get the coordinates(latitude and longitude) of google map by street address - angular


Solution 1

You can use an http.get as such to make a GET request at Google's API endpoint and retrieve a json of the address's coordinates:

$http.get(',+Mountain+View,+CA&sensor=false').success(function(mapData) {
      angular.extend($scope, mapData);

and you can call out the data at $scope.mapData

Refer to this StackOverflow post for more info: Google Maps API - Get Coordinates of address

Solution 2

Assuming you have the address you can use the Google Geocoding web service to manually retrieve the location coordinates. (I added a city and state to better refine the data)



Alternately there is a javascript wrapper on the API

I would also review this post regarding how to deal with rate limiting if you will be exceeding 2,500 requests per day.

Matan Gubkin
Author by

Matan Gubkin

Updated on June 18, 2022


  • Matan Gubkin
    Matan Gubkin almost 2 years

    so i have random street address, lets say: 5707 dogwood ave. all i want is to get the coordinates of that address so i can view my google map at the street location using angular. i've search but wasn't able to find anything useful.

    the map code(very basic map)

    $ = {
        center: {
            latitude: 33.025859,
            longitude: -96.844698
        zoom: 8

    html code:

    <google-map class="full-image" center="" zoom="map.zoom"></google-map>
  • binoculars
    binoculars over 8 years
    Does this still work? console.log($scope.mapData) outputs "undefined"...?