Gnome 3.22: disable alt+shift keyboard layout switching


Solution 1

Okay, got it: this line in my /etc/default/keyboard


.. should not contain grp:alt_shift_toggle, which is the relevant xkb option according to this post.

In addition, Gnome overrides xkb options according to this other post. As a consequence, this output:

$ dconf read /org/gnome/desktop/input-sources/xkb-options

.. should not read grp:alt_shift_toggle on my machine either. So after I ran:

dconf write /org/gnome/desktop/input-sources/xkb-options "['grp_led:scroll']"

I got my good'ol behaviour back ;)

I have filed this as a bug to Gnome.

Solution 2

In my case I'm using Ubuntu 18.04. I was able to solve this problem by re-configuring my keyboard setting:

$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration

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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • ClarkXP
    ClarkXP almost 2 years

    I'm developing an app for ios 9. since that I updated to 7.1 version I have this error: Command failed due to signal: Segmentation fault: 11

    Looking in the code, I found that this code are causing this error:

    func mapView(mapView: MKMapView, viewForAnnotation annotation: MKAnnotation) -> MKAnnotationView? {
        if !(annotation is ADBaseAnnotation){
            print("No es ADBaseAnnotation",terminator:"\n")
            return nil
        var anView = mapView.dequeueReusableAnnotationViewWithIdentifier((annotation as! ADBaseAnnotation).getReuseId())
        if let normal = annotation as? NormalParking {
            //anView = normal.getAnnotationView(annotation, reuseIdentifier: normal.getReuseId())
        } else if let hightlight = annotation as? HightLightParking{
            //anView = hightlight.getAnnotationView(annotation, reuseIdentifier: hightlight.getReuseId())
        return anView

    The error is causing by the commented lines. Please help

  • ClarkXP
    ClarkXP over 8 years
    Hi, effectively ADBaseAnnotation is a shared class. The compiler was falling by unknown error, aren't syntax error. Before update Xcode, was working this code. I tested your code and works fine. Gracias!
  • Lucas van Dongen
    Lucas van Dongen over 8 years
    It could be possible that your code was correct but too confusing to the compiler. Swift is barely a year old! I had a similar issue with map filter on a tuple, some weird chain of methods that it couldn't resolve.
  • hb20007
    hb20007 almost 6 years
    I was able to disable the Alt + Shift shortcut for changing keyboard layout by disabling the shortcut in Settings > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Typings > Modifiers-only switch to next source. Yes, the name is quite vague but you can see that it's mapped to Alt + Shift.
  • iago-lito
    iago-lito almost 6 years
    @hb20007 I think this is the naive first try that surprisingly didn't work in my case back then. However, the navigation was a little different from the one you are describing. Which version of gnome are you talking about?
  • hb20007
    hb20007 almost 6 years
    gnome-shell --version gives 3.18.5
  • iago-lito
    iago-lito almost 6 years
    @hb20007 Okay, I get it then. This post is about a problem occuring on 3.22, which is the reason why it works fine in your case :)
  • php_nub_qq
    php_nub_qq over 2 years
    For anyone else wondering why this is not working for them - don't run it as root :)