get Header in jersey from a GET request


A bit late to answer this, but you can also use @Context annotation to get httpheaders. Eg.

public List<Staff> getWStaff(@Context HttpHeaders httpheaders) {
   String token = httpHeaders.getHeaderString("token");
    JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(token);
Giacomo Brunetta
Author by

Giacomo Brunetta

Updated on August 10, 2022


  • Giacomo Brunetta
    Giacomo Brunetta over 1 year

    From a js page (in angular) I call a REST request, GET method, were I would to pass an header, this is the function that I call from the REST request:

            allstaffworking: function(_getstaff){
                var currentToken = _GetToken();
                var Headers = {
                    token: currentToken.stringtoken
                if (currentToken !== null) {
                            method : 'GET',  
                            headers: Headers,
                            url : REST_URL+'staff/working'
                        }).then(function successCallback(response) {  
                        }, function errorCallback(response) {  
                   }  else {
                    console.log("NON SEI LOGGATO!!!");

    Whithout headers: Headers, it works, but I want to pass an important json string: {"idtokenStaff":11,"staffType":{"idstaffType":2,"type":"Dipendente"},"tokenStaff":"88d08m8ve4n8i71k796vajkd01"} in the Headers. I don't know How I can take this string in Jersey. This is java file in with I have the REST method:

    public class StaffController {  
    BaseDao sDao =  new StaffDaoImpl();
    StaffDao stfDao =  new StaffDaoImpl();
    TokenStaffDao tsDao = new TokenStaffDaoImpl();
    TokenStaff ts = new TokenStaff();
     public List<Staff> getStaff()  
      List<Staff> listOfStaff=sDao.getAll(Staff.class);
      return listOfStaff;  
        public List<Staff> getWStaff(@HeaderParam("token") String token) throws JSONException  
            JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(token);
        Boolean id = tsDao.getExistence(jsonObj.getInt("idtokenStaff"));
        if (id){
            List<Staff> listOfWStaff=stfDao.getAllW();
            return listOfWStaff;  
            return null;

    Taking header from: @HeaderParam("token") String token. How Can I take the element of the header?