GEt Steam or CSGO backpack/inventory using steam API


You can construct the API URL using this statement:

string.Format("{0}/inventory/json/{1}/{2}/", steamid.ConvertToUInt64(), appid, contextId)

However, if you're using SteamBot, there's no need to do this manually. The GenericInventory class handles making and parsing the request for you automatically.

Sayan Mukherjee
Author by

Sayan Mukherjee

Updated on June 16, 2022


  • Sayan Mukherjee
    Sayan Mukherjee about 2 years

    Is this possible to get Steam(753) or CsGo(730) full backpack/inventory using steam API?

    I found an API where I get the full backpack/inventory of Dota2(570) TF2(440)

    Here is the API :

    URL :{api_key}

    When I put steam or csgo appid , this API return 'NOT FOUND'. Further , I search for many API regarding this but not found any which should help me to get all the items.

    I found many API regarding this which should give me the CSGO backpack of a particular user.

    Here is the one API.

    URL :{api_key}&SteamID={steam_id64}

    From this api I can get any steam user's backpack except steam (753).I also searched many APi regarding this , but the result is same.

    I know that there are no official api to get CSGO items but then where from many websites show full csgo backpack on there website for trade and bet.

    If anyone know how to get this please reply to my question.

  • Sayan Mukherjee
    Sayan Mukherjee almost 10 years
    Yes you are right.According to the link we get the players inventory.And not the full descriptions..Only little bit info.From this link we get 'defindex' which we can compare with the total steam item inventory and get full details like image,full name etc . But if I don't get the full steam inventory then how can I compare all items? And I am using php/mysql. its not an issue if I get all api correctly. Thanks for your cooperation .