Get Specific Columns Using “With()” Function in Laravel Eloquent


Solution 1

Well I found the solution. It can be done one by passing a closure function in with() as second index of array like

    ->with(['user' => function ($query) {
        $query->select('id', 'username');

It will only select id and username from other table. I hope this will help others.

Remember that the primary key (id in this case) needs to be the first param in the $query->select() to actually retrieve the necessary results.*

Solution 2

You can do it like this since Laravel 5.5:


Care for the id field and foreign keys as stated in the docs:

When using this feature, you should always include the id column and any relevant foreign key columns in the list of columns you wish to retrieve.

For example, if the user belongs to a team and has a team_id as a foreign key column, then $post->user->team is empty if you don't specifiy team_id


Also, if the user belongs to the post (i.e. there is a column post_id in the users table), then you need to specify it like this:


Otherwise $post->user will be empty.

Solution 3

For loading models with specific column, though not eager loading, you could:

In your Post model

public function user()
    return $this->belongsTo('User')->select(['id', 'username']);

Original credit goes to Laravel Eager Loading - Load only specific columns

Solution 4

When going the other way (hasMany):


Don't forget to include the foreign key (assuming it is user_id in this example) to resolve the relationship, otherwise you'll get zero results for your relation.

Solution 5

In Laravel 5.7 you can call specific field like this

$users = App\Book::with('author:id,name')->get();

It is important to add foreign_key field in the selection.


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Awais Qarni
Author by

Awais Qarni

Full stack web developer having experience in multiple technologies and frameworks including PHP (Zend, Laravel, CakePHP), Ruby (ROR), Javascript (jQuery, Backbone.JS, Ember.JS).

Updated on December 23, 2021


  • Awais Qarni
    Awais Qarni over 2 years

    I have two tables, User and Post. One User can have many posts and one post belongs to only one user.

    In my User model I have a hasMany relation...

    public function post(){
        return $this->hasmany('post');

    And in my post model I have a belongsTo relation...

    public function user(){
        return $this->belongsTo('user');

    Now I want to join these two tables using Eloquent with() but want specific columns from the second table. I know I can use the Query Builder but I don't want to.

    When in the Post model I write...

    public function getAllPosts() {
        return Post::with('user')->get();

    It runs the following queries...

    select * from `posts`
    select * from `users` where `users`.`id` in (<1>, <2>)

    But what I want is...

    select * from `posts`
    select id,username from `users` where `users`.`id` in (<1>, <2>)

    When I use...


    It only returns the column from the first table. I want specific columns using with() from the second table. How can I do that?

  • Awais Qarni
    Awais Qarni over 10 years
    But this relation will make it just like hardcoded. In all condition it will always return me these two fields. It may happen that I need more fields in some other situations
  • user1669496
    user1669496 over 10 years
    Then you must use the query builder.
  • user1669496
    user1669496 over 10 years
    That's odd, I couldn't get this to work. As soon as I added in $query->select('id','username');, I was getting Trying to get property of non-object
  • Awais Qarni
    Awais Qarni over 10 years
    @user1669496 Do you have defined relations hasmany and belongsto in your model??
  • justin
    justin over 10 years
    Weird! still returns all the fields of the user. @AwaisQarni
  • Awais Qarni
    Awais Qarni over 10 years
    @justin share your query
  • justin
    justin over 10 years
    @AwaisQarni i will give you the laravel forum click here
  • Symen Timmermans
    Symen Timmermans about 10 years
    Thank you for sharing this. Where did you discover this possibility? I didn't find this in the Laravel docs.
  • Awais Qarni
    Awais Qarni about 10 years
    @SymenTimmermans Just trying different possibilities of Eloquent. :-)
  • Azirius
    Azirius about 10 years
    For those who see this, remember that the primary key (id in this case) is necessary in the $query->select() to actually retrieve the necessary results. I omitted this in my code and couldn't figure out why it wouldn't find any results. Silly me! Hope this helps anyone else with the same problem
  • Jorge
    Jorge over 9 years
    This is a very basic question, but how do I refer to a column from the second table if: $result = Post::with('user')->find(1), then how do I retrieve the user id? ---- $result-> ?
  • Amr
    Amr over 9 years
    @jasa You can refer to a column from the second table ('users' in this example) like this: $result->user->id;
  • scipilot
    scipilot over 9 years
    @SymenTimmermans it's under constraints. the API docs are pretty poor describing these parameters, and the examples are sometimes hard to find amongst the tutorial style documentation. (I much prefer reference style...)
  • Giovanni Far
    Giovanni Far over 8 years
    it return a collection!
  • Giovanni Far
    Giovanni Far over 8 years
    if you want an array then call toArray() !!! $user->favourites->lists('id')->toArray();
  • ErvTheDev
    ErvTheDev over 8 years
    The query will still get the other columns because the list() method just changes the results array ,so if you just need the 'id' from that table you may want to specify it in the query. It is always a good habit to keep performance in mind when doing queries. Enjoy coding!
  • aqingsao
    aqingsao about 8 years
    Yes, exactly, "Don't forget to include the foreign key (assuming it is user_id in this example)"
  • Sjwdavies
    Sjwdavies almost 8 years
    Really? For me this just returns nothing, i.e. it breaks it?
  • BugHunterUK
    BugHunterUK over 7 years
    This should be the accepted answer. This is the correct way to do it.
  • Wallace Vizerra
    Wallace Vizerra over 7 years
    -1 $user->favourites will be return Collection with all fields selecteds. The correct use is: $user->favourites()->lists('id').
  • Wallace Vizerra
    Wallace Vizerra over 7 years
    Selecting everything to later use PHP filtering is a bad idea. It is best to use only the needed fields in Query. It's important to know the difference between Query\Builder::lists method and Collection::lists method.
  • Andre F.
    Andre F. over 7 years
    Is there a way to do this in the Laravel 5.3 version? I think they changed it... again.... and now it returns null when I try with this approach
  • JordyvD
    JordyvD over 7 years
    It's been a while, but you could add a $fields parameter.
  • danronmoon
    danronmoon about 7 years
    @g3mini could you help write an answer on how that would work calling like $model->user without invocation?
  • JordyvD
    JordyvD about 7 years
    Without invocation? So, $model->relation->get(['field1', 'field2']); That should work
  • alimfazeli
    alimfazeli about 7 years
    you should include column that defines your relationship in select fields, in this case user_id
  • Fenix Lam
    Fenix Lam over 6 years
    I love this solution! I get trouble when I need to get a device detail by using specific device_id, and device activity in specific start time and end time, it works perfectly as I need!
  • Adam
    Adam over 6 years
    You can do it with a single command in Laravel 5 see my answer
  • hendra1
    hendra1 over 6 years
    don't forget to add the foreign key field
  • Shahrukh Anwar
    Shahrukh Anwar almost 6 years
    Nice catch brother.
  • Rajesh Vishnani
    Rajesh Vishnani over 5 years
    Dont forget to notice @hendra1's comment, all foreign key fields are also necessary along with the primary key, otherwise you will get blank collection. Dude saved my time. Thanks
  • Hashaam Ahmed
    Hashaam Ahmed over 5 years
    awesome bro, that use of foreign key is really important, lucky i saw your ans otherwise I would have scratched my head for hours lol. Thanks man!
  • Hashaam Ahmed
    Hashaam Ahmed over 5 years
    Don't forget to include the foreign key (assuming it is post_id here) to resolve the relationship, otherwise you will get empty results for your relation.
  • Hashaam Ahmed
    Hashaam Ahmed over 5 years
    great, just need to add foreign key, over here its post_id otherwise result will be empty. Mentioning Foreign key is important here. Thanks :)
  • barbsan
    barbsan about 5 years
    This is the same syntax as in this answer (just different names for model and column)
  • Graham
    Graham over 4 years
    This should really be the selected answer. Works like a charm :)
  • Clemorphy
    Clemorphy over 4 years
    Just like @HashaamAhmed I needed to include the foreign key too. If I don't, nothing is returned.
  • Sodium
    Sodium over 4 years
    @Adam, This will restrict columns in the child table, how can I restrict columns from table Parent table along with child table?
  • Adam
    Adam over 4 years
    @GauravGenius everything you want to restrict from parant belogns in the get() method Post::with('user:id,username')->get(['age', 'color']);
  • pankaj kumar
    pankaj kumar over 4 years
    It is not Good idea because if any day if you want full column then you can not get form this. every time you have to modify this.
  • Adsy2010
    Adsy2010 about 4 years
    This returns null for me but i didn't know this was possible before! Ok, so I posted prematurley but I did find a result. To use this method (looks much cleaner) you must include the relationship link, for example the ID column when pulling the with data. Without this specifier, you get a null return.
  • Haritsinh Gohil
    Haritsinh Gohil about 4 years
    yeah @Adsy2010, for getting related relationship data you also have to get id column or the primary key or whichever id is responsible for that relationship.
  • Lokendra Parihar
    Lokendra Parihar about 3 years
    It is good but, this keys also sent in API response in JSON how to avoid
  • Adam
    Adam about 3 years
    @Kamlesh Post::with(['user:id,username,team_id', 'othertable:id,horse'])
  • Haritsinh Gohil
    Haritsinh Gohil about 3 years
    @Kamlesh Post::with(',username')->get(); this code will return all fields of post model or table and only id and username field from the users table but keep in mind before using with() function you should have relationship to relevant table in your model, if you don't have relationship then you can use join from the query builder.
  • Kamlesh
    Kamlesh about 3 years
    @Adam its weird answer for me because I want to fetch all the records of user table and need 2 fields of other table. I do not want to write all the fields in query as you suggested in your answer. Thanks dear.
  • Adam
    Adam about 3 years
    @Kamlesh then go with Post::with(['user', 'othertable:id,horse'])
  • Shailendra
    Shailendra about 3 years
    can I put specific conditions like this return $this->belongsTo('User')->select(['id', 'username'])->where('id', '=', 1); or something like this
  • Diego Favero
    Diego Favero almost 3 years
    you deserve a hug !
  • Waleed Khaled
    Waleed Khaled almost 3 years
    oh thanks bro :) , you really really saved my time
  • Nipun Tharuksha
    Nipun Tharuksha over 2 years
    @Azirius YOU ARE A LIFE SAVE.Thanks
  • S. Farooq
    S. Farooq over 2 years
    @Sjwdavies you need to add the foreign key in the select as well
  • Imran_Developer
    Imran_Developer over 2 years
    can you help with this, it returns me product name but not "user" object: $product = Product::where('id', $p_id)->with('user:id,name')->get(['name']);
  • Imran_Developer
    Imran_Developer over 2 years
    @Adam Post::with('user:id,username')->get(['age', 'color']); returns me post with age and color columns but user object is null
  • Imran_Developer
    Imran_Developer over 2 years
    wow, great @jwarshaw, this is what actually I was looking for, this "user_id" really works for me.
  • Neeraj Tangariya
    Neeraj Tangariya over 2 years
    @Imran_Developer because you returning name only in get(['name']). do this $product = Product::with('user:id,name')->where('id', $p_id)->get();
  • Imran_Developer
    Imran_Developer over 2 years
    yes dear @Neeraj , but it returns me user object with all columns of product instead of 1 or 2. but I have solved this by using: $product = Product::with('user:id,name')->where('id', $p_id)->select('title', 'content', 'user_id')->get(); . Here "user_id" is important for reference.
  • Adam
    Adam over 2 years
    @Imran_Developer whats the primary key on your users table? Maybe Post::with('user:id,username')->get(['age', 'color', 'id']); works?
  • Imran_Developer
    Imran_Developer over 2 years
    yes, basically "user_id" was missing. It works now: Post::with('user:id,username')->get(['age', 'color', 'user_id']);
  • Neeraj Tangariya
    Neeraj Tangariya over 2 years
    @Imran_Developer ok great.