getBoundingClientRect() doesn't return height and width of SVG rect


According to getBoundingClientRect returns four values: top, left, bottom, right. In your console you can see that these four values are present. Calculating the width and height from these values is trivial

you use:

var viewportOffset = element[0].firstElementChild.getBoundingClientRect();

which returns a DOMRect and then later:

return {
        left: viewportOffset.left,
        height: viewportOffset.height,
        width: viewportOffset.width

as I said, viewportOffset is a DOMRect which does not have properties width and height. Instead they have right, bottom.

so to work out your width and height, your return code should look like this:

return {
        left: viewportOffset.left,
        height: viewportOffset.bottom -,
        width: viewportOffset.right - viewportOffset.left
U r s u s
Author by

U r s u s

Updated on August 11, 2022


  • U r s u s
    U r s u s almost 2 years

    I need a pair of fresh eyes to show me what I am doing wrong.

    I want to get height and width and use them to work out the position of another element.


            ng-attr-x="{{ data.x }}"
            ng-attr-y="{{ data.y }}"
            ng-attr-height="{{ data.height }}"
            ng-attr-width="{{ data.width }}"

    Function for returning values I want

    function getSVGRectDimensions(element) {
        console.log('firstChild', element[0].firstElementChild);
        console.log('firstChild.Clientrect', element[0].firstElementChild.getBoundingClientRect());
        var viewportOffset = element[0].firstElementChild.getBoundingClientRect();
            if (!element.jquery) {
                element = angular.element(element);
            return {
                left: viewportOffset.left,
                height: viewportOffset.height,
                width: viewportOffset.width

    How I use the function

    var svgElement = getSVGRectDimensions(data.element);

    In the console I get

    enter image description here

    From the logs, you can see that height and width of rect > 0.

    <rect class="graphic" draggable="data" ng-attr-x="{{ data.x }}" ng-attr-y="{{ data.y }}" ng-attr-height="{{ data.height }}" ng-attr-width="{{ data.width }}" x="1033.78" y="364" height="46.22000000000003" width="106.8900000000001"></rect>

    And yet, when I call the function with getBoundingClientRect(), height and width = 0.

    firstChild.Clientrect ClientRect {} bottom: 60.999996185302734 height: 0 left: 681.1538696289062 right: 681.1538696289062 top: 60.999996185302734 width: 0 __proto__: ClientRect

    Why is that happening?

    I also tried to get rid of firstElementChild, which results in returning g instead of rect but still height and width = 0.