get XPATH for all the nodes


Solution 1

is there any library that can give me XPATH for all the nodes in HTML page

Yes, if this HTML page is a well-formed XML document.

Depending on what you understand by "node"...


selects all the elements in the document.


selects all elements, text nodes, processing instructions, comment nodes, and the root node /.


selects all text nodes in the document.


selects all comment nodes in the document.


selects all processing instructions in the document.


selects all attribute nodes in the document.


selects all namespace nodes in the document.

Finally, you can combine any of the above expressions using the union (|) operator.

Thus, I believe that the following expression really selects "all the nodes" of any XML document:

/descendant-or-self::node() | //@* | //namespace::*

Solution 2

In case this is helpful for someone else, if you're using python/lxml, you'll first need to have a tree, and then query that tree with the XPATH paths that Dimitre lists above.

To get the tree:

import lxml
from lxml import html, etree

your_webpage_string = "<html><head><title>test<body><h1>page title</h3>"
bad_html = lxml.html.fromstring(your_webpage_string)
good_html = etree.tostring(root, pretty_print=True).strip()
your_tree = etree.fromstring(good_html)
all_xpaths = your_tree.xpath('//*') 

On the last line, replace '//*' with whatever xpath you want. all_xpaths is now a list which looks like this:

[<Element html at 0x7ff740b24b90>,
 <Element head at 0x7ff740b24d88>,
 <Element title at 0x7ff740b24dd0>,
 <Element body at 0x7ff740b24e18>,
 <Element h1 at 0x7ff740b24e60>]
Author by


Updated on July 20, 2022


  • user583726
    user583726 almost 2 years

    Is there a library that can give me the XPATH for all the nodes in an HTML page?