Git error: RPC failed; result=55, HTTP code = 200


Solution 1

We experienced this issue recently but none of the above solved it. In the end we pushed patches a few at a time (binary chop) until we found that one was causing the problem.

The version of Git on the server was older than our local Git and did not support one of the headers in the commit.

An easy way to see if this affects you is to run git fsck in your repository directory. This will report any potential issues.

Solution 2

Change protocol git from https to ssh will resolve this problem. This is guide using for bitbucket

Solution 3

In my case this was due to a GNUtls error, which showed up after running

 GIT_CURL_VERBOSE=1 git clone https:<URL>

The workaround that worked for me was to build git using the openssl library instead of gnutls. For Ubuntu systems this link offers a way of achieving this.

It is worth noting that I'm behind a company proxy, and this may be triggering the problem.

Solution 4

Some info on the error here:

(from the linked article) Try this command to get more info about your error:


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Yishu Fang
Author by

Yishu Fang

Software engineer @ MioTech.

Updated on September 15, 2022


  • Yishu Fang
    Yishu Fang over 1 year

    What's the matter with git?

    $ git push
    Counting objects: 1431, done.
    Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
    Compressing objects: 100% (1326/1326), done.
    Writing objects: 100% (1429/1429), 131.94 MiB | 15.41 MiB/s, done.
    Total 1429 (delta 630), reused 0 (delta 0)
    error: RPC failed; result=55, HTTP code = 200
    fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
    fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
    Everything up-to-date
  • mateuscb
    mateuscb about 10 years
    the same response was given to another post. I'm not sure this link really applies.
  • cuasodayleo
    cuasodayleo about 10 years
    this solution was fix my problem. and now, i use ssh for a week, i never get this error. ssh is really applies protocol
  • glerYbo
    glerYbo almost 10 years
    Similar issue, GIT_CURL_VERBOSE didn't help much: * SSLWrite() returned error -98056), 46.41 MiB | 785.00 KiB/s * Closing connection 3 error: RPC failed; result=55, HTTP code = 200