Getting only element from a single-element list in Python?


Solution 1

Raises exception if not exactly one item:

Sequence unpacking:

singleitem, = mylist
# Identical in behavior (byte code produced is the same),
# but arguably more readable since a lone trailing comma could be missed:
[singleitem] = mylist

Rampant insanity, unpack the input to the identity lambda function:

# The only even semi-reasonable way to retrieve a single item and raise an exception on
# failure for too many, not just too few, elements as an expression, rather than a
# statement, without resorting to defining/importing functions elsewhere to do the work
singleitem = (lambda x: x)(*mylist)

All others silently ignore spec violation, producing first or last item:

Explicit use of iterator protocol:

singleitem = next(iter(mylist))

Destructive pop:

singleitem = mylist.pop()

Negative index:

singleitem = mylist[-1]

Set via single iteration for (because the loop variable remains available with its last value when a loop terminates):

for singleitem in mylist: break

There are many others (combining or varying bits of the above, or otherwise relying on implicit iteration), but you get the idea.

Solution 2

I will add that the more_itertools library has a tool that returns one item from an iterable.

from more_itertools import one

iterable = ["foo"]
# "foo"

In addition, raises an error if the iterable is empty or has more than one item.

iterable = []
# ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 1, got 0)

iterable = ["foo", "bar"]
# ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 1)

more_itertools is a third-party package > pip install more-itertools

Author by


Some day, I'll be one of the ones answering questions. Until then, I endeavour to submit articulate, well thought-out questions. If you find issue with any of my questions, please add a comment stating why (rather than simply downvoting). That way, I and other submitters can improve.

Updated on September 16, 2021


  • Pyderman
    Pyderman over 2 years

    When a Python list is known to always contain a single item, is there a way to access it other than:


    You may ask, 'Why would you want to?'. Curiosity alone. There seems to be an alternative way to do everything in Python.

  • Neil G
    Neil G over 8 years
    The first one is unique in that it also raises if the list contains more than one element.
  • Carsten S
    Carsten S over 8 years
    The first can also be written as [singleitem] = mylist.
  • ShadowRanger
    ShadowRanger over 8 years
    @NeilG: Sadly, it's not wholly unique; the "rampant insanity" version in the comments does that too (as does the unpack via list syntax, though that's actually identical to the first example behavior-wise). I feel a bit dirty now.
  • ShadowRanger
    ShadowRanger over 8 years
    @CarstenS: Usually, I frown on using [] for sequence unpacking (for [i, x] in enumerate(iterable): drives me batty), but yes, in the case of unpacking a single value, the trailing comma can easily be missed, and using brackets is justifiable for readability reasons. I've added it to the answer. Thanks!
  • Carsten S
    Carsten S over 8 years
    I agree that it is not very pythonic, so I do not use it much any more, either. Only the old Haskeller in me wants to use it.
  • Bharel
    Bharel over 7 years
    You can also use ast and prevent having a list with one element in the first place. #yolo
  • ShadowRanger
    ShadowRanger over 7 years
    @Bharel: Huh? I don't see how the ast module is related here, and can't think what else you're referring to... It's not always possible to avoid a list if the API is limited.
  • Bharel
    Bharel over 7 years
    In every node you encounter a list creation, you can prevent creating it in the first place. (hoping you won't wreck havoc). That way there will never be any single-element list. Who needs them anyway.
  • Bharel
    Bharel over 7 years
    You may also override builtins.list.__new__ and hope for good.
  • ShadowRanger
    ShadowRanger over 7 years
    @Bharel: Okay, so as long as we're agreed that's batshit insane, we're good. :-)
  • Nathan
    Nathan almost 5 years
    (singleitem,) = mylist works too, of course. Somehow I can parse that one better.
  • ShadowRanger
    ShadowRanger almost 5 years
    @Nathan: Sure. The lone trailing comma is still relatively easy to miss though; if the code was written by an inexperienced programmer, and I was maintaining it, I'd be half inclined to read it as another manifestation of unnecessary parentheses disease (the same disease that leads to return(retval), if (x in y):, etc.). The problem isn't parsing once you notice it, it's noticing it in the first place, and the square brackets (without a comma) are visible, and have no subtle details to miss.
  • David Waterworth
    David Waterworth over 3 years
    I'll add singleitem, *_ = mylist (it's derived from head, *tail = mylist).
  • ShadowRanger
    ShadowRanger over 3 years
    @DavidWaterworth: That silences the exception you'd get for passing a sequence with >1 item by silently collecting all the other items into _ (making an empty list there if it's in fact single element); it's otherwise identical to singleitem, = mylist.
  • David Waterworth
    David Waterworth over 3 years
    True, the safest/most explicit method may be to use something like… - numpy has item() which I use frequently.
  • pabouk - Ukraine stay strong
    pabouk - Ukraine stay strong over 2 years
    Very useful answer! Could you please just confirm (in the answer) that there is no solution in a form of an expression (not assignment) raising an exception if the sequence does not contain only just single item? ... not counting the tools not in the standard library like
  • ShadowRanger
    ShadowRanger over 2 years
    @pabouk: There technically is (someone just deleted the comment out of this comment chain apparently), it's just an insane solution I came up with (when I reference the "rampant insanity" version, that's the one), which is why I didn't put it in the answer. You'd just do: (lambda x: x)(*mylist); lambdas are function definitions as expressions, so you can define one and then pass your unpacked iterable to one in a single line, and it either dies with an exception (if the unpacking doesn't match the argument count precisely) or calls the function successfully and returns the argument.