echo "%%~z" : [%%a]
    ) else (
        echo "%%~z" : [%%a%%b] 

robocopy will be used to only list (/l) the information of the file being copied, removing any non needed information from the output (the rest of the switches) and using a for /f command to tokenize the output lines and read only the file size

In the case of folders, the same idea can be used, but instead of reading the data from the file list, we can use a recursive "copy" and retrieve the data from the job summary

@echo off
    setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion

    set "folder=%~f1" & if not defined folder set "folder=%cd%"

    set "size=" & for %%z in ("%folder%") do for /f "skip=2 tokens=2,3 delims=: " %%a in ('
        robocopy "%%~fz\." "%%~fz\." /l /nocopy /s /is /njh /nfl /ndl /r:0 /w:0 /xjd /xjf /np
        ^| find ":"
    ') do if not defined size (
        (for /f "delims=0123456789." %%c in ("%%b") do (break)) && (
            set "size=%%a%%b"
        ) || (
            set "size=%%a"

    echo "%folder%" : [%size%]

Switches changed to retrive only the job summary, and filtered to only read the line containing the Bytes information.

edited 2016/10/26 - changed robocopy switches to face permission problems, changed Byte: retrieval to : line filter plus skip clause just in case there is a locale without the Bytes: string, changed storage unit detection.


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Syed Jahanzaib
Author by

Syed Jahanzaib

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Syed Jahanzaib
    Syed Jahanzaib over 1 year

    I have a Windows (Windows 7/2008 R2) batch file which takes daily backup of file.(Oracle dump export file e.g dump-2016-10-17.DMP)

    I want to add the FILE size (in a variable) which should be in KB/MB/GB according to the size, or at least it should get file size in MB. CODE:

    @echo off
    SET DONE=0
    SET Bytes=%~z1
    SET KB=%Bytes:~0,-3%
    SET MB=%Bytes:~0,-6%
    SET GB=%Bytes:~0,-9%
    SET TB=%Bytes:~0,-12%
    rem echo %~f1
    IF "%KB%" EQU "" SET DONE=B
    IF %DONE% EQU B echo Size is... %Bytes% Bytes
    IF "%MB%" EQU "" SET DONE=K
    IF %DONE% EQU K SET /a KB=(%BYTES%/1024)+1
    IF %DONE% EQU K echo Size is... %KB% KB
    IF "%GB%" EQU "" SET DONE=M
    IF %DONE% EQU M SET /a MB=(%BYTES%/1048576)+1
    IF %DONE% EQU M echo Size is... %MB% MB
    IF "%TB%" EQU "" SET DONE=M
    IF %DONE% EQU M SET /a MB=%KB%/1049
    IF %DONE% EQU M echo Size is... %MB% MB (approx)
    IF %DONE% EQU G SET /a GB=%MB%/1074
    IF %DONE% EQU G echo Size is... %GB% GB (approx)
  • Syed Jahanzaib
    Syed Jahanzaib over 7 years
    How i can use the same batch command to get folder size?
  • MC ND
    MC ND over 7 years
    @SyedJahanzaib, What do you mean with "folder size"? Files inside the folder? , files under the folder and any subfolder?, ...?
  • Syed Jahanzaib
    Syed Jahanzaib over 7 years
    example i want to get full size of D:\temp folder. There could be sub directories in it like D:\temp\1 d:\temp\2 So I want full size of the D:\temp folder.
  • Syed Jahanzaib
    Syed Jahanzaib over 7 years
    result should be single entry like D:\temp = size = 900M or 5GB
  • MC ND
    MC ND over 7 years
    @SyedJahanzaib, answer updated.
  • Syed Jahanzaib
    Syed Jahanzaib over 7 years
    the code to list overall folder size (including subfolders too) is not displaying any size, in fact the code is not returning any output. just blank
  • MC ND
    MC ND over 7 years
    @SyedJahanzaib, Tested on two different systems with two different locales and working. Anyway I've changed the code to face posible problems with filesystem access restrictions or locale conflicts.
  • Syed Jahanzaib
    Syed Jahanzaib over 7 years
    I have tried the updated code in windows 2008 and win 7 / 64bit. with admin account. I tried updated code and its returning following result. D:\zaib>size.bat "D:\zaib" : [:] I tried to add folder as well like size.bat d:\folder1 but still same. with previous code, it was not returning any kind of result just blank.
  • MC ND
    MC ND over 7 years
    @SyedJahanzaib, from your output, in your locale the output of the robocopy command has space(s) between the Bytes string and the colon, something that is not present in the locales I have access to. I've changed the for /f %%a to include a delims clause to use include the colons as delimiters instead of handling them as tokens.
  • Syed Jahanzaib
    Syed Jahanzaib over 7 years
    This last updated Worked Perfectly. Many thanks for your time and efforts. Now i can use this in my batch file of backup that will include dir size as well. Thx :) Output: D:\zaib>size.bat "D:\zaib" : [1.728g]