Git workflow and rebase vs merge questions


Solution 1

"Conflicts" mean "parallel evolutions of a same content". So if it goes "all to hell" during a merge, it means you have massive evolutions on the same set of files.

The reason why a rebase is then better than a merge is that:

  • you rewrite your local commit history with the one of the master (and then reapply your work, resolving any conflict then)
  • the final merge will certainly be a "fast forward" one, because it will have all the commit history of the master, plus only your changes to reapply.

I confirm that the correct workflow in that case (evolutions on common set of files) is rebase first, then merge.

However, that means that, if you push your local branch (for backup reason), that branch should not be pulled (or at least used) by anyone else (since the commit history will be rewritten by the successive rebase).

On that topic (rebase then merge workflow), barraponto mentions in the comments two interesting posts, both from

Using this technique, your work always goes on top of the public branch like a patch that is up-to-date with current HEAD.

(a similar technique exists for bazaar)

Solution 2


A git rebase workflow does not protect you from people who are bad at conflict resolution or people who are used to a SVN workflow, like suggested in Avoiding Git Disasters: A Gory Story. It only makes conflict resolution more tedious for them and makes it harder to recover from bad conflict resolution. Instead, use diff3 so that it's not so difficult in the first place.

Rebase workflow is not better for conflict resolution!

I am very pro-rebase for cleaning up history. However if I ever hit a conflict, I immediately abort the rebase and do a merge instead! It really kills me that people are recommending a rebase workflow as a better alternative to a merge workflow for conflict resolution (which is exactly what this question was about).

If it goes "all to hell" during a merge, it will go "all to hell" during a rebase, and potentially a lot more hell too! Here's why:

Reason #1: Resolve conflicts once, instead of once for each commit

When you rebase instead of merge, you will have to perform conflict resolution up to as many times as you have commits to rebase, for the same conflict!

Real scenario

I branch off of master to refactor a complicated method in a branch. My refactoring work is comprised of 15 commits total as I work to refactor it and get code reviews. Part of my refactoring involves fixing the mixed tabs and spaces that were present in master before. This is necessary, but unfortunately it will conflict with any change made afterward to this method in master. Sure enough, while I'm working on this method, someone makes a simple, legitimate change to the same method in the master branch that should be merged in with my changes.

When it's time to merge my branch back with master, I have two options:

git merge: I get a conflict. I see the change they made to master and merge it in with (the final product of) my branch. Done.

git rebase: I get a conflict with my first commit. I resolve the conflict and continue the rebase. I get a conflict with my second commit. I resolve the conflict and continue the rebase. I get a conflict with my third commit. I resolve the conflict and continue the rebase. I get a conflict with my fourth commit. I resolve the conflict and continue the rebase. I get a conflict with my fifth commit. I resolve the conflict and continue the rebase. I get a conflict with my sixth commit. I resolve the conflict and continue the rebase. I get a conflict with my seventh commit. I resolve the conflict and continue the rebase. I get a conflict with my eighth commit. I resolve the conflict and continue the rebase. I get a conflict with my ninth commit. I resolve the conflict and continue the rebase. I get a conflict with my tenth commit. I resolve the conflict and continue the rebase. I get a conflict with my eleventh commit. I resolve the conflict and continue the rebase. I get a conflict with my twelfth commit. I resolve the conflict and continue the rebase. I get a conflict with my thirteenth commit. I resolve the conflict and continue the rebase. I get a conflict with my fourteenth commit. I resolve the conflict and continue the rebase. I get a conflict with my fifteenth commit. I resolve the conflict and continue the rebase.

You have got to be kidding me if this is your preferred workflow. All it takes is a whitespace fix that conflicts with one change made on master, and every commit will conflict and must be resolved. And this is a simple scenario with only a whitespace conflict. Heaven forbid you have a real conflict involving major code changes across files and have to resolve that multiple times.

With all the extra conflict resolution you need to do, it just increases the possibility that you will make a mistake. But mistakes are fine in git since you can undo, right? Except of course...

Reason #2: With rebase, there is no undo!

I think we can all agree that conflict resolution can be difficult, and also that some people are very bad at it. It can be very prone to mistakes, which why it's so great that git makes it easy to undo!

When you merge a branch, git creates a merge commit that can be discarded or amended if the conflict resolution goes poorly. Even if you have already pushed the bad merge commit to the public/authoritative repo, you can use git revert to undo the changes introduced by the merge and redo the merge correctly in a new merge commit.

When you rebase a branch, in the likely event that conflict resolution is done wrong, you're screwed. Every commit now contains the bad merge, and you can't just redo the rebase*. At best, you have to go back and amend each of the affected commits. Not fun.

After a rebase, it's impossible to determine what was originally part of the commits and what was introduced as a result of bad conflict resolution.

*It can be possible to undo a rebase if you can dig the old refs out of git's internal logs, or if you create a third branch that points to the last commit before rebasing.

Take the hell out of conflict resolution: use diff3

Take this conflict for example:

<<<<<<< HEAD
TextMessage.send(:include_timestamp => true)
EmailMessage.send(:include_timestamp => false)
>>>>>>> feature-branch

Looking at the conflict, it's impossible to tell what each branch changed or what its intent was. This is the biggest reason in my opinion why conflict resolution is confusing and hard.

diff3 to the rescue!

git config --global merge.conflictstyle diff3

When you use the diff3, each new conflict will have a 3rd section, the merged common ancestor.

<<<<<<< HEAD
TextMessage.send(:include_timestamp => true)
||||||| merged common ancestor
EmailMessage.send(:include_timestamp => true)
EmailMessage.send(:include_timestamp => false)
>>>>>>> feature-branch

First examine the merged common ancestor. Then compare each side to determine each branch's intent. You can see that HEAD changed EmailMessage to TextMessage. Its intent is to change the class used to TextMessage, passing the same parameters. You can also see that feature-branch's intent is to pass false instead of true for the :include_timestamp option. To merge these changes, combine the intent of both:

TextMessage.send(:include_timestamp => false)

In general:

  1. Compare the common ancestor with each branch, and determine which branch has the simplest change
  2. Apply that simple change to the other branch's version of the code, so that it contains both the simpler and the more complex change
  3. Remove all the sections of conflict code other than the one that you just merged the changes together into

Alternate: Resolve by manually applying the branch's changes

Finally, some conflicts are terrible to understand even with diff3. This happens especially when diff finds lines in common that are not semantically common (eg. both branches happened to have a blank line at the same place!). For example, one branch changes the indentation of the body of a class or reorders similar methods. In these cases, a better resolution strategy can be to examine the change from either side of the merge and manually apply the diff to the other file.

Let's look at how we might resolve a conflict in a scenario where merging origin/feature1 where lib/message.rb conflicts.

  1. Decide whether our currently checked out branch (HEAD, or --ours) or the branch we're merging (origin/feature1, or --theirs) is a simpler change to apply. Using diff with triple dot (git diff a...b) shows the changes that happened on b since its last divergence from a, or in other words, compare the common ancestor of a and b with b.

    git diff HEAD...origin/feature1 -- lib/message.rb # show the change in feature1
    git diff origin/feature1...HEAD -- lib/message.rb # show the change in our branch
  2. Check out the more complicated version of the file. This will remove all conflict markers and use the side you choose.

    git checkout --ours -- lib/message.rb   # if our branch's change is more complicated
    git checkout --theirs -- lib/message.rb # if origin/feature1's change is more complicated
  3. With the complicated change checked out, pull up the diff of the simpler change (see step 1). Apply each change from this diff to the conflicting file.

Solution 3

In my workflow, I rebase as much as possible (and I try to do it often. Not letting the discrepancies accumulate drastically reduces the amount and the severity of collisions between branches).

However, even in a mostly rebase-based workflow, there is a place for merges.

Recall that merge actually creates a node that has two parents. Now consider the following situation: I have two independent feature brances A and B, and now want to develop stuff on feature branch C which depends on both A and B, while A and B are getting reviewed.

What I do then, is the following:

  1. Create (and checkout) branch C on top of A.
  2. Merge it with B

Now branch C includes changes from both A and B, and I can continue developing on it. If I do any change to A, then I reconstruct the graph of branches in the following way:

  1. create branch T on the new top of A
  2. merge T with B
  3. rebase C onto T
  4. delete branch T

This way I can actually maintain arbitrary graphs of branches, but doing something more complex than the situation described above is already too complex, given that there is no automatic tool to do the rebasing when the parent changes.

Solution 4

DO NOT use git push origin --mirror UNDER ALMOST ANY CIRCUMSTANCE.

It does not ask if you're sure you want to do this, and you'd better be sure, because it will erase all of your remote branches that are not on your local box.

Solution 5

In your situation I think your partner is correct. What's nice about rebasing is that to the outsider your changes look like they all happened in a clean sequence all by themselves. This means

  • your changes are very easy to review
  • you can continue to make nice, small commits and yet you can make sets of those commits public (by merging into master) all at once
  • when you look at the public master branch you'll see different series of commits for different features by different developers but they won't all be intermixed

You can still continue to push your private development branch to the remote repository for the sake of backup but others should not treat that as a "public" branch since you'll be rebasing. BTW, an easy command for doing this is git push --mirror origin .

The article Packaging software using Git does a fairly nice job explaining the trade offs in merging versus rebasing. It's a little different context but the principals are the same -- it basically comes down to whether your branches are public or private and how you plan to integrate them into the mainline.

Author by


I'm a Ruby on Rails hacker from Atlanta, GA!

Updated on July 08, 2022


  • Micah
    Micah almost 2 years

    I've been using Git now for a couple of months on a project with one other developer. I have several years of experience with SVN, so I guess I bring a lot of baggage to the relationship.

    I have heard that Git is excellent for branching and merging, and so far, I just don't see it. Sure, branching is dead simple, but when I try to merge, everything goes all to hell. Now, I'm used to that from SVN, but it seems to me that I just traded one sub-par versioning system for another.

    My partner tells me that my problems stem from my desire to merge willy-nilly, and that I should be using rebase instead of merge in many situations. For example, here's the workflow that he's laid down:

    clone the remote repository
    git checkout -b my_new_feature and commit some stuff
    git rebase master and commit some stuff
    git rebase master
    ..finish the feature
    git checkout master
    git merge my_new_feature

    Essentially, create a feature branch, ALWAYS rebase from master to the branch, and merge from the branch back to master. Important to note is that the branch always stays local.

    Here is the workflow that I started with

    clone remote repository
    create my_new_feature branch on remote repository
    git checkout -b --track my_new_feature origin/my_new_feature, commit, push to origin/my_new_feature
    git merge master (to get some changes that my partner added), commit, push to origin/my_new_feature
    git merge master
    ..finish my_new_feature, push to origin/my_new_feature
    git checkout master
    git merge my_new_feature
    delete remote branch
    delete local branch

    There are two essential differences (I think): I use merge always instead of rebasing, and I push my feature branch (and my feature branch commits) to the remote repository.

    My reasoning for the remote branch is that I want my work backed up as I'm working. Our repository is automatically backed up and can be restored if something goes wrong. My laptop is not, or not as thoroughly. Therefore, I hate to have code on my laptop that's not mirrored somewhere else.

    My reasoning for the merge instead of rebase is that merge seems to be standard and rebase seems to be an advanced feature. My gut feeling is that what I'm trying to do is not an advanced setup, so rebase should be unnecessary. I've even perused the new Pragmatic Programming book on Git, and they cover merge extensively and barely mention rebase.

    Anyway, I was following my workflow on a recent branch, and when I tried to merge it back to master, it all went to hell. There were tons of conflicts with things that should have not mattered. The conflicts just made no sense to me. It took me a day to sort everything out, and eventually culminated in a forced push to the remote master, since my local master has all conflicts resolved, but the remote one still wasn't happy.

    What is the "correct" workflow for something like this? Git is supposed to make branching and merging super-easy, and I'm just not seeing it.

    Update 2011-04-15

    This seems to be a very popular question, so I thought I'd update with my two years experience since I first asked.

    It turns out that the original workflow is correct, at least in our case. In other words, this is what we do and it works:

    clone the remote repository
    git checkout -b my_new_feature and commit some stuff
    git rebase master and commit some stuff
    git rebase master
    ..finish the feature, commit
    git rebase master
    git checkout master
    git merge my_new_feature

    In fact, our workflow is a little different, as we tend to do squash merges instead of raw merges. (Note: This is controversial, see below.) This allows us to turn our entire feature branch into a single commit on master. Then we delete our feature branch. This allows us to logically structure our commits on master, even if they're a little messy on our branches. So, this is what we do:

    clone the remote repository
    git checkout -b my_new_feature and commit some stuff
    git rebase master and commit some stuff
    git rebase master
    ..finish the feature, commit
    git rebase master
    git checkout master
    git merge --squash my_new_feature
    git commit -m "added my_new_feature"
    git branch -D my_new_feature

    Squash Merge Controversy - As several commenters have pointed out, the squash merge will throw away all history on your feature branch. As the name implies, it squashes all the commits down into a single one. For small features, this makes sense as it condenses it down into a single package. For larger features, it's probably not a great idea, especially if your individual commits are already atomic. It really comes down to personal preference.

    Github and Bitbucket (others?) Pull Requests - In case you're wondering how merge/rebase relates to Pull Requests, I recommend following all the above steps up until you're ready to merge back to master. Instead of manually merging with git, you just accept the PR. Note that this will not do a squash merge (at least not by default), but non-squash, non-fast-forward is the accepted merge convention in the Pull Request community (as far as I know). Specifically, it works like this:

    clone the remote repository
    git checkout -b my_new_feature and commit some stuff
    git rebase master and commit some stuff
    git rebase master
    ..finish the feature, commit
    git rebase master
    git push # May need to force push
    ...submit PR, wait for a review, make any changes requested for the PR
    git rebase master
    git push # Will probably need to force push (-f), due to previous rebases from master
    ...accept the PR, most likely also deleting the feature branch in the process
    git checkout master
    git branch -d my_new_feature
    git remote prune origin

    I've come to love Git and never want to go back to SVN. If you're struggling, just stick with it and eventually you'll see the light at the end of the tunnel.

    • Paul
      Paul over 15 years
      Unfortunately, the new Pragmstic Programming book is mostly written from using Git while still thinking in SVN, and in this case it has misled you. In Git, rebase keeps things simple when they can be. Your experience could tell you that your workflow doesn't work in Git, not that Git doesn't work.
    • Marius K
      Marius K almost 13 years
      I would not recommend squash merging in this case, as it saves no information about what is merged (just like svn, but no mergeinfo here).
    • Jon Phenow
      Jon Phenow over 12 years
      Love the note at the bottom, I had a similar experience of struggle with Git, but now struggle to imagine not using it. Thanks for the final explanation too, helped a lot with rebase understanding
    • softarn
      softarn over 12 years
      After you have finish the feature, shouldn't you rebase one last time before you merge new_feature to master?
    • Max Nanasy
      Max Nanasy almost 12 years
      Your workflow loses all commit history from the deleted branch :(
    • Michael Durrant
      Michael Durrant about 11 years
    • Keith Pinson
      Keith Pinson about 10 years
      @Micah, you should probably add the update as its own answer rather than an edit to the question.
    • g19fanatic
      g19fanatic almost 10 years
      I wish I could +1 you more... Your last update on doing squashed merges is what I was looking for and what I think is missing from most branching models (such as Keeping a clean history of just the fixes is DRASTICALLY more inducive to a clean history than seeing each and every commit on a feature branch. If those are important, break the feature branch into smaller pieces...
    • ahnbizcad
      ahnbizcad about 9 years
      in your code examples, what's the difference between "finishing feature" and "work and commit"? When you say finish feature, do you mean do nothing? Finish feature can mean "do more work", in which case you would commit. but commit is not mentioned. "Finish feature" may be redundant and confusing. if the feature is finished, then that means we can just do the next step. so it should just mention the next step, not mention a step that doesn't require anything to be done, if that is what it means.
    • Mishelle
      Mishelle over 8 years
      To your original point about wanting your changes backed up on the server instead of just locally, did you just give up on that? Is there a way to push changes to a "working" branch, then move them to a "finished" branch with the rebase and squash?
    • Tzen
      Tzen over 5 years
      I am only answering on the "Squash Merge Controversy"::: Think of it as two forms of communicating. 1) On branch, personal notes, perhaps a "wip almost done" or "changes after qa" or "testing new algorithm". Notes that is just garbage three-four weeks down the road.::: 2) Communication with other developers/managers. When on master branch, it is better with a clear message, for instance "Request for new password link implemented". Simple and straight forward
    • Tzen
      Tzen over 5 years
      "Github and Bitbucket (others?) Pull Requests" Do NOT use tools like GitHub or Bitbucket to squash. Be careful using automatic squash or IntelliJ even. Reason? Well... All your in-progress messages will be appended to the message. As I said in the above comment: Two forms of communicating. Rewrite message to clearly say what you have done in a short sentence.
    • WesternGun
      WesternGun over 4 years
      You know what is the problem? You didn't squash before merging!
  • odwl
    odwl almost 15 years
    You could achieve the same with just rebases. The merge is actually not necessary here (except if you don't want to duplicate the commits - but I hardly see that as an argument).
  • Sehnsucht
    Sehnsucht almost 15 years
    Indeed I don't want to duplicate the commits. I would like to keep the in-flight structure of my work as clean as possible. But that's a matter of personal taste and is not necessarily right for everybody.
  • Namal159
    Namal159 over 14 years
    For a technique that allows rebasing and sharing, see…
  • krosenvold
    krosenvold over 14 years
    You are implying that the OP has some undiscovered rebase or mistake in his process, right ?
  • Capi Etheriel
    Capi Etheriel about 13 years and are wonderful reads. these articles made me understand what was worng with my workflow, and what an ideal workflow would be.
  • richo
    richo over 12 years
    Or don't do things that you're not sure what the result will be? A machine I used to admin had Instructions to this machine may lead to unintended consequences, loss of work/data, or even death (at the hands of the sysad). Remember that you are solely responsible for the consequences of your actions in the MOTD.
  • hellatan
    hellatan almost 12 years
    just to get it straight, rebasing from the master branch onto your local is basically to update any history your local may have missed that the master has knowledge of after any sort of merge?
  • VonC
    VonC almost 12 years
    @dtan what I describe here is rebasing local on top of master. You not exactly updating the local history, but rather re-applying local history on top of master in order to solve any conflict within the local branch.
  • prusswan
    prusswan almost 12 years
    use it if you do have a mirrored repo (although in my case it is now executed by a special user at the source repo on post-receive hook)
  • prusswan
    prusswan almost 12 years
    How would merging all conflicts at one go work better than individual commits? I already get problems from merging single commits (especially from people who don't break commits into logical portions AND provide sufficient tests for verification). Also, rebase is not any worse than merge when it comes to backup options, intelligent use of interactive rebase and tools like tortoisegit (which allows selection of which commits to include) will help a lot.
  • prusswan
    prusswan almost 12 years
    I might need protection from pple who try to rebase 14 commits with manual resolution needed from every single one, and still attempting the 15th. At least you will be deterred enough and not like that guy who "merges" with his own commits 15 times in a row!
  • Edward Anderson
    Edward Anderson almost 12 years
    I feel like I addressed the reason in #1. If individual commits are not logically consistent, all the more reason to merge the logically consistent branch, so that you can actually make sense of the conflict. If commit 1 is buggy and commit 2 fixes it, merging commit 1 will be confusing. There are legitimate reasons you might get 15 conflicts in a row, like the one I outlined above. Also your argument for rebase not being worse is somewhat unfounded. Rebase mixes bad merges into the original good commits and doesn't leave the good commits around to let you try again. Merge does.
  • derick
    derick almost 12 years
    I completely agree with you nilbus. Great post; that clears some things up. I wonder if rerere would be any help here though. Also, thanks for the suggestion on using diff3, I'm definitely going to switch that one on right now.
  • xhh
    xhh almost 12 years
    agreed. rebase is not helpful especially if you have to share the branch with others
  • John
    John over 11 years
    +1 for telling me about diff3 alone - how often was looking on an incomprehensible conflict cursing whoever is responsible for not telling me what the common ancestor had to say. Thank you very much.
  • FractalSpace
    FractalSpace over 11 years
    @nilbus In your example, <<<<<<< HEAD Class2.method(true) ||||||| merged common ancestor Class1.method(true) ======= Class1.method(false) >>>>>>> feature-branch How does picking Class2.method(false) resolves the merge conflict? It is in none of the contributing branches. The following should be the correct merged result: Class1.method(false) Class2.method(true)
  • Edward Anderson
    Edward Anderson over 11 years
    @FractalSpace: No, that would only be true if there was a blank common ancestor. It might make more sense with more concrete names. I've updated the example - take a look and see if that makes more sense. :-)
  • siride
    siride over 11 years
    git rerere helps a lot with frequent rebases.
  • Tony Jiang
    Tony Jiang over 10 years
    nilbus - you are talking cross @VonC. He recommended rebase over merge when you want changes to be copied from master to feature branch; but he also recommended merge over rebase when you want changes on feature branch to be copied onto master branch - and this is exactly your point. Both are needed, but for different scenarios.
  • Jayesh
    Jayesh over 10 years
    I would also recommend taking a look at git mergetool --tool=vimdiff when doing conflict resolution. It has much better 3-pane visualization of the conflict. I always use it.
  • Edward Anderson
    Edward Anderson over 10 years
    @Jayesh Nice, I didn't realize that vimdiff supports diff3. The character-level diff highlighting is nice. If only the color scheme (as it looks for me) wasn't so horrid and hard to read ;-)
  • TomOnTime
    TomOnTime about 10 years
    Is there a shell one-liner that does "rebase but if there is a conflict do merge"?
  • Edward Anderson
    Edward Anderson about 10 years
    @TomOnTime not that I know of. Might make a good SO question though. :)
  • Chetan
    Chetan about 10 years
    The link to Packaging software using git does not work anymore. I could not find a good link to edit the original answer.
  • Robert Rüger
    Robert Rüger almost 10 years
    This should have been the accepted answer. The rebase workflow is also horrible because it hides the fact that there was a huge divergence in the codebase at some point in time, which might be useful to know if you want to understand how the code you are looking at was written. Only small branches that don't conflict should be rebased onto master.
  • Jonathan Dunlap
    Jonathan Dunlap about 9 years
    Thanks for pointing out why a merge can be preferable to rebasing in common practice!
  • Miral
    Miral over 8 years
    You shouldn't mirror to origin, you should mirror to a third dedicated-backup repository.
  • guido
    guido over 8 years
    I really don't understand why you keep your second reason in the answer, when your asterisk completely nullifies it
  • Edward Anderson
    Edward Anderson over 8 years
    The asterisk doesn't nullify the problem. You can undo the rebase, but only for a limited period of time (until GC), and only on the machine/repo where the rebase was performed (ie. no one else could fix the problem).
  • loczek
    loczek about 8 years
    Wow, example you gave was brilliant. I seems you have experience with conflicts resolution ;) Could you have a look at my queston:… ?
  • Tom Hale
    Tom Hale over 7 years
    Thanks for the .... What do you mean by pull up the diff of the simpler change? How is this done as a git command?
  • Edward Anderson
    Edward Anderson over 7 years
    @TomHale Step 3 says "pull up the diff of the simpler change (see step 1)". This is referring to the diff output from the diff commands in step 1. In other words, look at the diff for the simpler change, and apply its changes to the branch with the more complicated change.
  • Tom Hale
    Tom Hale over 7 years
    @nilbus Perhaps you could say to keep shortest diff then?
  • Ian Ringrose
    Ian Ringrose over 7 years
    Given "fixing the mixed tabs and spaces" 99% of the time it is best to fit them and get the fix into "main" as a separate task from the rest of your work. Hence not having to merge them.
  • Alois Mahdal
    Alois Mahdal over 5 years
    +1, athough ... This is the biggest reason in my opinion why conflict resolution is confusing and hard. - Well, conflict resolution is hard because conflict resolution is hard per se, period. Your 15 commit conflict resolution is a PITA because the codebase was messy and intertwined, so it's either rare or you have a big problem. So yeah, merging may be easier in these cases but I want to work on a project where merges are as rare as possible.
  • Alois Mahdal
    Alois Mahdal over 5 years
    I 100% agree with the first paragraph. (@Edward's answer works where that is not the case, but I'd rather have all project in the world work like you suggest). The rest of the answer seems a bit far-fetched in sense that working on C while A and B are in progress is already sort of risky (at least to the extent it really depends on A and B), and even in the end you would not probably keep the merges (C would get rebased on top of the latest & greatest).
  • gman
    gman almost 5 years
    Why do so many major large projects only allow rebasing into master, not merging? Are their leads all stupid?
  • Edward Anderson
    Edward Anderson almost 5 years
    The advantage of a rebase+squash workflow is that it makes the history linear, which is easier to follow. Imagine trying to compile release notes or a change log for a large project with frequent contributions. If each feature is its own commit, it’s much easier than trying to sift through a tangled mess of cross-merged branches with many commits per feature/change. A rebase+squash workflow makes it easier to manage the project at the expense of individual contributors’ ability to identify when an issue was introduced by a merge. This is a reasonable choice for a large project.
  • WesternGun
    WesternGun over 4 years
    Why don't squash all your 15 commits into one before rebasing? In that way you lost all your work history(but that is all yours, and you are not taking credit of others; only in that case I would not squash), but you may not need them because what matters is the final version merged to master.... and then you only have 1 conflict instead of 15.
  • Edward Anderson
    Edward Anderson over 4 years
    @WesternGun That’s a perfectly valid approach. Depending on whether it not your commit history contains valuable/useful information, you may or may not want to keep it around.
  • rjmunro
    rjmunro over 3 years
    @EdwardAnderson "The advantage of a rebase+squash workflow is that it makes the history linear". Linear history is not an advantage - that just throws information away. You just need to learn to browse it better. See git log --merges and/or git log --first-parent to follow the important parts of history only.
  • rjmunro
    rjmunro over 3 years
    diff3 is great, it should be the default, but rebasing to remove conflicts is IMHO still the best way to do it. It's usually good to rebase -i before you push anyway to merge some trvial commits together. gitk --reflog is a great way to get your pre-rebased state back - it shows all the old branches that you have deleted recently and haven't been cleaned up. This includes branches that existed pre-rebase. You can find the old version of the branch you rebased, right click and create a new branch there.
  • ShadowFlame
    ShadowFlame over 2 years
    working with "merge on conflict" does appear to take away the possibility for future rebases though. is there a way to be able to rebase again after a merge without it trying to apply the already-merged commits?
  • learning2learn
    learning2learn over 2 years
    I've been looking for this answer for a long time!!! Anyhoo -- is it documented in the git docs regarding why technically there would be much less conflict resolution on merge vs rebase? I experienced the latter pain a number of times. I had come to avoid merges in favor of rebase, but still don't understand exactly why rebasing entails multiple conflict resolution of exactly the same change across multiple commits.
  • Edward Anderson
    Edward Anderson over 2 years
    @ShadowFlame You can definitely rebase after merging; the merge commits often just go away (unless introducing novel changes). The question of whether you should depends entirely on whether other people are working in the branch, and more importantly, whether the branch with merge commits has been merged to main/master. Generally you don't modify history after merging to the main branch.
  • Edward Anderson
    Edward Anderson over 2 years
    @learning2learn From git help rebase: “The commits… are then reapplied to the current branch, one by one, in order.” If any of these commits being rebased are making a change from a starting point that's different from the new base (e.g. rebased commits change A to C, but the same line in the new base is B—there is no A to change), then there is a conflict that needs to be resolved. Repeat for each commit being applied during the rebase.