Gnome 3.26 won't respect monitors.xml


This GNOME Shell Extension is supposed to fix this issue:

In case installing this doesn't work, you can also follow (archived copy), which suggests deleting your monitors.xml file and let GNOME recreate it.

In case that also doesn't work (my case under Arch Linux after energy saving), install xorg-xrandr, query your displays via xrandr and execute the following:

xrandr  --output <CON1> --pos 0x0 --output <CON2> --pos 1920x0 --output <CON3> --pos 3840x0

Where is the connection name from xrandr, for example DVI-0 or DisplayPort-0, I don't know whether your identifiers from monitor.xml (DP-1-2 and so on) also work or if they are the same.

The link above also describes how to automate this, I copy it here in case that links goes dead:


# -------------------------------------------------
#  Get monitors configuration from monitor.xml and apply it for current user session.
#  In case of multiple definitions in monitor.xml only first one is used.
#  See
#  for instructions
#  Parameters :
#    $1 : waiting time in sec. before forcing configuration (optional)
#  Revision history :
#    19/04/2014, V1.0 - Creation by N. Bernaerts
#    10/07/2014, V1.1 - Wait 5 seconds for X to fully initialize
#    01/09/2014, V1.2 - Correct NULL file bug (thanks to Ivan Harmady) and handle rotation
#    07/10/2014, V1.3 - Add monitors size and rate handling (idea from jescalante)
#    08/10/2014, V1.4 - Handle primary display parameter
#    08/12/2014, V1.5 - Waiting time in seconds becomes a parameter
# -------------------------------------------------

# monitor.xml path

# get number of declared monitors
NUM=$(xmllint --xpath 'count(//monitors/configuration['1']/output)' $MONITOR_XML)

# loop thru declared monitors to create the command line parameters
for (( i=1; i<=$NUM; i++)); do
  # get attributes of current monitor (name and x & y positions)
  NAME=$(xmllint --xpath 'string(//monitors/configuration['1']/output['$i']/@name)' $MONITOR_XML 2>/dev/null)
  POS_X=$(xmllint --xpath '//monitors/configuration['1']/output['$i']/x/text()' $MONITOR_XML 2>/dev/null)
  POS_Y=$(xmllint --xpath '//monitors/configuration['1']/output['$i']/y/text()' $MONITOR_XML 2>/dev/null)
  ROTATE=$(xmllint --xpath '//monitors/configuration['1']/output['$i']/rotation/text()' $MONITOR_XML 2>/dev/null)
  WIDTH=$(xmllint --xpath '//monitors/configuration['1']/output['$i']/width/text()' $MONITOR_XML 2>/dev/null)
  HEIGHT=$(xmllint --xpath '//monitors/configuration['1']/output['$i']/height/text()' $MONITOR_XML 2>/dev/null)
  RATE=$(xmllint --xpath '//monitors/configuration['1']/output['$i']/rate/text()' $MONITOR_XML 2>/dev/null)
  PRIMARY=$(xmllint --xpath '//monitors/configuration['1']/output['$i']/primary/text()' $MONITOR_XML 2>/dev/null)

  # if position is defined for current monitor, add its position and orientation to command line parameters
  [ -n "$POS_X" ] && PARAM_ARR=("${PARAM_ARR[@]}" "--output" "$NAME" "--pos" "${POS_X}x${POS_Y}" "--fbmm" "${WIDTH}x${HEIGHT}" "--rate" "$RATE" "--rotate" "$ROTATE")

  # if monitor is defined as primary, adds it to command line parameters
  [ "$PRIMARY" = "yes" ] && PARAM_ARR=("${PARAM_ARR[@]}" "--primary")

# if needed, wait for some seconds (for X to finish initialisation)
[ -n "$1" ] && sleep $1

# position all monitors
xrandr "${PARAM_ARR[@]}"


[Desktop Entry]
Name[en_US]=Update Monitors Position
Name=Update Monitors Position
Comment[en_US]=Force monitors position from monitor.xml
Comment=Force monitors position from monitor.xml

And then execute update-monitor-position.desktop at Startup Applications Preferences.

There is also another guide at

Author by


Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Naatan
    Naatan over 1 year

    I'm using Gnome-Shell 3.26 on Arch with 3 monitors (connected through a mini displayport to 3 HDMI hub). This hardware setup has worked fine with earlier versions of the software.

    The problem I'm facing is Gnome-Shell just WON'T respect my monitors.xml, I can get it to generate a new monitors.xml just by modifying my display configuration via the gnome settings interface, but as soon as I restart gnome shell (alt-f2: r) the display configuration reset altogether.

    This is my monitors.xml:

    <monitors version="2">
              <product>ASUS VS228</product>
              <product>ASUS VS228</product>

    This is the output of xrandr -q | grep " connected"

    eDP-1 connected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
    DP-1-1-1 connected 1920x1080+1920+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 476mm x 268mm
    DP-1-1-2 connected primary 1920x1080+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 598mm x 336mm
    DP-1-2 connected 1920x1080+3840+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 476mm x 268mm

    Why is my monitors.xml not being respected? Could something be overriding it?