Get struct field tag using Go reflect package


Solution 1

You don't need to pass in the whole struct, but passing in the value of one of the fields is not sufficient.

In your example field is just a string - the reflect package will have no way of correlating that back to the original struct.

Instead, you need to pass around the reflect.StructField for the given field:

field, ok := reflect.TypeOf(user).Elem().FieldByName("name")
tag = string(field.Tag)

Note: we use Elem above because user is a pointer to a struct.

You can play with an example here.

Solution 2

Modifying the above answer can give value of a specific tag

package main

import (

type User struct {
    Name string `json:"name_field"`
    Age  int

func main() {
    user := &User{"John Doe The Fourth", 20}

    field, ok := reflect.TypeOf(user).Elem().FieldByName("Name")
    if !ok {
        panic("Field not found")
    fmt.Println(getStructTag(field, "json")) //name_field

func getStructTag(f reflect.StructField, tagName string) string {
    return string(f.Tag.Get(tagName))

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Email: [email protected] Blog: Java, Objective-C, Javascript, HTML5, CSS3 programmer. Loves anything mobile/mobile web related.

Updated on July 09, 2022


  • Jameo
    Jameo almost 2 years

    Is it possible to reflect on a field of a struct, and get a reference to its tag values?

    For example:

    type User struct {
        name    string `json:name-field`
        age     int
    // ...
    user := &User{"John Doe The Fourth", 20}
    // ...
    func getStructTag(i interface{}) string{
       //get tag from field

    From what I can see, the usual way to do this is to range over typ.NumField(), and then call field.Tag.Get("tagname").

    However, in my use-case, it would be much better to not have to pass the whole struct in.

  • MikeSchinkel
    MikeSchinkel over 5 years
    Your playground example had bugs, which I fixed for those who do not know how: